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Pompeo blames China for hundreds of thousands of virus deaths, denies inconsistency


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China and America are both complicit in this damned debacle....afterall the lab was picked by Fauci to do research on bat related Corona virus and millions of Uncle Sam's were provided to do it.

But let's not let that get in the way of the holier than thou attitude....

Edited by UncleMhee
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24 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

doesn't matter in politics.  quotes from this interview, along with bleach and body lights and praising xi, will be run on every teevee and radio station in every market in the us running up to the election.


look for especially heavy coverage in congressional districts with weak republican majorities and in swing states.


i'm calling the election now.  the winner will be "not trump", regardless of whomever the democrats finally decide on.  sheesh!  even biden should be a slam-dunk after this.


back on topic, if you prefer, trump/pompeo now have to release their significant information.  they need something absolutely yuuuuuge to make this go away!

Trump's base will come to vote for him, no matter what he says. The only way to beat him is to drum up enthousiasm for the democratic candidate. If this helps, excellent, but I'm afraid that the democratic candidate is too weak no matter the arguments against Trump. He can basically do whatever he wants and say whatever he likes, as long as he wins the battleground states. It as about the democrats, not about Trump.

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53 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Not playing your straw man game, and I damn sure won't be Kow Tow-ing China. 


An Investigation needs to be brought against them to know exactly how far their initial cover up went. 

strawman?  these are trump's claims.  it's a deadly pandemic unleashed on an unsuspecting world, yet on the other hand it's just the flu, bro.  he's gotta pick one or the another.


he's failed to provide "significant" evidence that leads to high certainty.  and now he seems to be doubling down on just the flu.


He then plucked his own surmising of a likely death rate out of the air.

“You know, all of a sudden it seems like 3 or 4%, which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of 1%,” he said, perhaps referring to the typical death rate for influenza, which is well below 1%.

Trump said: “But again, they don’t know about the easy cases because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases. So I think that that number is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1%.”





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13 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Trump's base will come to vote for him, no matter what he says. The only way to beat him is to drum up enthousiasm for the democratic candidate. If this helps, excellent, but I'm afraid that the democratic candidate is too weak no matter the arguments against Trump. He can basically do whatever he wants and say whatever he likes, as long as he wins the battleground states. It as about the democrats, not about Trump.

exactly.  same as last election.


the winner was "anyone but her."

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1 hour ago, Mama Noodle said:


Sure, and rightfully so, but since you are just an 'observer' why is it that everyone who is so hyper-opinionated about Trump and his AG that they are willing to forgive and forget Chinas role in the pandemic, their coverups, their disappearing of journalists and doctors, their extreme censorship and control over their populations, their threats to western nations calling for inquiries, their disinformation campaigns on western social media that they themselves ban from their own population.... 


I could go on for days, but you know, Trump. Or something ????

Don't forget the compulsory POTUS insertion in every mention though????

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9 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

exactly.  same as last election.


the winner was "anyone but her."

One can only hope. Difference is the Trump  enough to require the democrats to come in big numbers. And that may be an issue.

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14 minutes ago, stevenl said:

One can only hope. Difference is the Trump  enough to require the democrats to come in big numbers. And that may be an issue.


Especially when local Democrat leadersh*t starts arresting local business owners and harassing homeowners at their front door. 

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1 minute ago, Mama Noodle said:


Especially when local Democrat leadersh*t starts arresting local business owners and harassing homeowners at their front door. 

It's a sad state of affairs when politics, and even worse an upcoming election, and there is always one of those, are more important than the law and just policies.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

It's a sad state of affairs when politics, and even worse an upcoming election, and there is always one of those, are more important than the law and just policies.


Pretty serious word salad right there ^ 


But pandemics do not remove the constitution/bill of rights. There is no asterisk* near any amendment that notes "during a pandemic we can eliminate civil liberties" 

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2 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Pretty serious word salad right there ^ 


But pandemics do not remove the constitution/bill of rights. There is no asterisk* near any amendment that notes "during a pandemic we can eliminate civil liberties" 

Absolutely nothing to do with my post.

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8 minutes ago, Tug said:

We all know it started in China just like you do what gets lots of people <deleted> off is trumps bungled LATE response let’s focus on getting it under control it’s painfully obvious trump is trying to scapegoat China to deflect attention away from his failed response that is what people are pointing out it originated in China everybody knows it’s old news come on November enough of this disfunction


Do you know what a run-on sentence is? 

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5 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Pompeo was only the ventriloquists dummy, almost to the word, in spite of what the intelligence says. 


The intelligence says that China silenced whistleblowers, disappeared activists, and downplayed the severity to hoard PPE. Do you deny it? 


7 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Not one person I have read has not accepted that the virus originated in China, however slating blame and making threats to play down ones own incompetence is how cowards operate, not the alleged leader of the western world  


Thats not what is being argued and you know it. Yes, everyone knows it originated in China, and everyone knows that China, again:


Silenced whistleblowers, disappeared activists, and downplayed the severity to hoard PPE. All the while blocking international journalists and booting them out of the country. 


I mean do you guys really think that outside of this little ThaiVisa bubble you love shouting into that people across the world are gonna let that sh*t slide? 


And thats on top of every other nefarious act that china does against the western world.... 


The facts remain, you guys have no legs and no spine. Might as well just let the communists have at it because in y'alls narrow mind, somehow, Trump is worse than Communist China. 

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12 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


The intelligence says that China silenced whistleblowers, disappeared activists, and downplayed the severity to hoard PPE. Do you deny it? 


This is really not related to China's social situation. Nice deflection.


This is about Trump and Pompeo contradicting their own intelligence sources, again nice deflection.

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3 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

I take my information from credible sources, and not just USA based sources, I do not live in a Thai bubble, and access information from across the globe.

I would like to read your intelligence reports and links on all your assertions.

Jump outside your WH bubble and see the world past Washington, and see how credible the USA sources appear to others, and I do not mean China

You are free to remove your MAGA blinkers ,.

Using terms like, liberals, leftists, communists undermines your debate as I said before.

You have made so many assumptions in your blind defense of incompetence it is staggering.


So you deny everything I posted. Good to know.

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Just now, RJRS1301 said:

The intelligence says that China silenced whistleblowers, disappeared activists, and downplayed the severity to hoard PPE. Do you deny it? 

Source and reference please, or is that another biased opinion. They possibly hoarded the PPE because not only did they have it in stock, and manufactured it, none was on order for others, especially since the pandemic task force was defunded by POTUS as unnecessary. The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.

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