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Thepkasttri Blocked: Police, Mob, Shooting


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This is current; like happening right now started at about 3pm this after noon.

Anybody know what's happened out on Thepkasttri Rd. in Koh Kaew (Boat lagoon area) that's caused the road to get shut down?

What I gathered from my Thai staff is that either the Police shot someone or some one was murdered (either way there is a dead person involved) and the towns people are all up in arms about it and have created a mob and are blocking the road.

(for ppl you outside of Phuket this road is THE major road artery that connects Phuket city with the Airport and North to Phang Nga and off island. Major Disturbance!)

Anyone have any other info?? When will it clear up?

Till then I'm looking to drive through Kamala/Patong/kathu to get home tonight.

Edited by ozymandious
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A MOB in Thailand? No way man... everyone knows that things are jai yen yen here. :o

I don't live far from there, but I ain't about to go out and see what's up. I don't want to be caught up in a potentially violent situation. I'm sure the boyz in brown got it under control... god, I can't believe I said that... doh! :D

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KOH KAEW: About 1,000 people from Koh Kaew blocked Thepkrasattri Rd for four hours this afternoon after a 17-year-old local youth died after being shot by a policeman on the bypass road early this morning.

The protest caused long tailbacks with some tourists forced to carry their luggage past the mob and continue their journey in another vehicle.


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I noticed that the protest started at a mosque. Does anyone know if the victim was Muslim?

I hope this is not a pre-cursor of things to come.

Southern unrest coming to Phuket would be tragic in many ways.

I realize that the protesters....whatever religion they practice....had a legitimate reason to be outraged. But I was just wondering if the southern problem might have had some influence on the reaction of the people in Phuket.

Could there be a powder keg waiting for it's fuse to be lit in Phuket?

I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts...The situation is tragic and my heart goes out to all affected.

I just wonder if the dissatisfaction with police and government is spreading north.

Anyone have any comments? I realize I may be paranoid and delusional here.....so please keep your bashing to a minimum.

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KOH KAEW: About 1,000 people from Koh Kaew blocked Thepkrasattri Rd for four hours this afternoon after a 17-year-old local youth died after being shot by a policeman on the bypass road early this morning.

The protest caused long tailbacks with some tourists forced to carry their luggage past the mob and continue their journey in another vehicle.


Hmm, about half of the stories on this page (Gazette) are about shootings and mostly about teenager shootings. This is getting to be a bad problem. How on earth do these young people get guns? That should be a big issue.

But back to this story, giving in to demands by a mob... is that the best policy? Some of the points are reasonable, but it is saying that a mob can get their way... perhaps this has worked so often in the past that it's the thing to do. I remember reading an article in the Gazette about mobs and how often they happen.

Mobs are scary. I'm sure that the tourists who had to walk around that scene will be telling their stories 'back home'. What a scary thing that must have been for them.

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I don't think it was a scary mob, just people milling around generally is what happens - nothing to do with the fact they are muslims at all, speaks something of the world we live in nowadays where that always seems to be the first question.

Its democracy in its basest form, a protest to make sure there is a proper investigation and culpability.

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^^ You are incorrect. Muslims are very well equiped to create a mob anywhere. They do that daily in the south and this area is no exception. From the northern part of Phuket to Thalang and east of the 2 ladies, are all mostly muslim.

Bhuddists do it as well, but these other folks are professionals. These guys protect their own very very well. It would have been scary to tourists arriving or leaving the island.

And not that I am an apocalyptic kind of guy, but yes, there is a powder keg here waiting to explode.

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^^ You are incorrect. Muslims are very well equiped to create a mob anywhere. They do that daily in the south and this area is no exception. From the northern part of Phuket to Thalang and east of the 2 ladies, are all mostly muslim.

Bhuddists do it as well, but these other folks are professionals. These guys protect their own very very well. It would have been scary to tourists arriving or leaving the island.

And not that I am an apocalyptic kind of guy, but yes, there is a powder keg here waiting to explode.

Totally disagree, this was in absoklutely no way some sort of jihad or whatever you are suggesting, if you are scared of a peaceful demonstration in a foreign country then you're just better off staying safe at home.

The police shot a kid for no reason than he didn't stop when asked to, he died - Imagine if that happened elsewhere, there would be similar uproar. In Phuket the Muslims here happen to be the most friendly, I have never witnessed any bad sentiment towards foreigners.

Frankly I find this grouping of all people of the same religion into terrorists appalling, especially when the islamic community in Phuket is so nice and welcoming.

Theres a MASSIVE difference between Phuket and the deep south, religion has little to do with any similarity you seem to be suggesting. The South is poor, believe they are part of a different country and have very little foreign influence. Phuket is wealthy, are glad to be part of Thailand and the jobs, education and opportunities here are way off of what the reality of the deep South is like.

Its simple, the people in the deep South are deeply dissatisfied, whereas those in Phuket are prosperous and happy - they just both happen to be Muslim majorities.

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MiniVDO: Villagers blocked a road in protest against a police officer causing stand-still traffic on Thepkasarttri Road.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=212463

Around 100 residents of Koh Kaew sub-district near Phuket city yesterday afternoon rallied and blocked traffic both ways on Thepkasarttri Road in protest against police after an officer shot dead a teenager there. The road block followed the Tuesday night incident when Sergeant Prasarn Chuay-man, a local police officer, was identified by eye witnesses to have gunned down dead 17 year old Worawut Samarnnit. The teenager was reported to have watched a motorbike gang racing and he was called to stop by the officer, but he declined. The killing upset the family and neighbours who took his corpse to protest in front of the police station in town before residents gathered on the road. The protests caused paralyzed traffic for 4 hours and resulted in tourists missing flights. The protestors dispersed at around 6 pm after the Police Deputy Commander Chalit Thintani agreed to co-sign an agreement with the victim’s family to pursue a severe lawsuit against the officer. The residents however vowed that if the justice procedures are not taken they will stage a protest again today.

from Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) + Radio Thailand FM90.5 Phuket City, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, 8.30am & later on Phuket Cable TV Channel 1, Thursday 19 April 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com {Our news text and mini-videos can be freely copied, but give credit to Andaman News TV11 Phuket or contact [email protected]}

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I am missing something here. Where do I say that this was some sort of jihad? I said that these are very well organized events. Period. And I am glad you think these are the kindest, sweetest and gentlest people you have ever met. 90% of the tuk tuk drivers are muslim. Glad someone here loves them!

Anyway, not to hijack the thread much longer. Pros and cons of these people perhaps is best served at a local tea house, replenished with burnt bodies, pillion riding shooters and beheadings. We can start a thread if you like.

Totally disagree, this was in absoklutely no way some sort of jihad or whatever you are suggesting, if you are scared of a peaceful demonstration in a foreign country then you're just better off staying safe at home.

The police shot a kid for no reason than he didn't stop when asked to, he died - Imagine if that happened elsewhere, there would be similar uproar. In Phuket the Muslims here happen to be the most friendly, I have never witnessed any bad sentiment towards foreigners.

Frankly I find this grouping of all people of the same religion into terrorists appalling, especially when the islamic community in Phuket is so nice and welcoming.

Theres a MASSIVE difference between Phuket and the deep south, religion has little to do with any similarity you seem to be suggesting. The South is poor, believe they are part of a different country and have very little foreign influence. Phuket is wealthy, are glad to be part of Thailand and the jobs, education and opportunities here are way off of what the reality of the deep South is like.

Its simple, the people in the deep South are deeply dissatisfied, whereas those in Phuket are prosperous and happy - they just both happen to be Muslim majorities.

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I noticed that the protest started at a mosque. Does anyone know if the victim was Muslim?

I hope this is not a pre-cursor of things to come.

Southern unrest coming to Phuket would be tragic in many ways.

I realize that the protesters....whatever religion they practice....had a legitimate reason to be outraged. But I was just wondering if the southern problem might have had some influence on the reaction of the people in Phuket.

Could there be a powder keg waiting for it's fuse to be lit in Phuket?

I don't want to offend anyone with my thoughts...The situation is tragic and my heart goes out to all affected.

I just wonder if the dissatisfaction with police and government is spreading north.

Anyone have any comments? I realize I may be paranoid and delusional here.....so please keep your bashing to a minimum.

some research on the Yacht Haven and it's relationship with the local village will not ease your thoughts ........................

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I am missing something here. Where do I say that this was some sort of jihad? I said that these are very well organized events. Period. And I am glad you think these are the kindest, sweetest and gentlest people you have ever met. 90% of the tuk tuk drivers are muslim. Glad someone here loves them!

Anyway, not to hijack the thread much longer. Pros and cons of these people perhaps is best served at a local tea house, replenished with burnt bodies, pillion riding shooters and beheadings. We can start a thread if you like.

What a bad attitude you have, care to show any proof of beheadings in Phuket, I could post you some news links of the IRA killing children, would that mean that all Christians murder babies? What a little world you must live in for every muslim to be automatically designated some sort of terrorist - If you live here in Phuket how on Earth do you survive the paranoia of being beheaded on the way home from Tescos?

I won't argue with you anymore, you have obviously made your mind up about all muslims - probably without having ever met or talked to any, I'd hardly say tuk-tuk drivers where indicative of the population here and actually once you get out of Patong (if you ever do) they are actually quite nice.

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Agreed. You are not worth the typing of my fingers. Good luck with your Yellow Brick Road view of life. My head is not up my a$$ and I am a realist. Stop making up my sentences to fit your Happy Prozac Day.

You think that over 100 people blocking a road is not a mob? What tf was it? A supercheap sale? Welcome to Phuket! Get out more, man! Good bye!

What a bad attitude you have, care to show any proof of beheadings in Phuket, I could post you some news links of the IRA killing children, would that mean that all Christians murder babies? What a little world you must live in for every muslim to be automatically designated some sort of terrorist - If you live here in Phuket how on Earth do you survive the paranoia of being beheaded on the way home from Tescos?

I won't argue with you anymore, you have obviously made your mind up about all muslims - probably without having ever met or talked to any, I'd hardly say tuk-tuk drivers where indicative of the population here and actually once you get out of Patong (if you ever do) they are actually quite nice.

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I tried to word my earlier post so as to avoid any views that I may feel animosity toward the Muslims in Phuket.

I only posed the question asking if the animosity felt toward police and government may be felt by Muslims outside of the southern hotspots, and could that feeling of resentment have possibly contributed toward their reaction.

The post suggesting economic security of the Muslim population in Phuket is interesting, and could suggest that economic build up in the southern provinces may be the path to peace.

But one has to wonder about loyalty to ones fellow man. You can't ignore that there is a kinship there that may carry over to Muslims all over Thailand...whatever their financial situation.

I'm not suggesting it was directly related......but that it may be an ember that is burning.

I'm not trying to incite more arguments here....just wanted to clarify my question.

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A young guy gets shot by the police, and after that of course a lot of people are not happy. Since it appears that he was a muslim, there are muslim demonstrators, along with buddhists.

And what happens on this forum: people see again a chance to ventilate their paranoia against muslims and make Phuket a major risk for a muslim insurgency.

If I were a muslim, I would consider starting one, just to get rid of all these ignorant and IMO even stupid idiots.

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You are correct. And kinship is above the rule of law here in Phuket. For people who make money off tourism (yes, all these muslim shrimp farmers east of the 2 ladies are shrimp farmers, etc) did the entire island a disservice by blocking not only the tourists and making them miss their flights, etc.. But also and more importantly, their community and local Bhuddists' tranquil way of life.

I also agree that these Malay muslims are of the same blood and creed as the peace loving beheaders down south. Muslims locally are NOT the majority on the island, hence their "well behaved" nature.

I am not brushing them all with the same stroke of my brush. But they clearly are not supporting peace by doing what they do locally. And never saw them peace march, either.

I tried to word my earlier post so as to avoid any views that I may feel animosity toward the Muslims in Phuket.

I only posed the question asking if the animosity felt toward police and government may be felt by Muslims outside of the southern hotspots, and could that feeling of resentment have possibly contributed toward their reaction.

The post suggesting economic security of the Muslim population in Phuket is interesting, and could suggest that economic build up in the southern provinces may be the path to peace.

But one has to wonder about loyalty to ones fellow man. You can't ignore that there is a kinship there that may carry over to Muslims all over Thailand...whatever their financial situation.

I'm not suggesting it was directly related......but that it may be an ember that is burning.

I'm not trying to incite more arguments here....just wanted to clarify my question.

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A young guy gets shot by the police, and after that of course a lot of people are not happy. Since it appears that he was a muslim, there are muslim demonstrators, along with buddhists.

And what happens on this forum: people see again a chance to ventilate their paranoia against muslims and make Phuket a major risk for a muslim insurgency.

If I were a muslim, I would consider starting one, just to get rid of all these ignorant and IMO even stupid idiots.

I hope you are not reffering to me as an idiot. I never said anything derogatory toward Muslims in this thread. I only asked a question.

I'll re-phrase......Could it be possible Muslim people residing in areas other than the south, harbor resentment towards police and government?

And could their kinship through religious practice have partially influenced the massive reaction in Phuket?

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You are correct. And kinship is above the rule of law here in Phuket. For people who make money off tourism (yes, all these muslim shrimp farmers east of the 2 ladies are shrimp farmers, etc) did the entire island a disservice by blocking not only the tourists and making them miss their flights, etc.. But also and more importantly, their community and local Bhuddists' tranquil way of life.

I also agree that these Malay muslims are of the same blood and creed as the peace loving beheaders down south. Muslims locally are NOT the majority on the island, hence their "well behaved" nature.

I am not brushing them all with the same stroke of my brush. But they clearly are not supporting peace by doing what they do locally. And never saw them peace march, either.

Heavens forbid, a teenager is murdered by the police AND a couple of tourists MAY have missed their flights, muslims make up the greater part of Phuket People, except for Phuket Town almost every single village is majority Muslim.

Shock news "Muslim shrimp farmers are shrimp farmers", besides what difference does that matter, they aren't allowed a say because they are poor, or is it because they are Muslim?

I personally applaud what they did, so it took me an extra hour to get home, so what! a murderer didn't get off Scott free and justice was served, sounds like a fair trade to me and I'm happy to sit an extra hour in traffic anytime if it's in the pursuit of justice and fairness.

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MiniVDO: Villagers blocked a road in protest against a police officer causing stand-still traffic on Thepkasarttri Road.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=212463

Around 100 residents of Koh Kaew sub-district near Phuket city yesterday afternoon rallied and blocked traffic both ways on Thepkasarttri Road in protest against police after an officer shot dead a teenager there. The road block followed the Tuesday night incident when Sergeant Prasarn Chuay-man, a local police officer, was identified by eye witnesses to have gunned down dead 17 year old Worawut Samarnnit. The teenager was reported to have watched a motorbike gang racing and he was called to stop by the officer, but he declined. The killing upset the family and neighbours who took his corpse to protest in front of the police station in town before residents gathered on the road. The protests caused paralyzed traffic for 4 hours and resulted in tourists missing flights. The protestors dispersed at around 6 pm after the Police Deputy Commander Chalit Thintani agreed to co-sign an agreement with the victim’s family to pursue a severe lawsuit against the officer. The residents however vowed that if the justice procedures are not taken they will stage a protest again today.

from Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) + Radio Thailand FM90.5 Phuket City, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, 8.30am & later on Phuket Cable TV Channel 1, Thursday 19 April 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com {Our news text and mini-videos can be freely copied, but give credit to Andaman News TV11 Phuket or contact [email protected]}

So, was it 100 (see above) 0r 1000 (see below) residents of Koh Kaew who protested.....

KOH KAEW: About 1,000 people from Koh Kaew blocked Thepkrasattri Rd for four hours this afternoon after a 17-year-old local youth died after being shot by a policeman on the bypass road early this morning.

The protest caused long tailbacks with some tourists forced to carry their luggage past the mob and continue their journey in another vehicle.


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If being an idiot is the only way to give my opinion, STEVENL, then please count me in. I am one. lol.

One of the reasons I enjoy my visa runs to KL is because the muslims there are very very friendly and their smile is far more genuine than the Thai smile we have all come to love and cringe (wonder what name STEVENL will call me now?).

These mobs in Phuket is but a beginning. The fuse has been lit.

Oh man, I need to get out of Patong more. lol

And Mr. Ben@atoverpriceddigital something or other.... glad you love our local tuk tuk drivers. Great advertising of your overpriced product on their little red trucks!

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To Khall - according to our cameraman at the scene of protest, there were indeed only about 100, not 1,000 as stated by Gazette.


Another similar nearby incident also occured at weekend:

Koh Yao villagers demand a police officer begs pardon to a victim’s corpse.

Around 300 villagers from Koh Yao district of Phang Nga made a protest led by Fatima Ku-mu-da, a mother of 20 year old Tee-ra-wut, who was shot dead by Sergant Bunlert Bor-ri-sut, an officer of Koh Yao police station. The shooting incident occurred while police officers attempted to intervene at a fight among a teenage gang at a local restaurant. Bunlert fired his gun aiming to stop the teenagers from attempting to hurt officers and the bullet fatally hit Tee-ra-wut. The villagers came to meet with Phang Nga vice governor Titawat Cha-wa-lit demanding that the officer beg pardon to Teerawut’s body. During this time some villagers tried to hurt the officer who was detained, so it caused some chaos. The pardon however went ahead before the victim’s family took his body for a religious ceremony. (on Saturday 21 April).

from Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) + Radio Thailand FM90.5 Phuket City, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, 8.30am & later on Phuket Cable TV Channel 1, NOT SHOWN ON BROADCAST Monday 23rd April 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com {Our news text and mini-videos can be freely copied, but give credit to Andaman News TV11 Phuket or contact [email protected]}

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