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Do the numbers equate to locking down the whole world?

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5 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

It's generally accepted right now that it's about 10 times more deadly than the flu, not 30 - 40 times more deadly. 



Nope. More than that. Also, don't forget that it if it is more transmissible (which it is), then there will be more deaths. I don't now where it is "generally accepted", but, it certainly isn't by the scientific community.


Scroll down to death rate. Lots of other links. You should take a look.


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11 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Lmao, this isn't the black plague quit being hysterical. 


Im sure you dont have to worry much about it now, but you better hope things start getting better, and your pension doesn't take a hit followed by heavy inflation. 

I don't receive a pension and never will.

Doubt very much that inflation will raise it's head. The USA is now talking about negative interest rates.

As a saver, I've been shafted for nearly three decades......I can take a bit more.

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15 minutes ago, johng said:

No,  makes no sense unless the reason is to achieve "something else"

The longer this goes on, the more people start to wake up. This was never about a virus. Anyone thinking this will be a "V" recovery will be incredibly disappointed. The danger of course is that if everything opens and the economy is in depression, Trump would lose the election. He has a much better chance to win by delaying any opening until after the election. Then he can blame the economy on the shutdown. Ignore what he says to the contrary.

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2 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


End of the day, whatever the position you are in, you clearly have no fear of losing income or going bust so to me you don't have skin in the game. 


You can take all the shaft you want, doesn't mean the rest of us have to.

I can assure you that I would choose my parents (if they were alive) over money. Can you say the same thing?

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5 minutes ago, NotYourBusiness said:

The longer this goes on, the more people start to wake up. This was never about a virus. Anyone thinking this will be a "V" recovery will be incredibly disappointed. The danger of course is that if everything opens and the economy is in depression, Trump would lose the election. He has a much better chance to win by delaying any opening until after the election. Then he can blame the economy on the shutdown. Ignore what he says to the contrary.


The emperor wears no clothes.


My perception is that the economy is suffering because of the shutdowns, and Trump has positioned himself as "relatively" anti-lockdown compared to the Democrats, so I expect the election to be close.  Both sides will try to blame each other for nature, heh.


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2 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

And then you all die of starvation because you have no money, this is what will happen in poorer countries without government welfare.

Can't have that. In the USA government welfare = socialism = communism.

They kind of ignore that the Nordic countries which have the best standard of living in the world are all socialist.

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thing is that this virus moved fast, and no way to tell where it will stop.

the only way to stop was and still is the lockdown.

without the lockdown is could spread , theoretically, endlessly

and kill even half the world population.

even without the lockdown the world economy would come to a halt, as

so many people will not go to work because they will have to look

after their loved ones or will have troubles (teachers died and parents

need to look after the children).

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2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

the Nordic countries which have the best standard of living in the world are all socialist.

the nordic countries do not have the best standards of life (well maybe according to their

standards) and anyway they would not been able to pay their bills if not for the

capitalistic countries that they do business with.

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27 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Show me a quote from a legitimate scientific community consensus that states that virus is 30 to 40 times more deadly than the flu and Ill gladly eat crow. 



Here you go.

Last sub-paragraph under the paragraph "How are COVID19 and flu viruses different. You might need your calculator.



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1 minute ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

the nordic countries do not have the best standards of life (well maybe according to their

standards) and anyway they would not been able to pay their bills if not for the

capitalistic countries that they do business with.

Rubbish. It's due to their high tax rates.

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