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China set to lead Thailand's international tourism recovery from August: C9 Hotelworks


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Thailand either have short memory’s or are simply beyond help ! Next you’ll be telling me we can fly to the moon with Thai airways total incompetence by Thailand .... no wonder the education system failing millions when the government cannot count past A.B.C plan A fails no plan B and as for C it ends with T 

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18 hours ago, sameasb4 said:

there where hordes of chinese before, they are the preferred visitor to thailand they where here on mass in janurary Thailand didnt get what europe got so they will be welcomed back with their even more preferred traveler

The govt would sell its soul to china has already outed filthy farangs so we will continue to be second.

I really wonder about selling it's soul to China.  If things continue with the pressure from the rest of the world China's total economy will be crashing and many will be suffering.  I believe China has some major tourist destinations within its own country that Chinese have not seen.  Just today as I watched the news it looked like the Great Wall was becoming a destination for all those that have been cooped up.  So lets just wait and see.  As far as August, That may be when we might see some restrictions listed, but who knows, I do not have a crystal ball, and all I am looking for is tomorrow and what it brings.....

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1 hour ago, TPUBON said:

Overseas? What sea are they traveling over? Overseas means traveling over the sea or beyond the sea. Merrian-Websters Dictionary. If they are really traveling overseas, they won't be coming here.

Some people don't quite get the concept of oceans. I was in a meeting with a client in the US, and they described the Toronto office as "offshore"!

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This obsession with the Chinese reminds me of when i was in Hong Kong back in 1996 and the locals were getting very rude concerning Gweilos (farangs) because they could see the handover coming up. Anyway one day i finally got one to crack and spit his guts out. What he told me was that us Gweilos could go home now because his Chinese brothers from the North are coming down and they're all going to be one happy Chinese family ..... Ha ha, i nearly wet myself when i heard this, but when i explained to him that the Northerners hated the Cantonese Chinese because you've all had it too easy under the British and when they come down you're going to wish for us Gweilos to come back he broke out in howls of laughter........ Not laughing now though...... 

Thailand swallowed the same pill back in the forties when the Japanese marched in and announced that they were all Asian brothers and that they had to get rid of the evil colonial "Farang" oppressor, then promptly set out to murder thousands of Asians.......  

This current love affair with the Chinese that the powers to be are having ( Not the people i might add ) will result in the same outcome, but they'll leg it of course as soon as the sticky stuff hits the fan and wish the people good luck from afar........    Sit back and watch.......  Cambodia's a good example at the moment......  

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2 minutes ago, brain150 said:

According to the man in charge, Bill Gates, there will be no travel until there is a vaccine !!!


COVID - Certification Of Vaccination ID


He is running through all news stations world wide getting more screen time than anybody else !!!

It is also the plan of the World Economic Forum or the WHO or the UN !!!


It is all over the news or Social Media.

You could also read Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

from the Rockefeller Foundation from back in 2010 or the Project ID2020.


Or you might want to read this:



There is no secret on what is about to come when these organizations have their way !!!

If the cattle want to remain cattle then this is what will happen !

If the cattle remembers that they are in fact human beings than there might be a chance to avoid this nightmare .... even so it's hard

to believe when everybody is running around with a stupid mask thinking that social distancing should be the "new normal".





Yeah a very dangerous man........  along with Fauci  ( Dr Mengele ) 

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18 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

I for one will walk a far away berth from the Chinese and will never forget or forgive their government and private sector for their bio (warfare) economic and life travesty either purposely or mistakenly released by them. And nothing can sway my thoughts that it was engineered. I hope Thailand is smart enough to not welcome the hordes of Chinese again as this is just not a smart idea.

and on top of that Chinese girls don't party

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Are you lot freeking crazy China should be made to lock their borders and no overseas travel, China has cost the world untold trillions of dollars with this latest virus but has also been responsible for the last three pandemics killing millions of people world wide, until they can stop the viruses by cleaning up their mess no government should let the chinese enter their country, but this virus is far from over and making these bring back the Chinese tourists statements is irresponsible and genuinely appalling to the population considering what they have done to the world.

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32 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I don't think Thailand or anyone else, me included, are going to miss whiners and complainers like yourself. I live here in Bankok and have traveled all over the area including Cambod and Laos, and the Thai people have treated me just fine. The only real a$$ho/es I've ever come across in 7 years have been farang, mostly bad behaving brits. A very  few other nationalities. And the only people who seem to badmouth Thailand on a regular basis have been brits who have gotten into trouble of their own making and want to blame Thailand. So goodbye to you, good riddance. The baht exchange is improving and life is good as far as I'm concerned. It will only get better in Thailand, everything changes and the pendulum swings both ways over time. Thailand has been here a lot longer that you and your forebears, and it will be here long afterward. I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who are happy to come here and maybe stay. So Get over yourself. BTW, I don't followup on topics nor do I read responses to posts, haven't got the time or inclination. I read one news story once, 5 minutes is all you get of my time.

The words "Pompous pratt" comes to mind...... Brits...... If it wasn't for the Brits mate Thailand would of been French..... And it's Bangkok not Bankok, at least know where you're living.......  Seven years !  

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20 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Well, if true, we need more tissues to clean up all the spit around us.

and taxi drivers will need to keep a check on the back seat floor. That's if they don't

smell it first.????

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not gonna happen. The Chinese were the first to be "banned" from Thailand. Do they really think that slight will not be forgotten? There are simply too many other nations to compete for the tourist dollar, and most are doing a better job. The Chinese will return, but I suspect the numbers will be far lower than before. You know what they say about putting all of your eggs in one basket? Thailand had been warned of the dangers of becoming too dependent on China for years. Now, after you have made your bed, you get to sleep in it. You have alienated all tourists but Indians and Chinese.


And as for the Western tourists? Not gonna happen either. Why? Quality Western tourists are declining here, in a big way, for a dozen very good reasons. You insulted us. You demeaned us. You accused us of being evil, and you accused us of being criminals. You mounted campaigns touting us as bad for the nation. You demonstrated deplorable amounts of racism and xenophobia, and fear of the outside world. Some of your officials even went as far as saying we prefer to have tourists that look more like us! And now you want us to come back? Really? How soon you forget. Sorry, but we have not forgotten what was done and said. Neither have the Chinese forgotten their ban. Not saying it was not the right thing to do. But, that does not necessarily make it less offensive to them. 


What alot of tourists worldwide have forgotten is the nation named Thailand. There are too many alternatives now, and they are not only trying harder, they actually have competent people in charge! Surprise!

I just hope that what you say is true and the Chinese don't start coming back to Thailand, but I doubt it.

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C9 Hotelworks is led by founder and Managing Director Bill Barnett.


This character is well known on Phuket, where he lives, for talking up tourism and promoting his hotel client base.

He would be well pleased with this national coverage afforded by TVF. 

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19 hours ago, tropo said:

What Europeans think of Thailand is beside the point. Europe is in the throws of a total economic collapse and the viral outbreak is yet to peak as the UK is fast catching up with Spain, France and Italy. Travelling Europeans to anywhere will be a rarity for years to come.


Thailand can thank the lucky stars they have China to fall back on.

Obviously a member of The WHO!

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New York, London, even India are warning that covid-19 is pushing the world into a global depression worse than the Great Depression of the 1930's.  


Global depression = nobody has money. 

No money = people stop buying <deleted>.

Nobody buying <deleted> = China gets no factory orders.

No factory orders = no money for China


Somehow, I don't think the Chinese are going to be vacationing just yet.




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20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not gonna happen. The Chinese were the first to be "banned" from Thailand. Do they really think that slight will not be forgotten? There are simply too many other nations to compete for the tourist dollar, and most are doing a better job. The Chinese will return, but I suspect the numbers will be far lower than before. You know what they say about putting all of your eggs in one basket? Thailand had been warned of the dangers of becoming too dependent on China for years. Now, after you have made your bed, you get to sleep in it. You have alienated all tourists but Indians and Chinese.


And as for the Western tourists? Not gonna happen either. Why? Quality Western tourists are declining here, in a big way, for a dozen very good reasons. You insulted us. You demeaned us. You accused us of being evil, and you accused us of being criminals. You mounted campaigns touting us as bad for the nation. You demonstrated deplorable amounts of racism and xenophobia, and fear of the outside world. Some of your officials even went as far as saying we prefer to have tourists that look more like us! And now you want us to come back? Really? How soon you forget. Sorry, but we have not forgotten what was done and said. Neither have the Chinese forgotten their ban. Not saying it was not the right thing to do. But, that does not necessarily make it less offensive to them. 


What alot of tourists worldwide have forgotten is the nation named Thailand. There are too many alternatives now, and they are not only trying harder, they actually have competent people in charge! Surprise!

Although I agree with the assessment regarding westerners you may be off base with your Chinese predictions.  Why?  Because there is a very good chance that while the rest of the world is sensibly blocking Chinese visitors due to the virus Thailand will have its doors wide open.  In short it may be the only country rolling out the red carpet.

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21 hours ago, ukrules said:

This is pure delusion.


The only way it will happen is when COVID disappears completely and China stops quarantining inbound international travelers for 14 days when they return to China.




Lets take this scenario 


borders are opened and a tour bus rolls up outside a mom and pop restaurant with 50 Chinese tourists what will the reaction be, will it be ye ha customers or will it be sorry the cooks not  well will people forget where this started (or how)  then again this is hypothetical because they don't eat in restaurants or spend any money other than 7/11 so why all the hype for Chinese  tourists  other than you wont see any westerners here until 2021 i feel, and if there is a relaxation of the lockdown to soon 2021  may turn into 2022.

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