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Thai doctor slams WHO over U-turn on face masks


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7 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

Not so sure about "everyone will get it eventually".

At 70 and living in various SE and East Asian countries for most if that time, I never get a cold or flu (let alone SARS while living in HK) ....not in the last 50yrs.

I dont get Flu shots, and doubt that I have immunity to the various annual mutations every year over that period .

Also,  SARS 1 "disappeared" after 2003, and the development of a vaccine was terminated. No further cases or infections.

I'll keep wearing a mask for the time being..especially if I want to go to Lotus, 7/11 or malls.

Quite right.

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19 hours ago, Guderian said:

Most of the world seems to have got the message now, in spite of the WHO. That is, apart from the UK and USA, and all the idiots who think it's their democratic right to infect other people. 

The USA has been encouraging mask wearing. At least the news site I use for the whole story has been informing people to wear mask. I don't know about CNN or Reuters, which the TV admin seems to think write the truth... I try not to read to much of their 'narrative' BS and quit listening to CNN a long time ago.

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14 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Guaranteed some numpty will get the dig in on the first page, whether the topic is corona or tiddlywinks. Keep wearing your masks in vain, plebs, you're going to get it eventually anyway, unless one of the above countries saves you with the vaccine.

People are supposed to wear masks to slow down the spread to other people, not to protect themselves. Some people, mainly in the USA and UK haven't realized that yet, or they are so self obsessed that they don't give a <deleted> about anyone else

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16 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Oh ye have little faith CGW.  Lemmings follow and go over the cliff, so are you following the other Anti-maskers over the edge.  It is quite a conundrum to be caught in the middle with evidence towards both sides being presented and then flip-flopped on daily.  PM 2.5 here and the inability for clean air as well as keeping myself from contaminating others with my own coughing from my allergies as well as sneezing this time of year is enough reason for me.

Faith in what? conflicting directions in the ongoing "agenda" Yep - that's me!

Your assumption I am "anti mask" couldn't be further from the truth, I worked my life in an industry where they were required PPE under certain circumstances, I do understand their value as PPE. The PM 2.5 where I am has been <10 for over a month now so the need for one for "clean air" is not a requirement nor justification, sure you have your reasons for wearing, I have no business telling you what to choose to wear or do, do you have the right to attack & "weaponise" terms like "tin foil hat" wearers to justify how you feel?

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6 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I wish more shops would sell these masks


Twice now I've driven my bike to 7-eleven, only for the wind to blow the mask out of the compartment at the front, then not been able to enter the shop because they don't sell them

You could try wearing it on the way. It can also help with the pollution.

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5 hours ago, Logosone said:

In this study they traced 455 contacts of an asymptomatic carrier. Not a single one was infected with the virus.




So if asymptomatic carriers do not spread the virus in significant numbers the effective use of a mask is close to zero in terms of Covid19 prevention.


The gloating of this Thai doctor is clearly misplaced. He is wrong about wearing masks.

You again!

i said at the onset that the worlds politicians and ‘health experts’ would back peddle on the wearing of masks once it was clear that the medical facilities had adequate supplies.

I will say it again, but you have your own view which is fair enough.

Wearing a mask does help in stopping the spread of the virus if the wearer is infected. 
There will always be those who stick with the original findings of the health experts, those who are driven by political neccessity.

The common expression is sheep.

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Most masks are useless, some even dangerous in certain circumstances. Its just about making people feel better, that they are protected, a psychological support. WHO seem to be rarely right about anything, really just a spokesman for their sponsors business endeavors. There again the entire health system is utterly corrupt anyway, its merely a business model creating long term customers. Read up on pharmacology and you'll never take another pill again, except in short term emergencies where the side effects are acceptable.

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In this place, im living, we didnt need masks. Super intelligent professors and so on told, it isnt working.

In the same time, when all started, there was demand for those masks for nurses, doctors and so on.

THere wasnt any and they asked public to send whatever they had left in the house or companies or what ever.

Though by experts it isnt working.

Now in the reopening of public transportation, you MUST wear a mask! IF not then you are denied to get in or

get fined 100 euro if you are in and not wearing mask.

Though by experts masks arent working.

Best way to me, looks like keep yopur mouth shut ! 

No spreading virus and lots of BS isnt coming out aswell 

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55 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

You again!

i said at the onset that the worlds politicians and ‘health experts’ would back peddle on the wearing of masks once it was clear that the medical facilities had adequate supplies.

I will say it again, but you have your own view which is fair enough.

Wearing a mask does help in stopping the spread of the virus if the wearer is infected. 
There will always be those who stick with the original findings of the health experts, those who are driven by political neccessity.

The common expression is sheep.

You again!!!


Of course if the wearer is infected and asymptomatic it is pointless to wear a mask. Five separate studies have shown that asymptomatic people do not spread the virus in significant numbers.


One study found 2.2% transmission by asymptomatics, one found 0.3% and two studies found 0% transmission.




So the transmission of asymptomatic people is somewhere in the range of 0 - 2.2%. Remember only 0.8% of people are infected, of those only 43% are asymptomatic. Thus the risk of catching the virus from an asymptomatic carrier is incredibly small.


If a person is infected and symptomatic obviously they should wear a mask. That is not the point. The point is that healthy people are, wholly nonsensically, made to wear masks when they have no symptoms at all, when wearing a mask is utterly and completely pointless to the point it is ludicrous.



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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

You again!!!


Of course if the wearer is infected and asymptomatic it is pointless to wear a mask. Five separate studies have shown that asymptomatic people do not spread the virus in significant numbers.


One study found 2.2% transmission by asymptomatics, one found 0.3% and two studies found 0% transmission.




So the transmission of asymptomatic people is somewhere in the range of 0 - 2.2%. Remember only 0.8% of people are infected, of those only 43% are asymptomatic. Thus the risk of catching the virus from an asymptomatic carrier is incredibly small.


If a person is infected and symptomatic obviously they should wear a mask. That is not the point. The point is that healthy people are, wholly nonsensically, made to wear masks when they have no symptoms at all, when wearing a mask is utterly and completely pointless to the point it is ludicrous.



This forum is hopefully express ones opinion. It is not usually used to preach and repeat nonsense posts.

you have an opinion, you only need to e press it once per thread. It gets repetitive mate.

so say what you want then leave rather than rinse and repeat!

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5 minutes ago, Logosone said:

You again!!!


Of course if the wearer is infected and asymptomatic it is pointless to wear a mask. Five separate studies have shown that asymptomatic people do not spread the virus in significant numbers.


One study found 2.2% transmission by asymptomatics, one found 0.3% and two studies found 0% transmission.




So the transmission of asymptomatic people is somewhere in the range of 0 - 2.2%. Remember only 0.8% of people are infected, of those only 43% are asymptomatic. Thus the risk of catching the virus from an asymptomatic carrier is incredibly small.


If a person is infected and symptomatic obviously they should wear a mask. That is not the point. The point is that healthy people are, wholly nonsensically, made to wear masks when they have no symptoms at all, when wearing a mask is utterly and completely pointless to the point it is ludicrous.



Thanks for that link!
It's good to see such an extensive study, bringing together and analyzing so many studies.

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3 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

Thanks for that link!
It's good to see such an extensive study, bringing together and analyzing so many studies.

Yes, it's awesome that the truth is now coming out and it is clear that asymptomatic people do not spread the virus in significant numbers. 


Of course that was the whole reasoning of all the geniuses who claimed you had to wear a mask, because haven't you heard asymptomatic people can spread the virus. Turns out they don't.


So the whole edifice for the mandatory wearing of  masks by healthy people has come crumbling down.

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1 hour ago, jkcjag said:

It's quite simple. 50,000 deaths in UK, just 58 deaths in Thailand...similar population. Wear a mask in public...everywhere...it's hardly in vain is it?


Obviously  very  simple  in  your eyes, so  living conditions, climate, and host of other things  have no bearing at  all, then there's the testing or  lack of, the  possibility of different stronger strains in other places.

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11 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

This forum is hopefully express ones opinion. It is not usually used to preach and repeat nonsense posts.

you have an opinion, you only need to e press it once per thread. It gets repetitive mate.

so say what you want then leave rather than rinse and repeat!

Most of the forum is  repeated, get used to it.

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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

But, I can not go to the store, or mall, or park, or anywhere in my condo without wearing a mask, so Is this doctor trying to say Thailand was misinformed in the beginning and only now the WHO says to wear one.  So f.......confused.  Must I wear a condom when I have sex with my wife, or has the WHO said I do not need one....

WHo obviously serve China 

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10 minutes ago, LoS itaint said:

Dr Manoon Leechawengwongs is bang on with his comments, the Who should stick to what they do best, i loved their Quadrophenia album & the movie...............

People seem astoundingly ignorant of the WHO and it's operations - they've saved thousands, no millions of lives.

They do from time to time make controversial decisions and these are based on the best available science ....occasionally they are overwhelmed by the politics of a country and unfortunately have to modify their advice.

With masks the science has not altered, but the evidence is still examined. 

those who criticise make no scientific or evidence based justification for their criticisms.

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19 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Guaranteed some numpty will get the dig in on the first page, whether the topic is corona or tiddlywinks. Keep wearing your masks in vain, plebs, you're going to get it eventually anyway, unless one of the above countries saves you with the vaccine.

You don't seem to understand the purpose of wearing masks nor are you aware of the "R" factor which is the rate of infection and what happens when that goes below one.

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Dr Manoon Leechawengwong is ok.
I was also wrong in my first assumption.
But that also has to do with cultural differences.
In other circles, wearing a mask is a sign 
that this person is sick. However, not everyone is aware that wearing self-wearing masks can protect others.
But as a doctor, it is also important to consider the socio-economic situation of the patient. And there are a lot of normal Thai people who are currently having problems. It is not forbidden for a scientist to think outside the box and speak plain text.

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Up to 40% of coronavirus cases are spread by people without symptoms, WHO warns




*** And this was reported on Tuesday after the same person said on Monday that asymptomatic infection was rare. She said her ststement was misinterpeted.

If you were confused by the contradictions, you’re not the only one.

“The WHO has now wonderfully confused the public health messaging,” says William Schaffner, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “Even our infectious disease sophisticates were all scratching their heads yesterday about this news, which came right on the heels of the WHO recommending much wider use of masks than they have previously. The reason you wear masks is because you can have essentially no symptoms or very few and still spread the virus. 




Above statements taken from this link below :


Edited by metisdead
Edited as per fair use policy.
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17 hours ago, LoS itaint said:

Dr Manoon Leechawengwongs is bang on with his comments, the Who should stick to what they do best, i loved their Quadrophenia album & the movie...............

Wrong they should stick to time Travel, everyone knows Dr  Who.

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