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U.N. rights body to examine 'systemic' U.S. racism and police brutality


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I was wondering when the do-nothing UN was going to get into this. In other words, the self-appointed moral conscience of the West. Because the wholly domestic issues in America are far more pressing to Europe than the threat of the CCP in the South China Sea. I mean, China is quaking in their boots over what the dreaded UN might do. I think Chaz is a more formidable opponent than a bunch of blowhard bureaucrats that do nothing but talk.

Edited by OZinPattaya
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3 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

I hope they don't have to send in the troops. 

3 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

I hope they don't have to send in the troops. 

I hope the UN does send in the blue helmets so that they can experience what it's like to be on the wrong side of the BLM. We'll see how much sympathy they have then. I'd suggest they remain in their idyllic lily-white gated communities where the only black or brown person they ever personally encounter is the representative of another country sitting across from them in the auditorium.

Edited by OZinPattaya
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Is Empathy Dangerous

for Cops?

Police work is a psychologically dangerous

career, and the research seems to indicate

certain personality traits may be risk factors,

including one of the very traits we

encourage and believe important

Basic training is mainly occupied with
gun training.

Recruits with high IQs and empathy are rejected.
That coupled with ever increasingly ridiculous
laws has resulted in the present crisis.
The police kill 1000 American citizens yearly.
Arrest for sleeping in yer car.
Corporate crime, no problem.
It is my opinion that Mr Trump
would have recruited easily.
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15 hours ago, curlylekan said:

Luckily in the US, plenty of police officers and others have lost their job and more for police brutality. Laws are being changed in the USA as we speak and the culture of police throughout the country is changing, for the better. Where is the Human rights council about racism against blacks in China, against abuse by the police over Hong Kongers, the major human rights violations they conduct in Xinjiang against Uyghurs - this is the greatest open discrimination in the world, yet the human rights council, which China has a lot of sway over wants to look at microaggressions in the USA - laughable? What a <deleted> poor organization it has become. It's about as useless as the WHO and the UN.

It is the UN.

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Copulate off, do something useful like stopping honour killings in Pakistan or human rights violations in China or ask Japan why it won't take refugees. 

Weak knee POS I despise the UN

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8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

If black lives matter why do so many blacks kill other blacks every year in the USA?


Maybe they should start in Chicago. A city lead by all African American’s and Democrats for the last 50 years. City council, Mayor, Police Chief all democrats. Same as Minneapolis Minnesota. But it Trumps fault.

Edited by RANGER55
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