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Far-right and anti-racism protesters scuffle in London


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1 minute ago, vogie said:

This is not whataboutery, the truth of the matter is the police are placating the left wing thugs whilst quite rightly coming down hard on the right wing thugs. There needs to be balance in a fair society and at the moment we don't have that by a long chalk.

It might be because by in large the BLM protesters were not attacking the police.

There were of course a few scattered incidents but not on the scale nor ferocity that the police faced in Parliament square. 

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6 hours ago, vogie said:


Police are warned refusing to take a knee could START trouble


Former Home Secretary David Blunkett is among politicians who have warned that the action risks drawing police into politics and could lead to false accusations of racism being levelled at any who refuse to join in. 

‘I am concerned that the gesture of kneeling, though prompted by the best instincts, might give the perception of undermining the role of the police in such situations,’ he said last week. 

‘They are there to ensure a safe demonstration, not to make political statements.’ He added that many people ‘may have been left deeply uneasy at the sight of police kneeling before a protesting crowd’, saying: ‘If they attend rallies in their own time, I would have no problem with police making symbolic gestures of solidarity with anti-racists. But it is a different matter when they don their uniform’. 




Police are warned refusing to take a knee could START trouble


And there was me thinking it was GIVING the knee that caused trouble!


Time for the rest of us Brits to get up off our knees and stop feeling guilty about hailing from the least racist country in the world.

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Just now, Krataiboy said:


Police are warned refusing to take a knee could START trouble


And there was me thinking it was GIVING the knee that caused trouble!


Time for the rest of us Brits to get up off our knees and stop feeling guilty about hailing from the least racist country in the world.

But Johnson said that racist thuggery had no place in our society.

Is Johnson wrong?

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12 minutes ago, vogie said:

This is not whataboutery, the truth of the matter is the police are placating the left wing thugs whilst quite rightly coming down hard on the right wing thugs. There needs to be balance in a fair society and at the moment we don't have that by a long chalk.

I absolutely despise the term "whataboutism", especially in historical contexts, as all it does is serve to condemn one side, without either condemning the other and/or viewing the actions of the party/parties in question, within the context of the times.


Not that it's much better within the context used here. Same thing, minus the temporal chauvinism....


As for the police going easier on the left wing scum, this is nothing new. You should see the may day riots in Berlin etc. each year. In the last few years, local Muslims (often 3rd generation migrant offspring, of the Kreuzberg area) have joined in. Not because they agree with the political message, but because it's the few days in the year, where they attack the cops, whomever else they get their hands on, and loot/burn cars etc. with even less repercussions than usual.


The "Black Block" scum go on a rampage, with the police mostly content to every now and then do a rolling/running battle. Once in a while they catch one of them, and he might catch a little beating in return (nothing too bad though, considering they're throwing plaster, molotovs, etc. at the cops), which usually turns out to be some kid of well to do parents, and then all hell breaks loose in the media, about the brutal police "savagely" beating a kid who was just protesting peacefully, caught in the crossfire between the violent rioters and the even more violent police...


Yet when there's any right wing rally (doesn't even have to be far right, but usually will be labeled as such by the media anyway), and antifa and gullible people come out to show "colour" against the "fascists", and they throw glass bottles (often full ones), rocks, etc. yet again, the Police will mostly only try to hold them off, but not much in terms of grabbing out ring leaders. If one of the "fascists" throws something back, the snatch squads will appear really fast, plus they have plain clothes guys amongst the right wingers, so they can use hidden cameras to film anyone who might do anything even remotely resembling a "nazi salute" (so people are ALWAYS instructed prior to NOT raise their right arm in any way, and only raise the left or both arms, as many are unaware of how easily they can end up being front page news/all over tv as a "neo nazi"), to be charged and sent to prison later (for a gesture, that might not even have been intended...).


Of course the story by the lefties will then be, that the nazi & fascist symphatizer police was going against super-heavy handed, while doing nothing to smash the "fascist scum", and even protecting them *GASP* from harm, by cowards who 9 out of 10 times won't dare to raise their hand against anyone, unless the odds are at least 10 to 1 in their favour...

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2 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

They graffitied the memorials , writing rude words in spray paint and also trying to set fire to them 

No arrests or charges for them 

Some drunk guy has a pee next to a memorial that he didnt see and he gets two weeks in jail

Not only that , it was the spray painters who were shouting for justice



No-one should be spay painting memorials or statues. 

You see I can condemn those who do such things.

Can you condemn they racist thugs who attacked the police?

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On 6/14/2020 at 10:08 AM, CorpusChristie said:

They were not far right groups , just people protecting Londons heritage from attacks  


   Was our Tommy there, in the front line.

      Peaceful protests , are his speciality ..

Edited by elliss
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4 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Just his way of taking the knee. He's a politician. What else could any but the most naive among us expect?

        Please keep , the most naive among us, aka brexiteers out of this topic .555

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2 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

Are you refering to Tommy Robinson? Another victim of leftist&leftist media lies, incl. plots to get an ex girlfriend to paint him as a pervert (secretly filmed and leaked, yet ignored by media), his reputation so utterly ruined, by "credible" and "unbiased" media such as BBC, that he couldn't even launch a libel suit when he could PROVE the allegations made in the press were wrong/outright lies, as "it doesn't matter, your reputation is already gone anyway"...

Poor Tommy. Always victimised even though he is a poor peaceful visionary trying to bring hope and reconciliation to us all. 

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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So Johnson is not the "Tough on crime" PM you expected him to be?

I’m warming to him after his statement today Condemning the “far right thugs”. and promising more action to eliminate racism. More than some can do on here. 

If he keeps this up I may even have his photo as my avatar ????


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Just now, Kadilo said:


I’m warming to him after his statement today Condemning the “far right thugs”. and promising more action to eliminate racism. More than some can do on here. 

If he keeps this up I may even have his photo as my avatar ????


I suspect that may have more to do with voting intentions.

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

I suspect that may have more to do with voting intentions.

...and pressure from his “most diverse cabinet in history.”


He will be under all sorts of pressure and rightly so. 

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2 minutes ago, sungod said:

The guy who peed on Keith Palmer's statue has been dealt with by the law, but its sad to see BLM protestors getting away with other acts of blatant dispresprct setting fire to the flag at The Cenotaph that many members of society find abhorrent too. Probably given a pass by the police due to being person of colour.

I utterly condemn anyone setting fire to any flag.

Will you also condemn anyone assaulting a police officer?

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