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Don't Treat Me Like An Idiot!


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Another tactic when this happens again:

Excuse me but my t-bone steak did not have a bone and since I like to eat the bone and there was no bone, please provide a discount.

OK, the you ate the bone excuse is a very comical example of the kind of silliness that happens very often here. A real classic!

Edited by Jingthing
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On a lighter note, i took my thai wife to a restaurant in wales ( uk ) where we ate king prawns,. oh how i laughed when the waitress collected the plates and asked " where are the prawn tails etc " ? .my wifes eaten them i replied ! her face was a picture !

:D That got me in the beginning too. :D She likes them if they are crispy :o

My wife and her sister fight over the eyes and tail in a fish, as for the OP, well handled not sure if I would have been so calm.

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LMFAO, I never ever look at the date of a thread, only realised it was an old thread after reading Boo's post.

Well..if anyone took the time to read the 2nd post of this thread page..you will have noticed I mentioned that also. But, everyone was way too happy to rant away.

Carry on. :o

Edited by eek
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Went to a local restaurant last night for dinner.

Had the same meal as always, sirloin steak with japanese side dishes of sushi & the like. Good meal, a couple of bottle's of beer, the enjoyment of my wife's company.

When the bill came it listed a T Bone steak at twice the price of a sirloin.

I pointed this out to the waitress (new at this particular establishment, & judging by her age not a new-comer to the service industry). (thai language only)

The waitress said that I must be mistaken, I had definately eaten a T Bone. I told her that it was definately a sirloin. She said "no, definately a T bone, I served it to you, I should know". I then asked her where the bone was, & she replied "You must have eaten it sir".

By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

How many of you out there have had situations like this?



So, Come on, where did you hide the bone ??? No !!!! don't answer that one.

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics.

yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

How many of you out there have had situations like this?

Being overcharged - occassionally but much more likely in my experience in farung type restaurants. Resolved by politely asking to have the bill rechecked by the owner/manager

On those occasions when I couldn't get it done by the waitress directly concerned - each time.

Done with courtesy and decorum - everytime

Embarrassed to be sitting near some farung idiot screaming like a banshee because he perceived that he had been ripped off - evertime they do it.

I am surprised to read this - I figured you had lived in this country long enough to know that it happens and how to deal with it when it happens. The girl probably doesn't know the difference between a T-bone and a Sirloin.


crow boy, hysterical in this context generally means laughter. ie they were laughing and sorted it with the owner, who was a friend.

quality misread.

edit: did not see that this was an old thread, but, as a side note, soundman was alot more interesting when he was opening threads rather than closing them.

i cant imagine that being a moderator is any real fun.

Edited by t.s
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another useless thread. the OP made the waitress lose face, not nice

and another useless remark

the person corrected a mistake- I would of done the same

whats wrong with that? and this sort of thing is very common in thialand

in a way, he may of helped her because she may of leant something

thus improved herself

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another useless thread. the OP made the waitress lose face, not nice

and another useless remark

the person corrected a mistake- I would of done the same

whats wrong with that? and this sort of thing is very common in thialand

in a way, he may of helped her because she may of leant something

thus improved herself

You realy believe a Thai took the time to learn something worthwhile from a Farang when she had lost 'So much face' ? Probably still talking about 'That stupid Farang' , that is why this sort of thing is common in Thailand . :o

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