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August 1st - 'covid visa' ends, what next?

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16 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

You have been singing this tune for years.

Most organized folk have zero issues. Your like a dog with a bone. Very boring.

If your over 50 then do extensions based on retirement (many married guys do- less paperwork) since based on marriage has caused you to continually rant. As for the married guys with ME to visit wife when in fact living here, guess having some issues at the moment.

Oh I just realized gives you a flag to fly.

Thanks for setting the record straight with that panicky, deranged poster.


A lot of current and former expats come up with all sorts of crazy anti-Thai conspiracy theories on their bar stools, while singing the praises of neighboring countries, which apparently love farang, all of which is total baloney.


I asked him a question about agents yesterday he still hasn't answered. Predictable because he doesn't know anything. Looks like I will have to contact some agents myself.


I love how he singles out IOs as having an anti-foreigner agenda. Without us they'd be out of jobs. What about Cambodian border guards who are surly and rude, never greet you properly and throw your passport back at you if you don't pay their them their inflated visa costs? Crickets...because it doesn't fit that dude's narrative.

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7 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

It doesn't really matter, the point is the Government have automatically extended your permission of stay until the 31st July until further notice.

To many panicking and applying for 60 day extensions before they have to.

You can only extend once per entry.


When borders do eventually open, at best in my opinion they'll allow a 14 day window for those automatically extended to obtain an alternative valid means of stay. That could be new Visa applications at Thai Embassies/Consulates in some cases, or a border bounce for a new entry in other cases.

Whichever the case, with thousands automatically extended, the borders are going to be inundated with foreigners needing to cross both ways.


Use your loaf and save that one off 60 day extension until the borders reopen and a final date of the automatic extensions is announced. That will give you an additional advantage of allowing an extra 60 days for borders to clear before you eventually have to make your run.

I get that. I am however worried that if my last entry expires say June 5 and apply for an extension on July 29, they will only give an extension until August 5, because they may consider that the expiry date of my last entry. Basically counting the 60 days from that date, not from July 29. But I hope I am wrong. With immigration here you never know!

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2 minutes ago, AndyPa said:

I get that. I am however worried that if my last entry expires say June 5 and apply for an extension on July 29, they will only give an extension until August 5, because they may consider that the expiry date of my last entry. Basically counting the 60 days from that date, not from July 29. But I hope I am wrong. With immigration here you never know!

There are those who have already extended 60 days which will expire before 31st July, so they will be left on the automatic extension once again, so what do you have to lose by waiting.

You'll be no worse off, but may have much to gain.


Personally, I think the amnesty will be extended even further until 31st August or September.

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3 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

Personally, I think the amnesty will be extended even further until 31st August or September.

Agree! I'm guessing almost certain.

Easy for us that have annual extensions that can be renewed within Los.

I can understand the worry for some as time ticks on and borders not look like opening. Also in Thai news forum today have health minister indicated that tourists will not be included in "bubble" at this time. Even that seems long way off.

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I think too they will extend permission of stay.


But i must say the option to make a visa run is IMO a very bad option, for some months, i mean as long as restrictions and requirements applies.

Seriously someone really want to take a bus with requirements, preregistration, tracking, whatsoever, and then take a risk to be quarantined in says Laos, or denied because a last minute requirement for thousands USD in deposit like what Cambodia ?, then come back in bus (or plane, that look really like the not safe places, although i do not fear a virus), risk quarantine, or denied entry to Thailand, and then what ?...


I am a big traveller, i love that. But now is just not the time to travel out or in any country IMO, unless absolute necessity like family. Not even for business i would say. Too messy-uncertainty.

Stay in the country i would say ????As long as this world-mess continue.


Actually i feel very lucky i came back here in the beginning of this pandepanic. And picked up a medium quiet town : Chiang Rai, very relax here, no panic.


And i do not think they will be crazy to manage to expulse farangs who are here (by not doing another permission of stay). It's small money compare to the packs of Chineese but still makes many Thaïs a living right now.

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21 hours ago, drbeach said:

So could I hire an agent and pay them 25-35K for the 1 year extension (marriage) with no financials required? I assume for this price, they can do it without me needing to be present?

Not sure Bangkok rate, But Pattaya rate is 15K (some agents can do less than that also) for retirement extension but you must be more than 50-years old. They cant bend the age limit. Not sure about marriage extension. Mariage extension may be 25-35K.


In Facebook, I keep seeing an ad for an agent who says he can get one-year Non-O voluntary visa if retirement/marriage is not applicable. I guess more geared towards tourists trapped in Thailand. 

Edited by Mulambana
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2 hours ago, Sambotte said:

I think too they will extend permission of stay.


But i must say the option to make a visa run is IMO a very bad option, for some months, i mean as long as restrictions and requirements applies.

Seriously someone really want to take a bus with requirements, preregistration, tracking, whatsoever, and then take a risk to be quarantined in says Laos, or denied because a last minute requirement for thousands USD in deposit like what Cambodia ?, then come back in bus (or plane, that look really like the not safe places, although i do not fear a virus), risk quarantine, or denied entry to Thailand, and then what ?...


I am a big traveller, i love that. But now is just not the time to travel out or in any country IMO, unless absolute necessity like family. Not even for business i would say. Too messy-uncertainty.

Stay in the country i would say ????As long as this world-mess continue.


Actually i feel very lucky i came back here in the beginning of this pandepanic. And picked up a medium quiet town : Chiang Rai, very relax here, no panic.


And i do not think they will be crazy to manage to expulse farangs who are here (by not doing another permission of stay). It's small money compare to the packs of Chineese but still makes many Thaïs a living right now.

Very good post. I totally agree 100% with you. What the medium or longer term future holds here for me and my family, I don't know. What I do know is this: I need more time here to figure things out and given the current global situation with continuing border closures (about the only borders re-opening soon are within the EU, but given EU nations are treated more like states or provinces within a country, that's no indication of where things are headed for travel elsewhere in the world). Also, some countries that are apparently "open" again have such stringent restrictions, and are often far more restrictive than Thailand (Turkey for instance is implementing weekend daytime curfews) that it's pointless to even contemplate traveling right now when things are from normal. Also, look at what Sri Lanka plans for tourists starting August 1. This is a sign of things to come elsewhere in the world, not to mention what Cambodia is doing right now.


What this means for me is I'll wait it out until roughly July 15 or 20, hoping by then we'll receive some clarity regarding the possible, in my opinion probable extension of the amnesty for another month or two. I'll continue to wait and see how things develop during that extended amnesty regarding border re-openings, and once the amnesty does come to an end (whether it's next month or at a future date) I'll be going for my 60 day extension and then possibly a 1-year extension possibly with the help of an agent. That'll tie me over without having to worry about immigration issues.


Up until this point, I was traveling on to Myanmar on business, which I run over there. Unfortunately, it is looking increasingly unlikely I'll be able to enter Myanmar again this year. If normal international travel doesn't come back, I may have some difficult decisions to make about the future of my business, but hey, that's life.

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16 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

Not sure Bangkok rate, But Pattaya rate is 15K (some agents can do less than that also) for retirement extension but you must be more than 50-years old. They cant bend the age limit. Not sure about marriage extension. Mariage extension may be 25-35K.


In Facebook, I keep seeing an ad for an agent who says he can get one-year Non-O voluntary visa if retirement/marriage is not applicable. I guess more geared towards tourists trapped in Thailand. 

Great, thanks. I'm leaning towards using an agent at least this one time, just to ease off the stress of the current situation so I have some peace of mind. It doesn't mean I'd be using an agent next time, but since the next extension after this one wouldn't take place until towards the end of next year, who knows what the world will look like then?


I'll be sure to start looking at different agents over the coming weeks. However, I understand i can do the 60 day visit wife extension first and that would take me until late September (if done in the final days of July), therefore I still have a fair bit of time left.

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Good luck for your business.

Must be difficult for all businessman travelling, and people with family separated, i think, those countries closures or restrictions or requirements... And uncertainty, and long wait.


I was planning to travel to Taiwan and Japan (never been), but i think now it's not for this year. Anyway Japan in summer only, i fear the cold more than a virus ????

So i think i'll wait a year or so here. Bank is here, condo are good and easy, people relax, services good, can't complain and have no obligation elsewhere.


But this time i came back on tourist exemption. Have an 30 days extension maybe possible.

I may look for an agent, for the first time. I qualify for retirement (i had for 2 years until they changed it all), except i do not want now to put 800K from investment to do that with uncertainty. I have no clue if i could do it without blocking the money.

Other options are tricky : tourist-visa run is i think i no-go for me, unless proved it's without problem (and definitely no quarantine, deposit, or insurance). Test would be ok, i am not at risk. If tests are good now, not obvious. Well i do not feel a visa-run, and it's too short long.

And well i was considering the Elite Visa... before this pandepanic. Does not makes any sense now since the next 5 years are totally uncertain about travelling... They should make a new elite 1 year visa i would say, would be wise now.


Will see.

Live to die another day... was my mind. Now it will be even : no time to die. I mean... this world stop living by fear of death, that's something...

But hey, rain stop, i'll rent a BIG bike ha ha ! Push the limits. Feel alive !????

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1 hour ago, Daniele898 said:

An agent in Pattaya offered me a "special" 90 days extension for 23k, only passport required. What is that about? And why I can't do by myself at the immigration office?

I'm curious about that, too, I've seen similar offers popping up recently. I'd like to know what they do. Maybe a medical extension, paying off both a doctor and an immigration officer?


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9 hours ago, Daniele898 said:

An agent in Pattaya offered me a "special" 90 days extension for 23k, only passport required. What is that about? And why I can't do by myself at the immigration office?

Interesting. Something to look into when the time comes, but chances are for around that amount or a little more, I can get a full 1-year extension.

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On 6/18/2020 at 6:55 PM, DrJack54 said:

You have been singing this tune for years.

Most organized folk have zero issues. Your like a dog with a bone. Very boring.

If your over 50 then do extensions based on retirement (many married guys do- less paperwork) since based on marriage has caused you to continually rant. As for the married guys with ME to visit wife when in fact living here, guess having some issues at the moment.

Oh I just realized gives you a flag to fly.

What I am doing, along with others who had very similar experiences, is to warn others about what Immigration here "IS" so they can be prepared with a "Plan B," and prepare their Thai wives for potential IO-Abuse.

This is real-world experience, needed to counter folks who set-up people (like me, before) to be shocked and horrified at how Immigration treats us.  What is your flag?  - the "Thai Immigration is Great" flag?

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On 6/19/2020 at 12:18 AM, drbeach said:

Good rebuttal though I don't see why you wouldn't receive an extension for marriage purposes. If you have the required money in the bank and are married to a Thai, it's an automatic process.

It is not automatic at all, there is no appeal-process, and I have had the required Income (proven) at each of multiple attempts applying.  In Jomtien, the financials were not the reason for the denial. Last time in Bangkok, showed the tax-forms, but they wanted me to re-prove my work-permit and job was valid.  They Make Up (Stuff) to block applications.

On 6/19/2020 at 12:18 AM, drbeach said:

You could pay an agent a fee and they can work wonders from what I hear but have never tried it before.

Starts at $1000 USD in Bangkok - and rewards the very same (explitives) who do their best to break up Thai families, if you don't line their pockets.


On 6/19/2020 at 12:33 AM, drbeach said:

So could I hire an agent and pay them 25-35K for the 1 year extension (marriage) with no financials required? I assume for this price, they can do it without me needing to be present?

Although technically, I do have the required funds (does a foreign credit card account qualify, surely it would be OK?)

Required Funds is 400K "in the bank" for 2 mo pre-application, or proof of 40K/mo in income.  It doesn't seem to help to "really have the money" for marriage-based.  It would seem the big cheese is the envelope for the district-signoff. 

But, you will likely need to show up for 5 minutes for the picture - I saw a few of these done when I was waiting in queue.  The agents contact the IOs with some messenger-app on their phone, then just walk in with their client (between queue #s), then back out a couple minutes later.


On 6/19/2020 at 12:18 AM, drbeach said:

I don't see neighboring countries as opening up to us in time - Cambodia forget it. Sri Lanka - opens August 1 but is basically a prison camp. Foreigners not allowed to use public transport and must get covid test done multiple times. Laos, Myanmar, doesn't look like it's happening.

I think the amnesty will have to be extended or they introduce a temporary extension scheme that lasts until such time the borders re-open.

Let's hope so.  Maybe the PI will allow those from places like Thailand with few infected, in July.  It's a wait-and-see game.  They prioritized family-unification, of course (Immigration there act and "feel" like human-beings, vs rabid dogs).


I don't care about being tested - is fine.  Given how virulent this virus is, I likely picked it up from the Chinese New Year visitors (Bangkok area) in February, along with most everyone else - pre-testing, when they labeled the few who required hospitalization "pneumonia" victims (to avoid offending the Chinese).  Most don't ever show symptoms, and I am healthy - so would never have known.

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On 6/19/2020 at 8:48 AM, Tanoshi said:

What hoops are you referring to, do you even know?

Far to many quoting jumping through hoops for marriage extensions, either because they are quoting from other posters, but usually because they have no idea what their talking about.


The fact is the differences in documentation for retirement or marriage extensions is minimal.

You are referring to the "published requirements" - not what actually happens when you try to get one.  Expect at least 3 application-attempt trips, at many officies - assuming you meet all the published requirements from the onset.

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On 6/20/2020 at 10:13 AM, Daniele898 said:

An agent in Pattaya offered me a "special" 90 days extension for 23k, only passport required. What is that about? And why I can't do by myself at the immigration office?

Thats because if you showed up at an immigration office with 23k started talking about a special 90 day extension, you would be looked at crazy.

Not all immigration officers are apart of the backhanders /visa agent illegal activity.

These agents do it under the table, so no one in the office see's it take place.

You pay the visa agent they sort it all out.

As a farang you have no chance getting "special extensions" by yourself, unless you know the officer personally.

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3 hours ago, jimmjam said:

Thats because if you showed up at an immigration office with 23k started talking about a special 90 day extension, you would be looked at crazy.

Not all immigration officers are apart of the backhanders /visa agent illegal activity.

These agents do it under the table, so no one in the office see's it take place.

You pay the visa agent they sort it all out.

As a farang you have no chance getting "special extensions" by yourself, unless you know the officer personally.

It's the same all over the region. Foreigners will basically be kicked out of a Cambodian or Vietnamese immigration office if they try to extend their visas themselves. EVERYONE uses an agent.


In Thailand, most applicants don't, but I suppose in the case referred to here, you pay the agent who then does everything for you. That's the whole idea.

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23 hours ago, JackThompson said:

It is not automatic at all, there is no appeal-process, and I have had the required Income (proven) at each of multiple attempts applying.  In Jomtien, the financials were not the reason for the denial. Last time in Bangkok, showed the tax-forms, but they wanted me to re-prove my work-permit and job was valid.  They Make Up (Stuff) to block applications.

Starts at $1000 USD in Bangkok - and rewards the very same (explitives) who do their best to break up Thai families, if you don't line their pockets.


Required Funds is 400K "in the bank" for 2 mo pre-application, or proof of 40K/mo in income.  It doesn't seem to help to "really have the money" for marriage-based.  It would seem the big cheese is the envelope for the district-signoff. 

But, you will likely need to show up for 5 minutes for the picture - I saw a few of these done when I was waiting in queue.  The agents contact the IOs with some messenger-app on their phone, then just walk in with their client (between queue #s), then back out a couple minutes later.


Let's hope so.  Maybe the PI will allow those from places like Thailand with few infected, in July.  It's a wait-and-see game.  They prioritized family-unification, of course (Immigration there act and "feel" like human-beings, vs rabid dogs).


I don't care about being tested - is fine.  Given how virulent this virus is, I likely picked it up from the Chinese New Year visitors (Bangkok area) in February, along with most everyone else - pre-testing, when they labeled the few who required hospitalization "pneumonia" victims (to avoid offending the Chinese).  Most don't ever show symptoms, and I am healthy - so would never have known.

Thanks for your reply, but I still don't really believe that. Anyone with the 400000 in the bank for the 2 months required will get the extension. Haven't heard anyone having issues, unless they had some kind of non-standard financial issue or something else. Otherwise this site would be inundated with complaints about marriage extensions not getting their stamps and the reasons for that.


That being said, I fully intend to get an agent to help me this time round due to the current unique circumstances. I would prefer to not have to spend my time at the immigration office if I can avoid it, especially if I'm being asked to pay 25000-35000 Baht. I will of course shop around and see what the various agents can do for me.


None of this will apply, if the amnesty is extended further and borders re-open prior to the new amnesty deadline and of course, I haven't even done the 60 day extension yet. Therefore, I think the 1-year extension for me is sometime off - unless the worst comes to the worst, which is that I've exhausted all my options, borders aren't really open (at least not neighboring countries) by the time the amnesty ends and my 60-day extension is up.

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One should keep in mind WHY the visas were extended until July 31.


According to: https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/04/22/govt-extends-foreigners-stay-to-july-31-halts-90-day-report/



“The outbreak of COVID-19 in Thailand and other countries remains unresolved,” Naruemon said. “If we don’t extend permission to stay, foreigners would have to come to see immigration officers. It would cause overcrowding and risk of infection.”

There is no risk to visit immigration offices anymore, so likely it will not be extended anymore. But, just my opinion, which is worth less than 1 cent.

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