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Britons fear leaving homes even if lockdown lifted, poll shows


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On 5/1/2020 at 6:34 AM, snoop1130 said:

Britain has been on lockdown since March 23 but on Thursday Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the country was now past the peak of the pandemic and promised to set out a plan next week on how it might start gradually easing restrictions to allow a return to normal life.


I swear my understanding of the Covid-19 situation gets worse instead of better as this thing goes along. With over 6000 new case reported in the UK in the past day or two, how is it determined that they are now past the peak and should start planning for easing of restrictions? I would LOVE to believe that it's true and easing up is sensible, but it just doesn't compute for me. Somebody please explain to me what I'm missing, so i can have some optimism about things. If they are past the peak, shouldn't the number of confirmed cases be dropping off substantially? 

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3 hours ago, Inn Between said:


I swear my understanding of the Covid-19 situation gets worse instead of better as this thing goes along. With over 6000 new case reported in the UK in the past day or two, how is it determined that they are now past the peak and should start planning for easing of restrictions? I would LOVE to believe that it's true and easing up is sensible, but it just doesn't compute for me. Somebody please explain to me what I'm missing, so i can have some optimism about things. If they are past the peak, shouldn't the number of confirmed cases be dropping off substantially? 

I believe they are looking at how full the hospitals are.  The pressure on the hospitals has eased, which hopefully will allow the economy to open up again, alas, slowly

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4 hours ago, torturedsole said:

I work in London (at least until six weeks ago) and more chance of getting stabbed to death than dying of C19.  

Well actually no, there isn’t.


In the whole of 2019 there were 90 fatal stabbing in London.


So far this year there have been 5098 positively confirmed by test, COVID-19 deaths in London hospitals alone.





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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well actually no, there isn’t.


In the whole of 2019 there were 90 fatal stabbing in London.


So far this year there have been 5098 positively confirmed by test, COVID-19 deaths in London hospitals alone.






What are the odds of getting stabbed by someone with Covid ??

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On 5/2/2020 at 9:44 AM, Pilotman said:

Told my eldest, who lives in London , that they would have to drag me back to the UK screaming.  They are all paranoid and fearful, most of it driven by an irresponsible media.  She was not impressed with my view that the quicker they can get back to something like normal, the faster society and the economy will recover.  But I don't envy them.  

Hardly a bed of roses here though is it. I very much doubt that your eldest would come and live here??

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The USA still does not seem to understand that this virus is not just another flu.

  Only a few days ago I heard a reporter on TV say that masks are not needed

unless you have symptoms or worked in a hospital or in the health industry.

  When I see the people protesting, or ganging up in their state government

buildings, with all their guns and gear, no masks or social distancing, I am not

surprised of the over 1 million cases, and likely over 100 thousand deaths so

far. I have no plans to go to the USA for at least 3 years, maybe by then they

will get control of the virus and take it seriously. If Trump is still in power, I may

delay my visit until someone one else is President.


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14 hours ago, Inn Between said:


I swear my understanding of the Covid-19 situation gets worse instead of better as this thing goes along. With over 6000 new case reported in the UK in the past day or two, how is it determined that they are now past the peak and should start planning for easing of restrictions? I would LOVE to believe that it's true and easing up is sensible, but it just doesn't compute for me. Somebody please explain to me what I'm missing, so i can have some optimism about things. If they are past the peak, shouldn't the number of confirmed cases be dropping off substantially? 

I am told that the deaths within old peoples homes had not been included in previous figures but they have now been added giving a higher reading . Old peoples homes are a soft target for the virus as the older folks have very low immune systems .

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15 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Britain didn't get it right and many misjudgements took place.  But nor did most other countries.  Even Germany made the mistake of trying to ease the lockdown too early.  We are all feeling our way and trying to, at the same time, make sure our economy doesn't completely collapse.


Whatever the government does, it won't be right.  But that is because there is no "right" way,  just a series of damage limitation measures and a large dose of hoping for the best.  Nobody has the answers because this is uncharted territory.  Eventually there will be the inevitable inquest and then a lot of ducking and diving.  Fingers will be pointed and it will become a political football to be kicked around for years and years.

Well I hope not just a political football but SAGE should be in the spot light . An open and honest enquiry based on the SAGE input and UK government performance is the least that should happen and that is as a minimum  based on what we owe to the heroic doctors , nurses and other  front line workers especially those who gave their lives because of inappropriate ppe .

I am also surprised that there was no coalition as these were / are desperate times and all hands on board  to brainstorm the crisis . Cannot gain political brownie points from an event such as this .  

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