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Thailand to tout 'trusted' tourism in coronavirus era


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11 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

It's not going away mate. These organisms were here long before we were and will be here long after us. Secondly, a vaccine is not necessary, go take a look at how effective the Influenza A and B vaccines are and, last but not least, take a look how the common cold virus, or the influenza virus, or the AIDS virus, etc., etc. are treated. Do they have "viable" treaments? How many trillions have been spent on AIDS research?There will be no "viable" treatment. Not in our lifetimes... This latest iteration of biological life forms is just one of many other constantly evolving organisms. What we have witnessed in the last 6 months has nothing to do with our safety, our health, our well-being. This COVID event, when you seriously take the time to look into it outside of the bought and paid for, controlled media, you come real(eyes) that we have all been duped. In other words... this entire lockdown is all contrived for nefarious ulterior motives... and it ain't good mate. 

So the purpose of this rant is what?

Yes we know that viruses have been around for years and that the majority survive after contracting them.

I have had colds during my lifetime, the various influenzas, In February just before my seventieth birthday I picked up Influenza A and pneumonia, yes sick for a week or so but still alive.

Regarding AIDS don’t know anyone who has ever been infected but probably like me they avoid the people and practices that put you at risk.

I would be more concerned about Hepatitis A and B which  the doctors tell me is easier to pick up.

Finally please enlighten me as to what are these “nefarious ulterior motives” because if it is all contrived there must be a conspiracy between governments around the world.

I have been mainly following what has been occurring in Australia and the U.K. and the restrictions there have been far stricter than anything occurring in Thailand.

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What does "trust" tourism mean? Every hotel, everywhere in the world will be implementing some sort of social distancing. Are there guarantees for tourists that you won't get the virus? How will that work and what happens to someone if they do get the virus? Is it the government will pay the healthcare costs? It all seems like a hollow promise that will mean nothing to anyone really. Thailand seem to be living in a bubble again regarding the low priority that tourism will be for a long time until people recover from this. They really need to think of boosting other sectors of the economy to try and create employment for people who rely on the toursi trade and stop whistling in the wind.

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Time to change the record..

This message is starting to irritate me. 


Safe areas are not just Asian countries. 

Australia and new Zealand surely fit the criteria. 


I have a family home and people who need me back there.

If Thailand allows the travel, all i have to do then is convince Australia to allow me to leave on compassionate grounds..


C'mon Thailand what are you waiting for?

Edited by dallen52
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World Airports opening dates.

(Guess whose missing?)


1. Lebanon  July 15, 2020
2. Bahrain  June 10, 2020
3. Qatar  June 10, 2020
4. Jordan  July 15, 2020
5. Iraq  (Air Corridor) August 1, 2020
6. Iran  August 1
7. Egypt  August 1
8. Saudi Arabia  August 1, 2020
9. Tunisia  August 1
10. sweat Baghdad  first of August month
11. Japan  June 15, 2020
12. Northern Macedonia  June 15, 2020
13. Lithuania  June 15, 2020
14. Hungary  June 15, 2020
15. Poland  June 15, 2020
16. Romania  June 15, 2020
17. Serbia  June 15, 2020
18. Netherlands  June 20, 2020
19. Kazakhstan  June 20, 2020
20. Albania  June 22, 2020
21. Bosnia and Herzegovina  June 22, 2020
22. Denmark  June 22, 2020
23. Estonia  June 22, 2020
24. Finland  June 22, 2020
25. South Korea  June 22, 2020
26. Ireland  June 22, 2020
27. Kyrgyzstan  June 22, 2020
28. Latvia  June 22, 2020
29. Norway  June 22, 2020
30. Slovakia  June 22, 2020
31. Australia  July 1, 2020
32. Belgium  July 1, 2020
33. Belarus  July 1, 2020
34. China  (Beijing only) July 1, 2020
35. Sweden  July 1, 2020
36. Canada  July 1, 2020
37. Colombia  July 1, 2020
38. Kosovo  July 1, 2020
39. Malaysia  July 1, 2020
40. Moldova  July 1, 2020
41. Uzbekistan  July 1, 2020
42. Republic of Taiwan  July 1, 2020
43. Turkmenistan  July 1, 2020
44. Ukraine  July 1, 2020
45. Indonesia  July 10, 2020
46. India  July 10, 2020
47. Pakistan  July 10, 2020
48. Algeria  July 15, 2020
49. Morocco  July 15, 2020
50. Philippines  July 15, 2020
51. South Africa  July 15, 2020
52. Georgia  (only for Georgia City) July 15, 2020
53. UK  July 15, 2020
55. Kuwait  July 15, 2020
56. Libya  July 15, 2020
57. Cyprus (Turkish side) June 1, 2020
58. Russia  July 15, 2020
59. Bulgaria  June 10, 2020
60. Brazil  August 1
61. Armenia  August 1, 2020
62. France  August 1
63. Greece  June 10, 2020
64. Germany  June 15, 2020
65. Spain  August 1
66. Italy  August 1
67. Austria  June 15, 2020
68. Azerbaijan  June 15, 2020
69. Czech Republic  June 15, 2020
70. USA  September 1, 20
71. Switzerland  June 15, 2020
72-UAE first flight to Beirut airport on 1 / 7



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Just an unshowered opinion from an Ai Farang but if I was visiting from overseas the first question I would ask is how many are being tested? After they open up they need to test to the extreme to gain the confidence of people no matter how smelly they might be to deputy PMs they sure aren't as stupid as all that.

Edited by bipper
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2 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

Trusted Tourist Destination ????????????????  "Thailand 'one of the most dangerous tourist destinations on Earth': Expat investigation lifts lid on dark side of the Land of Smiles"


Not that old chestnut from 6 years ago.  I feel far safer in Thailand than I ever did in the US.

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12% of the economy.....yesterday it was as high as 20% & last week was 15%. everyday i read a different percentage  does anyway know? as 12% isnt a lot more than the uk so i except they could take a hit on that till next year but if its as high as 20% thats a big difference.

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4 hours ago, robert888d said:

Do they honestly believe that lying deceitful China is a safe place from which to encourage tourists?



Bit of a sweeping statement for 22% of the worlds population.

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3 hours ago, 4737 Carlin said:

Yes, because the Wuhan virus had nothing to do with Chinese labs or animal torture markets.

I dont think they will be bringing either one with them.........maybe a bikini and swimming shorts......

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15 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

This is the end of the end of the great Thai experience. Everything must be sanitized in a New World Order... Everyone must comply with the "New Normal"... A dark time in history. Globally we are being further enslaved... so very sad for our children's future. 

full of optimism. thanks for that!

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56 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

For most of them...…...somtam, ky yang and sticky rice!

Possibly correct. 

Every time i link up to "her in doors" she is either eating, or getting ready to eat.

And the house seems full of neighbour's I've never seen before. 

Oh well, at least my money is helping the neighbour's too.

More than Prayuts false hope and payment offers are doing. 

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35 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

"Hygiene is a must, so offering bespoke services will give boutique hotels with unique selling points an advantage over corporate operators."


The best ''Hygiene Plan'' in the world depends on the staff employed. The majority of hotel cleaning staff are unlikely to understand or have the desire to follow strict hygiene/cleaning rules and will carry on working much as they always have.


The campaign, to be launched later in the year, will be aimed at young affluent travellers from places that are considered low-risk such as China, South Korea and Taiwan.


''Low risk''? It was reported 2 weeks ago that some area in China has been locked down and affecting 1.8 million people -- and South Korea has just tightened restrictions due to outbreaks!


And the ''affluent'' ? Well, some will be happy to fly in, get to a resort and stay there and do nothing else, but many want a bit more than that and Thailand is ''tacky''!  Outside those lovely resorts are piles of rubbish -- left by Thais whose living depends on tourists but are stupid so dump their rubbish on any overgrown patch of land outside the resorts -- snorkel over areas of dead coral and no fish; rip-off merchants; restaurants that if one delved behind closed doors would find them unhygienic; roads full of idiot suicide drivers; unsmiling locals; and a corrupt police force!



You will be missing off the list then?

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1 hour ago, Old Dissenter said:

Mate I am telling you it's the Chinese tourists they are thinking about.

Surely they aren't stupid either my understanding is they know the value of testing as much as the South Koreans do.

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1 hour ago, newnative said:

Not that old chestnut from 6 years ago.  I feel far safer in Thailand than I ever did in the US.

you must be from a sh*thole place in the US. Have you had to ever call the police in Thailand? 

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1 hour ago, Old Dissenter said:

Mate I am telling you it's the Chinese tourists they are thinking about.

They don't want us anymore. 

But it was ok to support the thai women and their kids.

Not to mention the ones that were working in the entertainment industry.


The hidden costs and pain and suffering the government never seems to mention. 


Lets see if the chosen ones (tourists) step up to the mark..

I don't think so...

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