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Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine as hedge against virus

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16 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I know about the dangers. I lived in Ghana in a very rural setting and was given a wealth of information on the dangers of the malaria drugs including HCQ that we were given for use. 

I am asking about clinical research proving it acts a prophylaxis. 


Which I provided, once.

28 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

Actually I for one agree with his response which actually contained some facts and specific instances, unlike “ Also your other statements are incorrectly” which was your witty  academic response.

You're omitting the first 2 claims he made which I debunked. I'll leave the rest of his incorrect claims to someone else.

You agreeing with incorrect claims is ok, I'm used to it.

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So who is right and who is wrong?
No we have the answer:



The virus was caused or exacerbated by the political party I disfavor.
If persons in the party I favored were listened to, this would not have been as big a crisis.

The virus spread so rapidly because of the actions of the party I disfavor.

The party I favor helped stem the tide and saved lives.

The crisis would have ended sooner, and more lives would have been saved, if the people in the party I hate were ignored.

Science saved us!

This eternal truth was found by William M. Briggs, source of the quote: https://wmbriggs.com/post/30833

6 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Does he snort it or shoot it up, or shove it up, is that what you're saying. ????????


Seriously though this topic has degenerated into "Trump is great now let's look for an excuse for his absurd behaviour" Trumpers.

or "Trump is a raving nutter, but we are getting exhausted by him proving it day after day". Anti- Trumpers. 


When I travelled to India in the early 1990s my Scottish doctor insisted I take chloroquine to avoid Malaria, 1 week before leaving, all the time there, and for 4 weeks on return. It made me feel absolutely Krapp. Next time I visited, a good local Indian doctor said "What the hell are you doing that for, you will seriously damage your liver". "These drugs are a TREATMENT for the illness, not a way of avoiding it; any people who want to spend any length of time here would be crazy to take these drugs unless they are actually ill". I guess TV folk who live in Thailand don't spend their time taking prophylactics, even if they think celestial bodies radiate from DT's posterior. 


Now that is for drugs that actually work, there is no real evidence that it does work for Covid-19. I did read that the Trump family has investments in a major Hydrochloroquine manufacturer, sorry can't find the link now,  NYT I think. I'll look again later.


Absolutely spot on. 

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3 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

What does that even mean? You're not taking hydroxychloroquine, are you?


I mean there's the lesser of two evils, bad and worse, <deleted> and syphiilis. And then there's Biden. Why would anyone enthusiastically support that choice when the process that led to his nomination wasn't even close to democratic? We Democrats had atleast a dozen better choices than Biden. So how did he become inevitable?


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6 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

When I travelled to India in the early 1990s my Scottish doctor insisted I take chloroquine to avoid Malaria, 1 week before leaving, all the time there, and for 4 weeks on return. It made me feel absolutely Krapp.

I had a different experience with my GP practice in the UK, which had a practice nurse specialised in vaccines.


Prior to backpacking around S.E. Asia, 10 years ago. I had a consultation as to what vaccinations I might need for my trip. I had previously done some research on the internet and discovered that Hydroxychloroquine appeared to be the only reliable preventative to malaria. During my consultation, I mentioned a course of Hydroxychloroquine. The nurse strongly recommended against it, due to it making you feel unwell and possibly ruin your holiday, also the fact that it was well known for causing heart arrhythmias, which have been known to lead to death. Prescription refused.

  • Thanks 1
9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

With the study you asked for in it.

No, I asked for links to clinical studies proving hcq works as a prophylaxis.

I have seen no video in this thread and in any case would want more than YouTube as a source of data. 

As I said, I’ll go with the medical experts who have done their research. 

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4 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Because I will enthusiastically support anyone or anything that runs against the travesty that is currently making a mockery of the Presidency and of democracy.


I read a Twitter thing the other day related to Biden's sexual assault of his office worker. The Tweet said "I'd let Biden molest my own child and I'd still vote for him over that "something"" , I forget.  That is further down the rabbit hole than I'd be willing to go.

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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, I asked for links to clinical studies proving hcq works as a prophylaxis.

I have seen no video in this thread and in any case would want more than YouTube as a source of data. 

As I said, I’ll go with the medical experts who have done their research. 


The YouTube I gave you is the medical study. All the pages of the study are in the Youtube for you to read. Like a PDF, you know? Jesus!

9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


The YouTube I gave you is the medical study. All the pages of the study are in the Youtube for you to read. Like a PDF, you know? Jesus!

You did not give me a YouTube video. 

I prefer to read. 


Send me a link to the pdf based on clinical studies into the effects of hcq as a prophylaxis in regard to covid-19. 


I have a prescription (given by a trustworthy Doctor) to take Chlofoquine 500mg for five nights.  Was actually given to reduce foot cramps at night.  If I start feeling like the flu is coming on I will start the five days.  No I have not bothered to research it.  A whole bunch of statements by people who should know not to be making statements without any real knowledge.


Do not know if it will help but having taken it before I believe in using any help I can.


but again he's a compulsive (daily) liar, this being just another one..... see to believe


Why are some people compulsive Liars?

One of the main causes of compulsive lying disorder is fear. Once a person realizes that lies can save him or her from some type of punishment, he or she will continue lying to the point where it becomes a habit. Another reason why a person may become a compulsive liar is low self esteem.
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30 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Ok to boast about "grabbing pussies" though, or being accused by 9 women of sexual assault.


If only Governor Cuomo would enter the race. There's still time.

Cuomo is what we used to call a Republican.More charming to be sure, but he is not the man for this moment, having failed NY so badly. Although he managed to come out looking pretty good in the press I must say. I guess they didn't focus on the death tolls.

12 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

its one of the 20 parameters to determine if someone is a psychopath or not.


Trump passes with flying colours.




If you've been around long enough you learn to appreciate a bad liar. You can dismiss everything they say out of hand. What I really hate is a good liar. Obama was a good liar because we all wanted to believe his lofty rhetoric signifying nothing. You can't keep that up for 8 years without people discovering that you're full of <deleted>. Enter Trump. Thanks Obama!

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5 minutes ago, stupidfarang said:

Where have you read this? Would be interesting to read if there are qulified facts to back it up. Interesting point that WHO do not recommend hydroxychloroquine and even on Fox News interview with

Dr. Bob Lahita, chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital, who cautioned people not to take hydroxychloroquine.


If you search my recent posts you will find a video presentation (2) of the study. You have to wade through a few minutes of the videos first.

1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Your occasional self assertion of being a Democrat never fails to amuse me.




I only point it out as an historical reference. I'm am a 1980's Democrat. You and others here are 2020 Democrats. In other words you're 2001 Republicans. It's all relative. What isn't is the move to the right by all of you; Democrats and Republicans alike. Fortunately for you you have people further to the right than youself to mock.

  • Haha 1

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