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Thailand holds Zoom protest for Black Lives Matter movement


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43 minutes ago, loong said:

Would there have been all this uproar if they had both been white? Probably not! Maybe white lives don't matter.

There is tremendous uproar over the cops in Buffalo, NY deciding to crack open the skull of a 75 year old white protester. Yet for some reason, others are still in support of these cops, and want the charges against them dropped.

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4 hours ago, faraday said:



Fact check needed here, blud.

TooBigToFit is right. This was the law when I first came to Thailand a couple of decades ago. My wife and I fell foul of it when trying to buy a house. Some years later it was changed.

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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

TooBigToFit is right. This was the law when I first came to Thailand a couple of decades ago. My wife and I fell foul of it when trying to buy a house. Some years later it was changed.

Me too, I got married outside Thailand for that singular reason.

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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I almost spilled my coffee over this.


An "anti-racism" campaign by "activists" in a country where racism is almost institutionalized against Burmese, Lao, Cambodians, "farang", blacks, etc. etc.


How about if instead of staging "anti-racism" protests against an incident that happened in a country some 14 flight hours away, these "activists" would first turn their attention to the human rights abuses and racism that prevails in their own country?


I am talking about government critics and human rights advocates being abducted and murdered at seemingly increasing frequency. 

I am talking about workers from neighboring countries being treated like slaves.

I am talking about random arrests on trumped up charges and "attitude adjustment" procedures.

I am talking about judicial double standards that differentiate between the wealthy and poor.

I am talking about text book illustrations that bluntly call people with darker skin "ugly".

I am talking about "farang" being charged ten times the entrance fees to many facilities just because they are NOT Thai.

I am talking about human trafficking in which locals - often enough military or police - are involved.

I am taking about the contempt Bangkokians have for their darker skinned fellow Thais from Isan.

I am talking about Sino-Thais only marrying among each other because they don't want to "taint their family blood".

I am talking about "defamation" being a criminal offence and not a civil matter.

And so on and so on.


But no, these "activists" take issue with something that happened in the United States? NOW is the time to finally spill my coffee.    

They don't dare, othwise Daddy cuts the pocket money

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The death of Floyd has set off the biggest anti-racism protests seen in the United States in decades and sparked demonstrations worldwide.

I see it a LOT more about protests against police brutality, which too often targets black people.

Let's name problems correctly..

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3 hours ago, Humpy said:

Private Rigby couldn't breath either, after being murdered on a London street.. I don't remember these Thai activists protesting after his murder by a black !!

There’s more blacks murdered by other blacks in one night on the streets of Chicago or Detroit (controlled by leftist Democrats by the way) than are killed by police in the U.S. in a whole year. 

     Not a peep out of the protestors about that. 

   This isn’t about George Floyd being killed.

     That crime is only being used as an excuse to work towards accomplishing some other goal. The undermining and destruction of the capitalist free enterprise system and the building of communism. 

    Seventy seven year old black retired police captain and grandfather David Dorn was checking in a friend’s store in St. Louis during the riots last week when looters smashed their way in and shot and murdered him so they could vandalism and loot the store. 

    David made it outside and then collapsed on the sidewalk and bled to death.

     So where are the marches and protests ????

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One might say at least there is an interest in outside matters - I hope they also observed silence for the poor pregnant lady our George terrorised with a gun. That said, rather than meekly get on the bandwagon, there are real tangible issues that need addressing in Thailand.

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Baffling.  Everyone wants justice for Floyd.  OK so do I.  And so far as I can tell with 4 cops in jail awaiting trial facing very serious charges it sure looks like he will get it.  Sooooo, what?  What are we doing a zoom for?


Reality is yes, there is racism in the USA.  it's EVERYWHERE.  Tribal instincts have not left the planet.  Name a nation and yes, there is racism.  England?  Yes.  France?  Yes.  Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.  All have racism.  Thailand?  More so than the US.  I laugh at these kids worried about blacks in the US when they look down their noses at darker skinned Thais from Issan.  


So yes, we have racism in the US.  But it isn't endemic or codified by government in the US.  And when the evidence is there justice prevails. 


The current riots and destruction have set race relations back 10 years.  But maybe the DEMs drummed up some votes and created a racist meme against the GOP.  Hey, never let a crisis go to waste.



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On 6/8/2020 at 7:44 AM, Youlike said:

And i bet these kids can't be bothered to know that the killed black guy was a robber who broke into the house of a pregnant lady, put a gun on her belly and ordered money....the superlooser.


About discrimination, i feel very discriminated in thailand, in a mall they check me nonstop for a mouthmask while the thai men just walk around without one.

sorry mate bit the thing about this bloke and the pregnant lady not heard of this  where can i read more about it  tks and yes i agree racism against Farangs need to be looked at more 

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On 6/8/2020 at 5:14 AM, Thechook said:

Coming from people who spend billions on whitening agents, people who try to make themselves look like farangs  and consider beautiful tanned skin ugly and repulsive. 

You're not Thai! You don't understand!

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On 6/8/2020 at 10:13 AM, TooBigToFit said:

Around the year 2000 or a few years later, Thailand changed its law that when a Thai woman married a foreign man, she lost her right to own land.

Is this for real? No Thai woman married to a foreigner can own land?

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Do forang lives matter? I am offended by the word forang.  I was to RIP down a statue and set card of fire because of it 


The movement names " black lives  matter " are aligned  with terrorist antifa 



I strongly recommend  that Thais stay out of this argument.


I cam to Thailand because I like the nationalistic style of putting Thais first


I respect it and I like it


If you opened your border like UK US and Europe then Thailand will no longer be safe for Thais 


Beleive me nationalism is good

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On 6/8/2020 at 7:09 AM, Andre0720 said:

The death of Floyd has set off the biggest anti-racism protests seen in the United States in decades and sparked demonstrations worldwide.

I see it a LOT more about protests against police brutality, which too often targets black people.

Let's name problems correctly..

Crazy.... four bad murderous cops kill a black man... so the blacks and Marxist ANTIFA and BLM go nuts and riot, burn and loot buildings and businesses.. some of them black owned, and murder about twenty to thirty more blacks and cops. 

    Makes perfect sense and we shouldn’t be surprised... right?

        This has nothing to do with George Floyd. That was only an excuse.

      If not the George Floyd killing... they would have soon come up with another excuse to burn and loot and riot and murder others. 

    Sick, twisted moron bastards !!!

Edited by Catoni
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