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Coronavirus 'cover-up' is China's Chernobyl - White House adviser

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4 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

OK, you hate America. We get it. But the Chinese virus did come from China and China covered stuff up. Spouting irrational hatred won't change that.

so, you 'crazy alex' think that naming a disease after where it came from is important, so that china takes responsiblity for the virus?    And by extension, just maybe the chinese made and released it in a lab?

or do you feel china is responsible for all viruses,  that have begun in their country for some other reason.


quite a stretch looking @ the US numbers,  to withhold judgement,  if Alex is capable of accepting responsiblity  as easy  as doling it out ?

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18 minutes ago, mooping20Baht said:

so, you 'crazy alex' think that naming a disease after where it came from is important, so that china takes responsiblity for the virus?  




20 minutes ago, mooping20Baht said:

or do you feel china is responsible for all viruses,  that have begun in their country for some other reason.


China is responsible for a relentless and constant flow of viruses coming out of their country, and are responsible for most viruses to date - most of which come from their disturbing relationship with wild and exotic animals and their food handling practices, so yeah, they are responsible. 

8 hours ago, riclag said:

Notice the last word in the paragraph,below in quotes !  The left was already spinning the travel restriction,giving it imop a racist slant! Sad, what the left and their propaganda machine  has done to my country ,by trying to make the crisis all about spin!

"The Trump administration’s quarantine and travel ban in response to the Wuhan coronavirus could undercut international efforts to fight the outbreak by antagonizing Chinese leaders, as well as stigmatizing people of Asian descent, according to a growing chorus of public health experts and lawmakers".


The date of the article is 4th February when there were still many gaps in the understanding of the threat of Covid, WHO was still blocked from entering China for assessment. The article includes comments to the threat to the economy by closing down travel, economic damage {currently a favourite meme for trump and his followers] arguing against mass lock downs etc In reality the article is a snapshot in time when much was unknown about Covid. At the time of the article trump was still praising Xi for his efforts - naturally completely ignored by trump supporters in their efforts to support trump's denials / deflections.

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41 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:





China is responsible for a relentless and constant flow of viruses coming out of their country, and are responsible for most viruses to date - most of which come from their disturbing relationship with wild and exotic animals and their food handling practices, so yeah, they are responsible. 

Can see some logic in that, though I tend to believe only "1/2 of what I see" and little of what I hear, virus nomenclature may have evolved from the old ways, and not because of failure to note the viral origins, you can go on blaming geopolitical entities, and their leaders if that makes you feel better.


but by your logic  all  3rd world countries should just  wander down to their walmart to get their food? Can you imagine, that most of the world struggles to feed itself ? And it isn't some macroeconomic plot, that a country of 3 billion people, has devised.


if you want to use Nomenclature as a way to blame , go ahead, I would suggest, though,  that it's a bit juveneille and simplistic .  Further,  avoid responsibility is not leadership



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7 hours ago, Sujo said:
10 hours ago, rabas said:

Lol. facts.  Nonsense.

IF China lied to the WHO, then obviously they would lie to one little American sitting around China.

But trump believed them.

Possibly because they lied? 


Not to mention you also believed them. 

9 minutes ago, mooping20Baht said:

but by your logic  all  3rd world countries should just  wander down to their walmart to get their food? Can you imagine, that most of the world struggles to feed itself ? And it isn't some macroeconomic plot, that a country of 3 billion people, has devised.


if you want to use Nomenclature as a way to blame , go ahead, I would suggest, though,  that it's a bit juveneille and simplistic .  Further,  avoid responsibility is not leadership


Well I don't know why you invoke ALL third world countries when only ONE (China) is responsible for most of the constant flow of viruses. 


And if they can build a massive hospital facility in days, build skyscrapers in days, enforce a nationwide one child policy onto over a billion people with frightening success, I think they could manage to enforce cleaning up their filthy markets and disturbing exotic animal trade/consumption and save the rest of the world a whole lot of problems. This is not a juvenile view, its a practical one and I could not give half a turd if anyone thinks this view is offensive

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8 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Well I don't know why you invoke ALL third world countries when only ONE (China) is responsible for most of the constant flow of viruses. 


And if they can build a massive hospital facility in days, build skyscrapers in days, enforce a nationwide one child policy onto over a billion people with frightening success, I think they could manage to enforce cleaning up their filthy markets and disturbing exotic animal trade/consumption and save the rest of the world a whole lot of problems. This is not a juvenile view, its a practical one and I could not give half a turd if anyone thinks this view is offensive

well head on over to Khlong Toey market,  and ask around  why  wet markets  exist, might be surprised, instead of using all the loaded  language of the far right,   like "filthy" and "disgusting" and "pathetic", its just ends up as badge on yourself, of 'one who shows no respect'


and I would agree that  things  like wild animal trade for rhino horn, elephant tusks, shark fin soup is terrible, and might be better controlled,  


as you would argue for your system, despite its  enumerous  and terrible faults,  you may need to focus on the your own failures before  'casting stones' from the glass house.


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2 hours ago, mooping20Baht said:

so, you 'crazy alex' think that naming a disease after where it came from is important, so that china takes responsiblity for the virus?  

Every hill and stone on Mars is named after a memorable location. Similarly, diseases are named after their origins or discoverer. It's a memory device for history and science.  But COVID? What's that? Just another Chinese attempt to smudge history that will cause great confusion for future researchers and students alike.



Questioning is a synonym of curious. This man look like he is ...GettyImages-73266906 woman questioning look 675x – IELTS Latin AmericaInformation Ignited Through Project Based Learning | PBLWorks


Oh, you mean Bat Woman's Bug!


12 hours ago, riclag said:

 fauci,This is unprecedented. I’ve been doing this a long time, and I’ve never seen anything like this.


180 plus countries didn't drop the ball ,it was unprecedented

bs, many countries knew (late Dec. early Jan.) and reacted months late. many of the 'world leaders' also didn't prep with supplies/enhance abilities to mitigate even after a dress rehearsal with SARS - ignorant fools..

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11 hours ago, riclag said:

America isn't a empire! America did take precautions in january, does the name fauci ring a bell 

Exactly. Fauci is part of the problem, and NOT part of the solution. And please describe these precautions America took in January. Surely the administration was warned this virus was coming in January. But, did it life a finger? 

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Infections and deaths still rising. Should devote more time for policies to stop the upward trajectory and bring back confidence to the people than wasting time on blaming and playing golf.   

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10 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

You don't get it. The US is the #3 most international arrivals country on the planet. Of course we have to be careful who we let in.


America #1 for COVID? Well, that's assuming you believe the numbers the Chinese communists report.


As for blame blame blame. Well yeah, the Chinese virus did in fact come from China. That's PRECISELY why leftists hate that Trump called it that.


As for the American people being radioactive around the world- pure nonsense. Delusional. No basis in reality. Your intense hatred of America and of Trump is not shared by as many people as you think.

Let me clarify a few points. The numbers are not created by the Chinese leaders. The worldometer, is created by multiple organizations, and if you believe the US does not have those numbers, and is not #1 in covid, then you are simply drinking too much orange kool aid.


I love that Trump is blaming China. Call a spade a spade. And pushing them in the South China Sea, which they have no legitimate claim to, is fun, fun, fun. But, to accuse them of manufacturing this virus in a lab (which is certainly possible) without offering any proof of such, simply makes him look like even more of a fool, that he already appears to be.


And the last point. Americans will remain radioactive for years to come. We will be some of the least desirable tourists anywhere. Absolute contamination. Zombie like. And I do not hate America. I hate what America has become. And I hate watching America decline precipitously. But, that has been happening for 30 years now. It is just happening faster now, with Trump's isolationist policies. If you do not believe any of this now, time will bear most of it out.  


In terms of the upcoming election, Trump's chances are fading by the day. Mylie Cyrus could beat him, at this point. 


Approval ratings of democratic leaders around the world have soared since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, but some heads of state—particularly Trump, Brazil’s Bolsanaro and Japan’s Abe—have seen far smaller boosts, or even declines, amid criticism of how they’ve handled the crisis.




Trump's favorability rating in battleground states has plummeted 15 percentage points in the last month as the coronavirus pandemic has expanded, according to a new survey, daunting numbers for a president facing an economic collapse and public health crisis as he seeks re-election.




Trump’s net approval is -8.1 (that is, 43.2 approval minus 51.3 disapproval). The three recent presidents who were easily re-elected had solid positive net approval at this point: Richard Nixon at +17.7, Bill Clinton at +16.1 and Ronald Reagan at +15.3. The two most recent presidents both won somewhat narrowly; at this point, Barack Obama was at +1.7 and George W. Bush at -0.3. And then there were the two most recent losers. George H.W. Bush had fallen from a then-record approval down to -6.8. Jimmy Carter was only at -2.7, but that was probably just a quirk of the data, since he had recently been at -10 and would soon sink even further underwater. 




New May polls between Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden still show a substantial lead for the former Vice President. New polls from major polling organizations show a healthy 6-point lead average for Biden over Trump in the general election. Harvard and The Harris Poll show a similar 6-point lead, while a Monmouth poll from the beginning of the month shows a 9-point lead for the former vice president. Approval ratings for Trump have been falling since he began public press conferences surrounding the country’s response to COVID-19. Biden’s numbers have remained steady despite an accusation of past sexual misconduct that many deem credible. 







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Too little and too late --  the story of the U.S. and the Trump Admin's failed response to the CV pandemic. The virus originated in China, but it came to the U.S. mostly via Europe, where the U.S. didn't impose any travel restrictions until mid-March.




One final viral infusion: Trump’s move to block travel from Europe triggered chaos and a surge of passengers from the outbreak’s center


Epidemiologists contend the U.S. outbreak was driven overwhelmingly by viral strains from Europe rather than China. More than 1.8 million travelers entered the United States from Europe in February alone as that continent became the center of the pandemic. Infections reached critical mass in New York and other cities well before the White House took action, according to studies mapping the virus’s spread. The crush of travelers triggered by Trump’s announcement only added to that viral load.




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On 5/25/2020 at 10:47 AM, Jack Mountain said:

The US is the new Thailand. Foreigner did it ....

As it has been pointed out, by the end of February a WHO team including US nationals had already accessed Wuhan and produced a report. Frankly, shouts of "China's Chernobyl" and debate about whether it was deliberately released from a laboratory (unlikely), leaked from a laboratory because of poor "virus security", (rather credible), or was introduced by bats in a "wet market" adjacent to the laboratory (a remarkable coincidence) are just an attempt to deflect attention from the Orange Buffoons utter inability to cope, because he is, as ever, concentrating on his image (and how he perceives it) rather than the task in hand.

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