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Pattaya beer bar owners beg the government to let them open


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


You have bought into the Zombie Apocalypse. Covid is gone. Some people just cannot seem to wrap their minds around the fact that it was beaten here, and is gone. There is no contagion, nor the continued need for masks, gloves, social distancing and other precautions, when the virus is not here. Accept it. Embrace it. Rejoice. 


If it is beaten, perhaps it is because of the steps taken.

I'm in no rush. Just like I was in no rush to return to Europe in a panic. Measured and thoughtful.

It doesn't hurt me to wear a mask and I don't mind not being crowded around.

Places of prostitution will have to wait. 


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22 minutes ago, CGW said:

Well said! i agree with you ????

Nice to see someone who can actually think for themselves and realise that the "agenda" no longer has anything to do with the virus ????

I would say that it's not about "enjoyment" but control though!


Thought control is very common in our society.  It's not only practiced by governments,.  In fact, I believe that the people that have mastered it far beyond what governments do are the private capitalists, who use it to sell you their stuff.  They also like to promote ideas like "it's safe to go back to work" and "go ahead and go to a bar" and "don't trust doctors and scientists", I think because they only seem to care about profit and not so much about human life in my view.  

Governments wish they had the level of thought control that the private sector has been perfecting.  


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1 hour ago, wealthychef said:

because they are restricting people from doing STUPID things like gather in bars during a pandemic. 

Open markets allover, no social distancing, hardly mask wearing, practically no hand gel available, regularly hand wash mostly ignored.

Still no mention of new cases, and government let carry on.

Opening bars would of course be stupid ,as extremely more dangerous than open markets. 

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

The covid virus has spread in SOME countrys more because of stupid government want to argue politics when is medical problem.


Some countrys refuse to wear mask, send old people with covid to “old care homes” with lot of other old people= 50,000 + old people dead, not testing enough, not have hand gel, not protection clothe for nurse and doctor, refuse tracing app, refuse social distancing for protests, want to shake hands in covid hospital etc.


Tropical climate help also, but not everything. Many reason. Mexico today weather 24- 36C. But now number 3 deaths. 

People must work together, not argue and fight.


They haven't learn the lessons of exceptionalism. 

They think they are different. They don't need to wear masks. It was someone else's parent that died. What do they care? They just need to grab a beer and a prostitute or simply make a living from them.

Poor doesn't mean low life. Low life means low life.

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12 hours ago, tomauasia said:

That's the owners business nobody else 


Nope, it's everyone's business if they reintroduce disease to the general population. They don't want what happened in Europe to happen here.

If they overreact, better to be safe than sorry.

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8 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



No....... that was your experiment.



Now try mine  (and this actually happening NOW):-


Wk 1:  restaurants, coffee shops etc open.... zero infections

Wk 2:  No infections

Wk 3:  bars open, same social distancing/hygiene rules.. zero infections

Wk 4: 50 Thais repatriated , 10 have infection - all in quarantine.  No domestic infections

Wk 5+:  No infections



Get the picture?

Don't know where it fits into your timeline but Thailand reported 8 new cases of Covid today taking the total for June to 31 with 82  reported cases still active.

Edited by Don Mega
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15 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Thought control is very common in our society.  It's not only practiced by governments,.  In fact, I believe that the people that have mastered it far beyond what governments do are the private capitalists, who use it to sell you their stuff.  They also like to promote ideas like "it's safe to go back to work" and "go ahead and go to a bar" and "don't trust doctors and scientists", I think because they only seem to care about profit and not so much about human life in my view.  

Governments wish they had the level of thought control that the private sector has been perfecting.  


Who are these people that are controlling peoples thoughts ? 

What are there names ?

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18 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

Open markets allover, no social distancing, hardly mask wearing, practically no hand gel available, regularly hand wash mostly ignored.

Still no mention of new cases, and government let carry on.

Opening bars would of course be stupid ,as extremely more dangerous than open markets. 


Essential. Non-essential.

It's not just about making money in any way that you can.

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2 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


Essential. Non-essential.

It's not just about making money in any way that you can.

Open markets are not essential, they are a facility.

My wife, a  market vendor, is very happy they are open again, many people come to look around, and thus potential buyers.

Not everyone goes to malls.


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1 minute ago, luckyluke said:

Open markets are not essential, they are a facility.

My wife, a  market vendor, is very happy they are open again, many people come to look around, and thus potential buyers.

Not everyone goes to malls.



Essential for the people who need them. Especially for the day wage earners. 20 baht worth of meat to cook your meal for the day etc.


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3 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

The new cases were returnees - five from the United Arab Emirates, two from Kuwait and one from India - and were in quarantine, where most of Thailand's recent cases have been detected


How on earth are any of these new cases in danger of infecting other people, whether it be bars, markets, B.T.S. or anywhere else in Thailand ?

Is exactly the reason why the borders need to be kept closed.

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1 minute ago, Bruno123 said:


I really have no idea as to what you are trying to convey. Have you been drinking?

Ok i will try one more time.

You stated, quiet correctly that Math is a word that people from America use intead of English, Maths.

I was merely adding to your correct observation, by reinforcing it with the evidence in the dictionary link. I neither know nor care what Canadians say. 

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6 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


Essential for the people who need them. Especially for the day wage earners. 20 baht worth of meat to cook your meal for the day etc.


One can buy everything in small shops, but here and there. An open market is like a mall, everything available under one roof, hence easy but not essential.


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19 hours ago, lesmac said:

Yes I have a bar and pay my rent and staff, but not willing to do this for much longer


Must be devastating to see your hard earn money just disappearing every day that goes by.

Have you ever heard about "Stop loss" ?

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2 hours ago, wealthychef said:


Thailand does have infected people living in it, did you know that?   It only takes one infected person to infect hundreds in a bar setting.  This infection spreads very easily, especially in crowded places.  


So let's run your experiment:  

Week 1:  zero infections.  Authorities open the bars. 

Week 2:  one infected person from somewhere shows up in one of the bars.   Infected 100 people.  Those people bring the virus home to grandma.  

Week 3:  there are now 100 infected people in Pattaya.  Bars are still open, official numbers still say zero infections. 

Week 4:  there are now 1000 infected and the first reports start coming in. 

By week 5, Pattaya will look like the US looks now.  And Grandma is now in the ICU, only not, because she can't afford it.  She dies.  She is the first one.  


The reason there are so few infections in Thailand is precisely because they are restricting people from doing STUPID things like gather in bars during a pandemic.  If they allow these gatherings, then the one or two infections in Pattaya will become hundreds and then thousands.  This infection spreads very very easily. 


Does that help?  



No. All the infected people are in hospital.  i don't drink in hospitals, it tastes of disinfectant.

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47 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Thought control is very common in our society.  It's not only practiced by governments,.  In fact, I believe that the people that have mastered it far beyond what governments do are the private capitalists, who use it to sell you their stuff.  They also like to promote ideas like "it's safe to go back to work" and "go ahead and go to a bar" and "don't trust doctors and scientists", I think because they only seem to care about profit and not so much about human life in my view.  

Governments wish they had the level of thought control that the private sector has been perfecting.  


Does your view take into account those on the other side of the fence that gain from continuing the imprisonment or lockdown, what ever you want to call it.

The list is endless, Amazon gain, Big Pharma will gain, Bill Gates has pumped over 4 Billion dollars into "WHO" anyone that trusts WHO & Kill Bill needs locking down.

Unfortunately the same "Cartel" in control of the lockdown also control the MSM, which people are indoctrinated to believe, rather than question! 

"Governments" are just representatives of the large corporations, did you not notice that change over! Thai government a classic example!


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11 minutes ago, laosnative said:

Ok i will try one more time.

You stated, quiet correctly that Math is a word that people from America use intead of English, Maths.

I was merely adding to your correct observation, by reinforcing it with the evidence in the dictionary link. I neither know nor care what Canadians say. 



Had no idea that you were actually agreeing with me. Thanks for the support. Let's move on. It's off-topic anyway.

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