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UK says China has questions to answer over novel coronavirus outbreak


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9 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The time for the post mortem on this is after we’ve all got it under control and have come through it and our economies are back to normal,” Wallace said.”


I look forward to this ‘post mortem’ but get your own house in order before you go pointing any fingers at the Chinese.

Well isn't that what he said?? The only thing for sure is this bug came out of China so to me his statement makes complete sense.

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23 minutes ago, nauseus said:

There are thousands of possible disasters that threaten countries. How can they prepare to combat all of them? Strong health systems in poor countries would be great but there is a problem there, isn't there?


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8 hours ago, pegman said:

The usual suspects lining up to be chief American lapdog. Fact is the Brits and Americans should investigate their own responses to the pandemic before any others. Between them tens of thousands have died because BoJo & Trump got it so wrong. 

The point is the origins of the virus ???? 


Interesting this:


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2 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

China's going to end up alone on this one. 

They skrewed friend and foe alike.  Even their traditional backers like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc have been devastated and will be wanting payment for what China's virus did to their countries and economies. 

I should think so too.

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11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The time for the post mortem on this is after we’ve all got it under control and have come through it and our economies are back to normal,” Wallace said.”


I look forward to this ‘post mortem’ but get your own house in order before you go pointing any fingers at the Chinese.


Which most certainly applies to the fragmenting EU which called for similar before Australia and the UK but immediately backed down with a whimper when China didn't like it!



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9 hours ago, pegman said:

The usual suspects lining up to be chief American lapdog. Fact is the Brits and Americans should investigate their own responses to the pandemic before any others. Between them tens of thousands have died because BoJo & Trump got it so wrong. 

What exactly did BoJo & Trump get 'so wrong'. 


Is it that neither of them were able to see into the future and under estimate the evil power of a virus that no one in living memory could have contemplated being among us so rapidly and in such an effective manner.


No one in the world including yourself knew what to expect except possibly the CCP.


If it had been expected adequate precautions would have been made in advance just as before WW2 every Briton was issued with a gas mask. This time we did not have enough time to issue even medical staff with effective personal protection clothing and equipment.


Boris was taken so unaware of what to expect and to such an extent that he almost died of CV19 so what exactly did he get 'wrong'?


Surely you don't think he was expecting to be at death's door as a result of a disease that had broken out 6,000 miles away a few weeks previously. Trump was even geographically further away, and you can bet he'll be a lot more cautious than Boris was.

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The really interesting question is if this pandemic was caused by the Chinese harvesting coronaviruses from bats.


Shi Zhengli obviously wanted to do her bit for science in harvesting the coronaviruses but if she, or someone like her, was responsible for bringing the coronavirus which caused the outbreak to Wuhan then the whole thing of harvesting coronaviruses from bats needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Especially in China. 



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5 hours ago, sitti said:

This is laughable. A country that relies on Chinese money, even more so after Brexit, is in no position to tough talk with China???? In fact brits should question themselves for <deleted> poor jobs they had done responding to Cod19 threats.

The UK did not receive any threats. CV19 hit us out of the blue just like it did every on else.

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9 hours ago, ukrules said:

That's what happens when you trust the official Chinese numbers and use them as the basis for your calculations.


China are bound by long standing agreements, international treaties, etc, etc to report accurate information


Now we know to disregard them obviously incorrect numbers things are starting to look very different.


You would blame the Americans and British for this?


Would you trust trump and johnson more than Xi? Both have an abysmal disregard for the truth and with the worlds worst records on C19, much blood on their hands.

I don’t trust any of them but look where we are now, China is opening up.

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25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

What exactly did BoJo & Trump get 'so wrong'. 


Is it that neither of them were able to see into the future and under estimate the evil power of a virus that no one in living memory could have contemplated being among us so rapidly and in such an effective manner.


No one in the world including yourself knew what to expect except possibly the CCP.


If it had been expected adequate precautions would have been made in advance just as before WW2 every Briton was issued with a gas mask. This time we did not have enough time to issue even medical staff with effective personal protection clothing and equipment.


Boris was taken so unaware of what to expect and to such an extent that he almost died of CV19 so what exactly did he get 'wrong'?


Surely you don't think he was expecting to be at death's door as a result of a disease that had broken out 6,000 miles away a few weeks previously. Trump was even geographically further away, and you can bet he'll be a lot more cautious than Boris was.

This I believe is what they call blind faith. 

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nobody on this earth is going to be able to tell China to do anything, anything said contrary to what China stated is only political bs posturing. Unless countries are ready to take them on militarily - which no one has the cojones to do, otherwise they should just shut up and get on with it.. 

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Actually there is another interesting development - France had a case on the 27th December. And he never left France and had no direct contact with tourists. There is a tenuous connection via his wife.

This raises the possibility that the viruses origins are even further back, in  November. Early cases were just recorded as pneumonia. And it could, in reality, have started somewhere other than the wet market or the virus lab.


Just like HIV, which has been found in blood samples from the 1950's. That took a long time to spread (although of course HIV didn't have the means to spread anything like as fast). Corona could have existed in some remote village near a bat cave, with locals mainly immune - a couple of deaths a year.

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2 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:



 Just google covid 19 not made in lab . lots of posts from real scientists who write in detail about DNA manipulation. No conspiracy theories, no politically motivated nonsense from Trump, Pompeo etc. No crackpot pseudoscience from dubious websites. You will notice that when they are not sure, or don't have enough evidence to say, real scientists say there is not enough evidence. The key to good science is doubt, and enquiry, not a characteristic of fake news sites. To read this topic you would think that TV is full of experts on the micro analysis of DNA manipulation. Conversations in the bars of Pataya must have been fascinating before lockdown. "Tell me Bert, what are your thoughts on possible alternatives to the Crispr technique" The Monty Python skit would have been a killer. 



That reads like you have read stuff that ticks your boxes, you keep reading for a fuller picture.....:coffee1:

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13 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I suggest you try reading some real Science, and when you understand it you may avoid such pompous one liners.


The gap between my post and yours was too small for you to actually read the article. Try it, there are not too many long words I promise

I do not read your article links.......Pointless........So there....????

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