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Thailand To Prepare Racism Report For United Nations

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You are factually incorrect which may be part do to your lack of UK knowledge, specifically of crime figures. The highest rate of recorded crime commited by any ethnic group is within the black migrant communities. Muslims do indicate that they have no wish to integrate and it would appear from recent times that it this ethnic group which provides the majority of actual or suspected terrorists within the UK to date, excluding that is the previous N Ireland/IRA terrorists, which as we all know have all been forgiven and have been elected to the UK parliment in some instances.


I anticipate from your last reply that you have but limited understanding of the immigration issues or you are unable to comprehend simplistic facts or perhaps it is both together with you are also in self denial.

Therefore can I suggest you read the following link from todays UK Telegraph :-


Crime figures in the UK are recorded using the 16+1 system now (16 self identified groups, plus 'not stated'). The highest rate of recorded crime commited by any ethnic group is by the White ethnic group (comprising, British, Irish, Any other White Background). The percentage of recorded crime committed by persons of the Black ethnic group and M1 (White and Black Carribean), and M2 (White and Black African) groups, who I assume you are referring to by "black migrant communities', as a percentage of the overall Black, M1 and M2 communites, is probably higher. However there are a number of sociological reasons for this, statistically they are more likely to be unemployed, have lower incomes etc. Most crime committed by Whites are committed by people from a similar social background.

It isn't quite as simple as get rid of the immigrants, get rid of crime.

In the context of the thread it was about crime amongst the migrant population, not the indigenous population.

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I would like to see evidence of this genocide in New Zealand or Canada.

Besides, we're supposed to be dealing with Thailand's fitness to prepare a report on racism. I think there has been more than enough evidence shown regarding Thailand's own laws that it's certainly an odd choice of author.

At the risk of starting another run of bash the USA for it’s racist policies, I would dare to say the genocide was almost the rule rather than the exception everywhere in the world the white man landed their boats and then proceeded to wipe out the native populations. Canada and New Zealand are in that lot – along with The US of A, and Australia to name a few more.

BTW – in relation to the OP and racism in Thailand, as is the case with many things in life nothing will change until people recognize and accept that there is a problem. So only after the Thai authorities/ people recognize that racism indeed exists little to nothing will change.

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And what about the tier pricing for National parks and historical sites entry fees? Mainly based on the color of the skin (farang).

For me it's clear, they have it in their genes... :o

Thought for the day.

Racism isn't a natural trait, no one is born with it. It is either taught or a lesson learned.

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Racism isn't a natural trait, no one is born with it. It is either taught or a lesson learned.

People naturally treat anyone unusual with suspicion, be it a person of different color or a pigmey or a giant. Is it racism?

When people meet someone they quickly assess and classify them - color, nationality, social standing, purchasing power, physical attraction and so on. I don't expect Thais to behave the same way as newly arrived farangs here, for example I wouldn't offer them the same drinks. Is it racism? What if I offer water to the ladies and beer to men - is it sexism?

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Well anyway the report will obviously be an expensive waste of multilateral tax payers' money but proof of the pudding will be in the eating. Can Thailand solve problems in the South caused by 100 years of racial discrimination and colonial type rule? It is possible but it requires a radical change of mindset.

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Racism isn't a natural trait, no one is born with it. It is either taught or a lesson learned.

People naturally treat anyone unusual with suspicion, be it a person of different color or a pigmey or a giant. Is it racism?

No, that is just weighing up the situation, if that giant, pigmy, person of a different colour goes on to treat you as you would hopefully treat them, you have a harmonious situation.

Racism is pre-judging an individual before any meaningful contact has been made, nobody comes with that ability built in as standard, it is generally bludgeoned into them by their peers and elders.

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Yeah, but after weighing up the situation you would treat a person as a member of a group and you'll make presumptions about that person based on his group usual behaviour.

It takes time to figure out that not all white men like dark skinned Isan girls and that not all dark skinned Isan girls walking hand in hand with fat ageing white men are prostitutes.

Where is the difference between stereoptypes and racism? Could it be that after you define that thin line you'll find out that Thais are not racist but rather victims of stereotypes and bad profiling.

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