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Thailand reports 11 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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27 minutes ago, JimGant said:

---from easily identified and quarantined folks. Sounds like the situation is being handled efficiently. Christ, how can't it be, if everyone landing in this country is boxed away for 14 days, the amount of time the virus will (normally) identify itself......

I just cant wait until things are back to normal. This has been a really <deleted> start to a new decade so far!!!

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

They have the arrivals by air well-contained, and it's evident that the problem now is infections arriving from outside Thailand, so I wonder just how well the land borders are secured? I've no doubt the official border crossings are guarded, but there's not many of those for over 3,000 miles of border.

Especially watch the borders to Cambodia, zero cases there for over a month, I'm sure they sneak in from there and bring the virus ???? 

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And there are those that want to open borders for tourism now !!

Not just yet , I say, but we can internally open up more businesses.

Even small bars that are only going to serve their customers who have been here for the last 3 months anyway. Suck it & see internally first

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25 minutes ago, eeworldwide said:

I just cant wait until things are back to normal. This has been a really <deleted> start to a new decade so far!!!

Won't be back to 2019 ever again. Now CCP is flexing it's muscles amidst a global recession. This will form the decade and it ain't looking rosy.

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I have it on good authority that when you travel inside the country to some places you need to isolate for 2 weeks.


So if you return from abroad first you've got 2 weeks in quarantine, then you 'go home' and that's when your local isolation begins.


This is from a Thai who is going to Sakhon Nakhon in the next few days, travelling from Hua Hin via Bangkok and on to Sakhon Nakhon.


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18 minutes ago, ukrules said:

So if you return from abroad first you've got 2 weeks in quarantine, then you 'go home' and that's when your local isolation begins.


This is from a Thai who is going to Sakhon Nakhon in the next few days, travelling from Hua Hin via Bangkok and on to Sakhon Nakhon.


So 4 weeks quarantine (2 weeks X2). That is over the top.

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4 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

So 4 weeks quarantine (2 weeks X2). That is over the top.

It certainly looks like it. Going from Bangkok to Sakhon Nakhon requires a 2 week isolation based on what I've just been told.


I wonder how many other places in Thailand have similar policies in place.....

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

You're right have symptoms get tested. But mass testing captures the asymptomatic and pre-sympomatic both of which can spread the virus hence countries that test more than just the symptomatic will have higher infection numbers those that don't will have lower infection numbers.

Doesn't make any difference to the figures if no one is infected.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It would appear nearly all the new cases are being brought in from overseas or across the border and immediately being quarantined. How are they determining this? Are they being tested? A simple temperature check? Or?

They are bussed to a government quarantine centre, put into isolation and tested. The results come back in a few days.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Won't be back to 2019 ever again. Now CCP is flexing it's muscles amidst a global recession. This will form the decade and it ain't looking rosy.

Its the Chinese government. McCarthy and "reds under the beds" is so last millenium.

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On 24 May 2020 at 18:00, Thailand announced that 3,536 additional people met the criteria for PUI

And bearing in mind these people have a fever, cough or other symptoms, none had covid? What did they have then? Or more accurately - how many got tested and how many are stuck in the "Probable" category without two reference lab confirmations. 


We'll never know.


EDIT: to add to this, DDC forgot to delete it from their English versions like they did from the Thai reports, last time they reported on the backlog was on 31st March:



 Of the remaining 18,446 PUI, 10,853 cases returned negative laboratory results, and results are pending for 7,593 PUI. 


Then the info disappeared. Poof.

Edited by DrTuner
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58 minutes ago, ukrules said:

I have it on good authority that when you travel inside the country to some places you need to isolate for 2 weeks.


So if you return from abroad first you've got 2 weeks in quarantine, then you 'go home' and that's when your local isolation begins.


This is from a Thai who is going to Sakhon Nakhon in the next few days, travelling from Hua Hin via Bangkok and on to Sakhon Nakhon.


It totally depends on who is in control in the locality you visit and the one you return to. My wife looked into going to her village outside of Sisaket and the locals there said she could skip the 14-day rule if she arrives with one of those (fake) medical certificates saying she is healthy (now $2k B at our local clinic) and if she checks in daily with some local health person. Where we live here, she is well-connected to the powers that be and they want her to do a soft lockdown on return (which means not really). 

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4 hours ago, sapson said:

11 from just a few plane loads.


I wonder what the numbers would be if they actually tested just the equivalent of a few plane loads of asymptomatic people from each province nationwide on a daily basis.



And imagine if all those thousands of 'little Ghosts" could have been tested before they vanished into the provinces. How fortunate that they didn't infect anyone !


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6 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Not so much for your suggestion of doing provincial testing but the disturbing thing for me is the pattern of the detection at this very controlled stage of re-patronizing nationals.


IMO, the government needs to keep a careful eye on these figures, tell TAT to chill and take a backseat regarding projected tourist numbers, projected financial figures, until this settles. In other words no shortcuts on opening up to international tourism.


I know it's tough for the tourism industry, but under the current proposals of having tourists quarantine for 14 days when they arrive, they ain't going to get anybody. Lift the quarantine requirements you may get more numbers but you will almost certainly increase numbers of infected persons. You shouldn't forget that all these people being re patronized are meant to be holding documentation stating they are free of the Covid-19 virus.

Assume you are a retiree with a bit of money behind you and a penchant for travel and currently in lock-down in London, Sao Paolo or New York (say). Consider what are your options for a decent short/medium-term outlook on life:

1. Stay in an environment where the governments are at sixes and sevens and where the prospect a second wave from opening up far too soon is a reasonable prediction and living amongst a population, many of whom spout the 'one for Me, all for Me' variant of D'Artagnan's war-cry?


2. Accept a Thai government-inspired offer to come as a medium to long term tourist provided that you put up a few thou dollars to buy health certification. health insurance for all but Covid and the cost of two weeks accommodation in Thai beachside club-class quarantine facility?


Don't discount some clever structuring by the government to construct a programme that will attract the world's moderately wealthy and can be constructed to control the risks to the nation. Better than flooding the place with a pile of cheapskate Chinese package tourists* don't you think?



*Personally I don't think all Chinese tourists are 'chepskate' or 'package' tourists but seemingly many (expats and locals) do 

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[28/05, 05:16] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: *LAST HOUR* *ITALY ????????*


Italian doctors, disobeyed the World Health Law *WHO*, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Corona Virus and they found that it is NOT a *VIRUS* but a *BACTERIA* that causes death. 

This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.

????Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than *"Disseminated intravascular coagulation"* (Thrombosis).

????And the way to combat it is, that, its cure, is with the *"antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants"*. *ASPIRIN*, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated.

This sensational news for the world has been produced by Italian doctors when carrying out autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19, Which was restrained by WHO and it's brutal Protocols.

????Something else, according to Italian pathologists. "The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed."

????Therefore in Italy the change of protocols began, ITALY *THE SO-CALLED global pandemic* is *REVEALED AND RAISED BY THE WHO*, this cure the Chinese *already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS*.

Source: ITALY Ministry of Health.
@italiarevelacurardelcovid19 [5/14 8:19 p. m.] AEMN: EYE ALERT ????????????

Pass this on to your entire family, neighborhood, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, coworkers ... etc. etc ... and its environment in general ... If they get to contract the Covid-19 ... which is not a Virus as they have made us believe, but a bacterium... amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia.

They will do the following: They are going to take Aspirin 100mg and Apronax or Paracetamol ...

Why.? ... because it has been shown that what Covid-19 does is to clot the blood, causing the person to develop a *Thrombosis* and the blood not to flow and not to oxygenate the heart and lungs and the person to die quickly due to not be able to breathe.

In Italy they screwed up the *WHO protocol* and they did an autopsy on a corpse that died from Covid-19 ... they cut the body and opened the arms and legs and the other sections of the body and realized that the veins were dilated and clotted blood and all veins and arteries filled with thrombi, preventing the blood from flowing normally and bringing oxygen to all organs, mainly the brain, heart and lungs, and the patient ends up dying, Already knowing this diagnosis, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocols ... and began to administer to their positive patients Aspirin 100 mg and Apronax ..., result: the patients began to recover and present improvements and the Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in a single day.

URGENT: Transmit this information and make it viral, here in our country *they have lied to us*, with this pandemic, the only thing that our Government Spoke Person comes out to say every day is data and statistics but not giving this information to save citizens, will be that It will also be threatened by the elites.? ... we do not know, suddenly all the governments of the world, but Italy broke the norm ... because they were already overwhelmed and in serious chaos of daily deaths ..., *now the WHO*. ..would be sued worldwide for covering up so many deaths and the collapse of the economies of many countries in the world ... now it is understood *why the order to INCINERATE or immediately bury the bodies without autopsy ... and labeled them as highly polluting*...

It is in our hands to carry the truth and hope to save many lives .... SPREAD IN ALL NETWORKS URGENT !!!!! that's why the antibacterial gel works and the chlorine dioxide ... 

The whole PANDEMIC is because *they want to vaccinate and........

Forwarded as received
[28/05, 05:17] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: Dr. Rajeshbhai .......your comments please ?
[28/05, 06:09] Rajesh Bhanubhai Dave: This is already established. 
Unfortunately these "information" "discovery" "knowledge" keep circulating thanks to WhatsApp. The treatment of Covid has changed from ventilators to prevention of DIC and oxygenation.



Is the above true, was just sent it by a work colleague

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6 minutes ago, Farmerkev said:

[28/05, 05:16] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: *LAST HOUR* *ITALY ????????*


Italian doctors, disobeyed the World Health Law *WHO*, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Corona Virus and they found that it is NOT a *VIRUS* but a *BACTERIA* that causes death. 

This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.

????Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than *"Disseminated intravascular coagulation"* (Thrombosis).

????And the way to combat it is, that, its cure, is with the *"antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants"*. *ASPIRIN*, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated.

This sensational news for the world has been produced by Italian doctors when carrying out autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19, Which was restrained by WHO and it's brutal Protocols.

????Something else, according to Italian pathologists. "The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed."

????Therefore in Italy the change of protocols began, ITALY *THE SO-CALLED global pandemic* is *REVEALED AND RAISED BY THE WHO*, this cure the Chinese *already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS*.

Source: ITALY Ministry of Health.
@italiarevelacurardelcovid19 [5/14 8:19 p. m.] AEMN: EYE ALERT ????????????

Pass this on to your entire family, neighborhood, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, coworkers ... etc. etc ... and its environment in general ... If they get to contract the Covid-19 ... which is not a Virus as they have made us believe, but a bacterium... amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia.

They will do the following: They are going to take Aspirin 100mg and Apronax or Paracetamol ...

Why.? ... because it has been shown that what Covid-19 does is to clot the blood, causing the person to develop a *Thrombosis* and the blood not to flow and not to oxygenate the heart and lungs and the person to die quickly due to not be able to breathe.

In Italy they screwed up the *WHO protocol* and they did an autopsy on a corpse that died from Covid-19 ... they cut the body and opened the arms and legs and the other sections of the body and realized that the veins were dilated and clotted blood and all veins and arteries filled with thrombi, preventing the blood from flowing normally and bringing oxygen to all organs, mainly the brain, heart and lungs, and the patient ends up dying, Already knowing this diagnosis, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocols ... and began to administer to their positive patients Aspirin 100 mg and Apronax ..., result: the patients began to recover and present improvements and the Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in a single day.

URGENT: Transmit this information and make it viral, here in our country *they have lied to us*, with this pandemic, the only thing that our Government Spoke Person comes out to say every day is data and statistics but not giving this information to save citizens, will be that It will also be threatened by the elites.? ... we do not know, suddenly all the governments of the world, but Italy broke the norm ... because they were already overwhelmed and in serious chaos of daily deaths ..., *now the WHO*. ..would be sued worldwide for covering up so many deaths and the collapse of the economies of many countries in the world ... now it is understood *why the order to INCINERATE or immediately bury the bodies without autopsy ... and labeled them as highly polluting*...

It is in our hands to carry the truth and hope to save many lives .... SPREAD IN ALL NETWORKS URGENT !!!!! that's why the antibacterial gel works and the chlorine dioxide ... 

The whole PANDEMIC is because *they want to vaccinate and........

Forwarded as received
[28/05, 05:17] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: Dr. Rajeshbhai .......your comments please ?
[28/05, 06:09] Rajesh Bhanubhai Dave: This is already established. 
Unfortunately these "information" "discovery" "knowledge" keep circulating thanks to WhatsApp. The treatment of Covid has changed from ventilators to prevention of DIC and oxygenation.



Is the above true, was just sent it by a work colleague

Not true. It's a virus.

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24 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

Not true. It's a virus.

....  a virus that causes inflammation and sometimes(/often?) blood clotting that attacks the organs of the body in voracious ways that have not been seen before by clinicians and sometimes(/often?) causes the death of the patient


.... so, partly true if you accept the evidence provided by UK clinicians, but seemingly not broadly accepted that it is a bacteria




There's a conspiracy theorist around every corner these days. Add FarmerKev to the list. I'm sure I've read somewhere that there has been a hell of a lot of comparing of notes between clinicians in all the major Covid-suffering nations of the world. If that is true then I guess the conspiracy theory will claim that all the worlds epidemiologists and viral specialists are covering up an acknowledged real truth about the only cause, course and required treatment for the disease!

Edited by SantiSuk
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FarmerKev has questioned why I accused him of being a conspiracy theorist, since he was asking for opinions on whether people believed the reported content. I've re-read the posting and my comment and agree with him. The stuff about us having been deceived "by the World (presumably it meant the WHO) is the opinion of others, not him.


I withdraw the accusation with apologies.

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17 hours ago, Farmerkev said:

[28/05, 05:16] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: *LAST HOUR* *ITALY ????????*


Italian doctors, disobeyed the World Health Law *WHO*, not to do autopsies on the dead of the Corona Virus and they found that it is NOT a *VIRUS* but a *BACTERIA* that causes death. 

This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.

????Italy defeats the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than *"Disseminated intravascular coagulation"* (Thrombosis).

????And the way to combat it is, that, its cure, is with the *"antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants"*. *ASPIRIN*, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated.

This sensational news for the world has been produced by Italian doctors when carrying out autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19, Which was restrained by WHO and it's brutal Protocols.

????Something else, according to Italian pathologists. "The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed."

????Therefore in Italy the change of protocols began, ITALY *THE SO-CALLED global pandemic* is *REVEALED AND RAISED BY THE WHO*, this cure the Chinese *already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS*.

Source: ITALY Ministry of Health.
@italiarevelacurardelcovid19 [5/14 8:19 p. m.] AEMN: EYE ALERT ????????????

Pass this on to your entire family, neighborhood, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, coworkers ... etc. etc ... and its environment in general ... If they get to contract the Covid-19 ... which is not a Virus as they have made us believe, but a bacterium... amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia.

They will do the following: They are going to take Aspirin 100mg and Apronax or Paracetamol ...

Why.? ... because it has been shown that what Covid-19 does is to clot the blood, causing the person to develop a *Thrombosis* and the blood not to flow and not to oxygenate the heart and lungs and the person to die quickly due to not be able to breathe.

In Italy they screwed up the *WHO protocol* and they did an autopsy on a corpse that died from Covid-19 ... they cut the body and opened the arms and legs and the other sections of the body and realized that the veins were dilated and clotted blood and all veins and arteries filled with thrombi, preventing the blood from flowing normally and bringing oxygen to all organs, mainly the brain, heart and lungs, and the patient ends up dying, Already knowing this diagnosis, the Italian Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocols ... and began to administer to their positive patients Aspirin 100 mg and Apronax ..., result: the patients began to recover and present improvements and the Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in a single day.

URGENT: Transmit this information and make it viral, here in our country *they have lied to us*, with this pandemic, the only thing that our Government Spoke Person comes out to say every day is data and statistics but not giving this information to save citizens, will be that It will also be threatened by the elites.? ... we do not know, suddenly all the governments of the world, but Italy broke the norm ... because they were already overwhelmed and in serious chaos of daily deaths ..., *now the WHO*. ..would be sued worldwide for covering up so many deaths and the collapse of the economies of many countries in the world ... now it is understood *why the order to INCINERATE or immediately bury the bodies without autopsy ... and labeled them as highly polluting*...

It is in our hands to carry the truth and hope to save many lives .... SPREAD IN ALL NETWORKS URGENT !!!!! that's why the antibacterial gel works and the chlorine dioxide ... 

The whole PANDEMIC is because *they want to vaccinate and........

Forwarded as received
[28/05, 05:17] Pravin Gupta Rotaria Mc: Dr. Rajeshbhai .......your comments please ?
[28/05, 06:09] Rajesh Bhanubhai Dave: This is already established. 
Unfortunately these "information" "discovery" "knowledge" keep circulating thanks to WhatsApp. The treatment of Covid has changed from ventilators to prevention of DIC and oxygenation.



Is the above true, was just sent it by a work colleague

100% a big fake

Edited by Anton9
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These Thais make u laugh how they always blame farang every thai who have court this  virus have come for form different countrys and not thailand and the people who court it in thailand every 1 seem to got over it and no person on this site can answer this question when did  thailand hit the peak and month and the months of the fall off every country in the world can say when it hit peak there been no information on this in thailand uk never had 10 millions chickys in the uk thailand did uk got 38000 deaths thailand had 57 deaths it just dont had up the figures 

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