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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:


If a woman, generally speaking is still attractive in her early 30's, even until 35, that is wonderful, it is wonderful that she has a great personality. But will that great personality really be enough for you when you have to wake up next to her and she looks like this?:

128 year old wife.jpg


I will be long gone from the life, before that happens! 

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I will be long gone from the life, before that happens! 

You say that and you laugh, but we are robust, healthy, strong men with good genes. It could be we live until 88 or 98. Maybe longer.


She could be 48 or 58. 


And you know what happens to a face that old, even the most beautiful are not immune, witness Brigitte Bardot.


We may be cursed to live through that experience we try so hard to avoid.


Just saying.


5 minutes ago, Logosone said:


If a woman, generally speaking is still attractive in her early 30's, even until 35, that is wonderful, it is wonderful that she has a great personality. But will that great personality really be enough for you when you have to wake up next to her and she looks like this?:

128 year old wife.jpg

I guess that might please some as given the usual age difference they would have to live to about 140

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:


I've also heard great things about the south, Surat Thani in particular. Would love to go visit there at one point. 


I'm sure the air quality is better there. When I was walking in Bang Na, Bangkok, the thick polluted vile air made me understand I could never live in Bangkok, even though I love the city and all it has to offer.


The south could be an option, but you'd have to consider, is internet just as fast down there, do they cater as much to European tourists with French Bakeries, German products, Italian food, Spanish Jamon Serrano, do they have as good quality shopping since shopping in Chiang Mai and Bangkok is very good indeed, are the restaurants as good, are there international schools if you want to send children to get a decent education...


As nice as the area is, the above things probably don't apply.

 i was in songkhla. other than surat, hat yai and  nakhon si there is not much at all for foreigners down there outside of the tourist places (the islands). it is a different world compared to around bkk and what not. personally i find it to be a more true representation of this country. 


plus southern girls are quite cute.

  • Like 1
42 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Nah. Although I love younger women, mine is in her early 30's now, and is still really lovely. And I am getting older too. Her other qualities mean alot more to me now, than ever before. So, I think I will be just fine. Heart and soul, a great companion, and loving being with someone count for alot, especially when she is as amazing as she is, on a consistent and daily basis. Even with the best of the best, I never experienced her level of emotional consistency back in the US. Never even close.

I am afraid a large percentage of guys posting here won't have a clue what you are talking about and probably wouldn't believe you even if they did understand.????

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, mr mr said:

 i was in songkhla. other than surat, hat yai and  nakhon si there is not much at all for foreigners down there outside of the tourist places (the islands). it is a different world compared to around bkk and what not. personally i find it to be a more true representation of this country. 


plus southern girls are quite cute.

Would love to see the south. The best food comes from there as well.


As for living though, without all the amenities of BKK or CM, not really an option.

31 minutes ago, villagefarang said:
1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Heart and soul, a great companion, and loving being with someone count for alot, especially when she is as amazing as she is, on a consistent and daily basis. Even with the best of the best, I never experienced her level of emotional consistency back in the US. Never even close.

I am afraid a large percentage of guys posting here won't have a clue what you are talking about and probably wouldn't believe you even if they did understand.


  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Thank you for your post. Many of us enjoy very good lives here. Sure we have some issues. But, I would have issues with anyplace I lived. I am able to live quite well here, without a fortune in income. I have been blessed with the kind of woman I never would have been able to find in the US. Never. It just does not happen. Most of my friends back there barely even date anymore, as the whole "process" is so difficult. Unless you are under 30, and very, very handsome, forget about it. I do not know about the rest of you, but I like my woman to be able to express the dignity and beauty within femininity. That seems to be encouraged here, and nearly forbidden back there. 


Thailand is still reasonable. It used to be cheap. Has not been cheap for a long time. But, it is still reasonable. I know people who pay 10,000 baht a month for newer 3 bedroom houses in nice towns. In major cities in the US? $2000-3800 a month. That is 120,000 baht! 


I had my motorbike seat recently redone on my scooter. 400 baht. A friend of mine had similar work done in the US. $275. 

I recently had a guy come over and insulate my ceiling. I bought the insulation and paid him 2000 baht for labor. In the US? $800 and up.

I recently had an electrician do some work on the house. Nearly a full day of work. Paid him 1000 baht. In the US? $800 and up.

Body work? Had my car gone over, removed a few dents, repainted the front end, and touched up the whole car. Looks like new. Cost 8,000 baht. In the US? $1,700 and up. Those guys are not neurosurgeons. So, why are the shops charging $300 an hour? 

An oil change for my scooter costs me 200 baht, with Castrol oil. In the US? $75.

When I travel here I stay in nice four star hotels in Bangkok. 1800-2000 baht. In the US? $130 for a crappy motel. $200 and up for a nice room, that is not as nice as the room I get in Bangkok for $60. On the road here? Decent rooms for $15 to $20. Room service for a decent meal? $5-10. In the US. $30 and up. 

I eat well here. In a smaller town you can get a three course meal for 200-250 baht. In the US? 2000 baht and up, plus tax and a nearly mandatory 15% tip. And I get more gratitude here for a 20 baht tip, than I do in the US for a $20 tip. And better service too, with the exception of specialized areas, like wine service. 

I visit the emergency room here to visit a specialist, and with x-rays I am out the door for 2000 baht, at a private hospital. In the US? $300-2000. A visit to a specialist in the US? $200-400 for a six minute visit. 

Friends of mine, who are single, enjoy the company of a young, beautiful woman for a couple of hours, for 2500 baht. In the US? $800 an hour now for a decent looking gal, and she will likely have an attitude and not be light hearted and fun. 


I could go on and on, all day long. I live at a level here, that I would never be able to live at, in the US, in most of Europe, in Oz, or Canada. Does not mean I could not move there. But, unless someone was paying me $1,000,000 a year, why would I do that? 

Sorry but you have no clue the prices you are spewing out. At 2.75% interest houses are quite cheap. Do the math.


$800 an hour for a girl in the USA means you have no clue at all.


You can buy an entire seat for a Honda Wave for well less than $100, brand new.


Oil change $75 for a scooter, you are just flat out making things up Mike. How much do you think 1 quart of oil costs?


It costs me around $30 to have the oil changed in my car, topping off all fluids, checking filters, etc.


$800 day for electrician's in the USA? Where, I want to apply for a job. 


Two things? You should learn how to do things for yourself


You don't have any where near the quality of life I do and I don't make a million a year.


You are over exaggerating everything. 


There are some dumb Thai girls in Florida that will go with you for a few beers and a meal. $800 is a real laugh.


Do you even own a house because we know you don't own any land?



  • Sad 2
12 hours ago, Yinn said:

I am not upper class. Normal person. 


My freind sell Phuket hotel 100 millionUSD.  7 sister and brother share.

she loso. But big money! 

Better than hiso, no money!

What's the name of the hotel?

  • Haha 2
13 hours ago, Yinn said:

2 million. Long time ago now. 4 years.

Salary? Pffft 


If you need loan, I will help you. Only 3%

Per month. 

You must have chanote. 




that is not proof of anything, show the inside of the book. Pretty much doubt your name is Yinn either, however if you show the inside of this book, you will have nothing to hide. If you don't show it, well we know the answer.

  • Haha 1
13 hours ago, Yinn said:

What her job when meet together?

My wife read your post's and said your English is very poor, from low class University.

  • Haha 2
13 hours ago, Yinn said:

I work at my freind hotel songkran and farang new year, = uni holiday time. Is not my “career”. 

Songkran and farang new year have 1) many customer 2) the worker want to have holiday. 



If you have so many millions why are you working such a meaningless job?

14 hours ago, 473geo said:

There has to be something strange about questioning a strangers bank balance after it has already been displayed on the forum, along with travel photographs in India, we are not talking your average Thai lady here who is straight from the garden of Isaan - understand?

Where is her full bankbook shown?


You have no clue about this person, understand?


She was denied a VISA to Australia for a reason. Got it now?


I know many average women who got a VISA to Australia.

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, 473geo said:

Suppose daddy owned the hotel? - Give it up guys you have no idea how Yinn may have been funded

Pay attention, she already said she worked a hotel her friends owned and sold.

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, 473geo said:

Not if they wanted to travel, as Yinn has, and wanted to hang onto the nest egg, christ people go around the world doing menial tasks to pay for their next flight, where have you been all your life?

Well she didn't travel to Australia did she?

1 hour ago, Logosone said:

Would love to see the south. The best food comes from there as well.


As for living though, without all the amenities of BKK or CM, not really an option.

it was 2003 when i first lived in songkhla. amenities lol 

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Where is her full bankbook shown?


You have no clue about this person, understand?


She was denied a VISA to Australia for a reason. Got it now?


I know many average women who got a VISA to Australia.

I think you might read the whole thread  - thank you

6 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Pay attention, she already said she worked a hotel her friends owned and sold.

After I made this comment

2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I like my women to be ready to bang when I feel like it, weigh less than 50Kg, and be under 35 years old.


Nothing else really matters.

I am 37 and appreciate similar things but would add that I'd go older if the weight went down, between 45-50kg up to 45 years old if they look good.

Can't say I am a fan of older women who keep their hair short tho. I don't like it.





  • Like 1
15 hours ago, 473geo said:

Come on, you are not suggesting every person with money had to be a wage earner and save!! But for example if your parents own land they could guarantee a loan if their offspring wanted to make a purchase and was on a wage with agreed payments. The reason every Thai is not rich is because mostly land that is developed and bought well prior to development would give a good return. Out in the sticks where I live land for building is 5x what it was a few years ago and yes young people are buying it and building on a mortgage

5x for you farang.


probably -5x if you didn't show your face and let your wife buy it.


Out in our sticks, land is cheap as dirt Thai to Thai.


They probably already got wind you are a farang, therefore, according to Thai logic, you must be rich and can afford to pay 5X.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, bwpage3 said:

5x for you farang.


probably -5x if you didn't show your face and let your wife buy it.


Out in our sticks, land is cheap as dirt Thai to Thai.


They probably already got wind you are a farang, therefore, according to Thai logic, you must be rich and can afford to pay 5X.

Actually that is the price my wifes cousins recently paid we bought our land earlier and cheaper

14 hours ago, 473geo said:

There has to be something strange about questioning a strangers bank balance after it has already been displayed on the forum, along with travel photographs in India, we are not talking your average Thai lady here who is straight from the garden of Isaan - understand?

Thai hotel receptionist earning 12k/month has money to travel to India and 2M savings in the bank?

I would assume a foreign sponsor paying for everything.

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

How do you know where she comes from.......?..........:whistling:


What is wrong with Isaan folk, I am married to one....? ........................????   


You were fighting tooth and nail for Yinn during her POTY campaign, so perhaps you should come clean here.............????

Well there are times I take people s word for things if it has no real effect on me - Yinn says she comes from Rayong - no reason to question 


I am married to an Isaan lady too but she is far above average I would expect you view your wife the same way


Yes I supported Yinn to balance the onslaught from the fearsome old fossils and others which I thought considering the way she was treated she handled exceptionally well

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6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You seem a bit gullible,

They probably lied about the price to you, hoping for a handout either now or in the future.

If you speak Thai they probably all lie to you about the price of everything all the time.

If you have an 'interpreter', maybe the lying all comes from that source.

You seem to be surrounded by people you do not trust

I am fine thanks

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Thai hotel receptionist earning 12k/month has money to travel to India and 2M savings in the bank?

I would assume a foreign sponsor paying for everything.

Read the thread

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