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Thai doctor slams WHO over U-turn on face masks


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On 6/9/2020 at 7:29 PM, snoop1130 said:

Thai doctor slams WHO over U-turn on face masks

The Thai doctor should slam the Thai Highway Ministry for U-Turns on Thai highways which kill magnitudes more people each year then the SARS-Cov-2 virus ever will. 

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So what important lesson can we learn here?

That there is no consensus among so call "experts" about much of anything.  "Experts" will align with the narrative that they themselves are espousing.  Money and prestige in the scientific community comes from being able to convince your peers that your view is the "correct view", and then you can capitalize.  Recognition and grants then follow. 

Unfortunately, recognition and grants, money and prestige can also skew research.  I've worked within the scientific community and it's not a pretty business. And not one I particularly trust. 

Edited by connda
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On 6/10/2020 at 8:07 AM, Kerryd said:

The WHO is just another corrupt UN organization whose main purpose seems to be wasting (stealing) money while mouthing whatever platitudes the people behind the scenes want the world to hear.

Tedros, the current leader of the WHO, isn't even a doctor. He's an Ethiopian politician who only got the job because China pushed for it (gee, I wonder why). 

The same China that uses it's influence to prevent Taiwan from becoming a member. 194 countries are members and 2 (Puerto Rico and Tokelau) are Associate Members. But not Taiwan.
<deleted> - the Vatican, Palestine and the "Order of Malta" all have Observer status, which was the best Taiwan was able to get - until 2016 when they lost even that (because of China).

There was a petition started months ago to have Tedros removed from the WHO. It had over a million signatures and of course was ignored by the UN. Of course, as soon as the calls to remove Tedros started, he immediately whipped out his "race card" and claimed that (his race) was the reason people wanted him removed.

(Keep in mind that there were no calls for his removal from the time he was appointed in 2017 until early 2020 when it was apparent he was nothing more than an apologist for - and co-conspirator with - the Chinese.) Funny how his "race" wasn't an issue until people wanted him removed.

Tedros, in addition to his incompetence (and/or corruption) of the covid situation, is also the same <deleted> that appointed Robert Mugabe as a WHO "Goodwill Ambassador" ! (He later reversed the appointment after facing heavy criticism in the media.) Goes to show you how he thinks though.

Sadly, a senior member of the WHO from Canada also apparently kow-tows to the Chinese. During a telephone interview with a reporter, Bruce Aylward pretended he didn't hear a question about Taiwan. When the reporter repeated the question, it seems Aylward hung up on him ! When the reporter called back and asked about Taiwan again, Aylward is quoted as saying "We've already talked about China" and ended the interview.

The Canadian government tried (twice) to conduct a teleconference with Aylward and he declined both times. The House then voted (unanimously) to summon him to appear before them. 
Tedros engaged a lawyer to represent the WHO in declining the summons !! He stated that Aylward would only answer written answers. I guess that was so that he wouldn't accidentally "spill the beans" and admit to what was really going on at the WHO.

Who the <deleted> do they think they are ? 

If I were in a position to do so, I'd have also pulled financial support from the WHO as well. That seems to be about the only way to get their attention.
The UN itself is a model of corruption and incompetence. I never paid much attention to them until I was on a Peace Keeping mission in Croatia in '92/93. That was the first time I was exposed to just how bad things were. Not to mention their lack of balls.

We'd actually been in theatre for almost 3 months when the UN passed a Resolution authorizing us (Peace Keepers) to return fire if someone shot at us !! For the first 9 months we had people in Croatia (I was on the 2nd Roto, another unit had been there for 6 months prior to our arrival) the UN apparently didn't think we should shoot back if anyone shot at us for any reason !!
There were cartoons in the papers showing a massive "UN" Tiger ready to pounce on a little Milosevic, except he wasn't worried at all because the tiger had no teeth or claws (and no willingness to use either even if it had them). 

The WHO has waffled and flip-flopped through this entire crisis. They have no authority and apparently merely repeat whatever someone else (that's pulling their strings) tells them to. 
At this point in time, I wouldn't have any faith in anything they say. 

Great post.


Also worth mentioning that the wife of Chinese PM Xi is a "goodwill ambassador" for the WHO. How exactly did she qualify for that job and why is there no mention of who she actually is on the bio page.


I have little time for Donald Trump at all but I'm glad he's brought the WHO to the spotlight (though part of the reason for doing it is to also cover his own tracks with respect to Covid handling). 


WHO attitude to Taiwan is shameful (as is the attitude from many commerical organisations desperate to do business with China). I always take a bit of extra pleasure in flying EVA Air between LHR and BKK (silver card holder and long-time customer). Very good airline.

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On 6/10/2020 at 7:59 PM, Airbagwill said:

please explain!

Well they did thier part helping cover the disease  up


Trump did the right thing but stoppong funding


China are rhe biggest  hypercryts ever


They even support black luves matter which is a joke comsidering they don't  really give a xxxx about anyone


Seems like they are joining the real objective which is antiTl Trump


I would suggest looking into China for messing with US elections this time

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7 hours ago, BigC said:

Well they did thier part helping cover the disease  up


Trump did the right thing but stoppong funding


China are rhe biggest  hypercryts ever


They even support black luves matter which is a joke comsidering they don't  really give a xxxx about anyone


Seems like they are joining the real objective which is antiTl Trump


I would suggest looking into China for messing with US elections this time

I asked for an explanation - This post is totally devoid of any explanation - the poster seems to think that by writing poorly spelt baseless facts he is in some way having a point of view - it is of course par for the course with many on this thread

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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

I asked for an explanation - This post is totally devoid of any explanation - the poster seems to think that by writing poorly spelt baseless facts he is in some way having a point of view - it is of course par for the course with many on this thread

Sorry what authority  are you? Who you work for? Do I owe you anything?

Answer is no I dont owe you nothing


I dont need to give you an explanation to tell you how things  are


And you can obviously read my post or you wouldn't  be responding 


Yoi always know when someone is full if <deleted> when they attack your grammar 


As if it matters


Give me a letter to type to a client or an official and you'll see the grammar perfect and beautifully  written but on a chat forum I really dont give a monkey's.

Maybe if your so upset by my spelling  then you should go to 7 11 they still sell tissues there and you can have a good cry

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I stopped wearing my N95 cycling mask and replaced it with a basic cloth mask that is now considered part of the "uniform" for gaining access into 7/11 and other communal enclaves. Thais are still compliant but the numbers seem to be diminishing by the day.

Only one person in ChiangMai as been documented as death by CV-19....can we move on,yet?

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On 6/10/2020 at 5:02 PM, harleyclarkey said:

The head of the useless WHO is an Ethiopian. 

Ethiopia is yet another African country now colonised by the Chinese. They have borrowed billions that they have no hope of ever paying back. So China will tell Ethiopia what it wants - read the land, natural resources, airports, ports, etc. 

I recently toured beautiful Ethiopia and saw the Chinese building kilomettes of 2 Lane highways in the barren countryside leading to nowhere. Just wasting the money borrowed and with every single (rubbish) heavy machine and truck bought from China.


I pity the poor of Ethiopia who will have this debt burden from the worlds new Colonial rulers.i


 Tedros Adhanom the incompetent head of the WHO of course bows to his countries benafactor.


Fauci said US government held off promoting face masks because it knew shortages were so bad that even doctors couldn't get enough



Fact check: Cloth masks — homemade and not — do offer protection against COVID-19




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It is clear that the international institutions, in this case the WHO, are nothing more than rooms in which lobbies and private investments and interests proliferate.

On the occasion of the Covid-19, the WHO said everything and the opposite of everything, supported protocols that probably contribuited to the deaths of many people, launched hypotheses and supporting unlikely scientific researches then withdrew.
A pathetic situation, and I don't understand why so many still rely on these clearly corrupt authorities.

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48 minutes ago, zhounan said:

It is clear that the international institutions, in this case the WHO, are nothing more than rooms in which lobbies and private investments and interests proliferate.

On the occasion of the Covid-19, the WHO said everything and the opposite of everything, supported protocols that probably contributed to the deaths of many people, launched hypotheses and supporting unlikely scientific researches then withdrew.
A pathetic situation, and I don't understand why so many still rely on these clearly corrupt authorities.

Having said that, however, we cannot divinize the masks. 

You almost seem to like them, you'll wear them for the rest of your life, I can see it in your eyes when I meet you on the street. Know that the mask is symbolically similar to a muzzle. 


In two words: they are reprogramming you anthropologically.


The truth is common sense.

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6 hours ago, zhounan said:

It is clear that the international institutions, in this case the WHO, are nothing more than rooms in which lobbies and private investments and interests proliferate.

On the occasion of the Covid-19, the WHO said everything and the opposite of everything, supported protocols that probably contribuited to the deaths of many people, launched hypotheses and supporting unlikely scientific researches then withdrew.
A pathetic situation, and I don't understand why so many still rely on these clearly corrupt authorities.

I would suggest you have never been in contact or worked with WHO. If you had you would understand a lot more about how they work. I have had business with anti-malarial charities and other facets of WHO and found that although like ALL world organisations, politics plays a big part, I don't recognise any of your allegations and I think you'd be and put to cite an example.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2020 at 3:39 PM, connda said:

So what important lesson can we learn here?

That there is no consensus among so call "experts" about much of anything.  "Experts" will align with the narrative that they themselves are espousing.  Money and prestige in the scientific community comes from being able to convince your peers that your view is the "correct view", and then you can capitalize.  Recognition and grants then follow. 

Unfortunately, recognition and grants, money and prestige can also skew research.  I've worked within the scientific community and it's not a pretty business. And not one I particularly trust. 

Face masks: Why the guidance has changed so much, and how wearing masks can protect the economy



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2 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

In reality the science has not really changed - it now seems that there MIGHT be some unexplained advantages to wearing one.

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