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Based In Thailand,working On Overseas Contracts

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When you say employed on contracts outside the kingdom do you mean you travel outside the kingdom to work or work inside the kingdom (internet etc) to fullfill those contracts..

Live in Thailand with Thai wife and child - Travel out of Thailand and work on various contracts throughout Asia, Middle East etc.

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Non Immi Multi "O" Visa......£90 a year .... :o

but where to obtain in SE Asia??? I called the thai consulate in Jeddah, KSA near where I presently work and they said no sweat to get the multi-entry non-imm 'O' with the usual documents...big hassles nearer to Thailand if I've read recent posts correctly...

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Non Immi Multi "O" Visa......£90 a year .... :o

but where to obtain in SE Asia??? I called the thai consulate in Jeddah, KSA near where I presently work and they said no sweat to get the multi-entry non-imm 'O' with the usual documents...big hassles nearer to Thailand if I've read recent posts correctly...

Not that simple at all!

I am married to a Thai and have lived in Bangkok since 1994. However, for the last 6 years I have worked overseas, currently on a 10/3 rotation. It is impossible to get a married Visa as they require so many visits to immigration, usually 3-4 weeks after application, and then again several times for months on end, before they give you the one year visa. It is impossible to return whilst on overseas contract as suggested, and you must appear in person.

The only viable visa is the retirement Visa as it takes one day, as long as you have B800,000 in the Bank for 3 months before applying and you are over 50 years old. The 30 day visa free entry stamp was ideal, until the Immigration officers decided it was "Not Sanuk", and invented their own interpretation of the regulation, which means that if they can fool you into believing that it is a fixed 6 month period. They will start counting you days in Thailand once you have 3 visa stamps already in the 6 month period. Therefore if you first came in on 5 months ago for 3 days, went to Cambodia for 2 days and came back for 2 days, then went to Singapore for 3 days and came back then after 2 days went back to the UK, having only stayed here 7 days and came back 4 days before the 6 months period elapsed from you first entry after October 1st 2006, you will only get a another 4 days and then have to go out and come in again even though you have only stayed here 11 days in 6 months. Clearly that is not the Law. But Thai Immigration told me that they do not have the time to count the days especially when there are alot of Tourists queuing. They tell me that they hope the regulation will be changed again soon. So it looks like I will have to go for the Retirement Visa or keep worrying about where I am in the 6 month fixed period when arranging my trips back to Thailand.

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Actually it is quite simple as the multi entry non immigrant O visa is ideal for that type of work schedule and being married it is available at most consulates outside the immediate area and even KL or Singapore will issue (Singapore will want to see a bank account to prove you have funds to support yourself). That would be one trip every year or so to obtain the visa. Each entry would provide up to a 90 day stay. No address reporting required. No visits to immigration required. Marriage certificate, copy of wife ID card, two days a year (and you could take the wife and make that a vacation trip).

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But Thai Immigration told me that they do not have the time to count the days especially when there are alot of Tourists queuing.

If this is true, which I find hard to believe, perhaps turning up with a printed calculation of your allowable days will help these retards out? If not then one hopes their superiors can be referred to to resolve the issue at the time?

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But Thai Immigration told me that they do not have the time to count the days especially when there are alot of Tourists queuing.

If this is true, which I find hard to believe, perhaps turning up with a printed calculation of your allowable days will help these retards out? If not then one hopes their superiors can be referred to to resolve the issue at the time?

It is true and I discussed it with the superiors on the way out again yesterday. I suggested a card that they can staple into the passport where they can write the summary of the accumulative days to make it easier for them, and they said they would try to do this, however they also hinted that the system was likely to change very soon anyway. For the better we hope.

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