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Elon Musk and Grimes change son’s unusual name after it was deemed unlawful


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Elon Musk and Grimes change son’s unusual name after it was deemed unlawful




Elon Musk and Grimes change son’s unusual name after it was deemed unlawful (Image: Getty)


ELON MUSK has been force to change his son's legal name due to Californian law restrictions.


The Tesla CEO and his partner, Grimes, née Claire Boucher, have had to find a way to maintain the meaning of their son’s name without using digits. X Æ A-12 was Mr Musk and Grimes’ first option for their child’s name, but they have had to change the last part to Roman numerals to comply with Californian laws.


Grimes announced the change on Instagram after a fan enquired: "Did you change the baby name because of Californian laws?


Full Story: https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1287033/elon-musk-grimes-baby-name-X-AE-A-12-tesla-spacex-california-law

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