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14 day quarantine locations


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I'm trying to get a complete picture regarding the 14 day quarantine places / locations.


Many weeks ago the Thai gov't. announced lists of 14 day quarantine accommodations including gov't. based complexes, navy bases, hotels etc., where Thai nationals would be quarantined when they returned from abroad. Many 'venues' were in Bangkok however from my memory I believe there were other quarantine hotels etc., in locations outside of the greater Bangkok. E.g. Chonburi city, Pattaya and maybe more locations. 


Can any members recall any further towns etc. (outside of greater Bangkok) where this accommodations was organized? For example perhaps Phuket, Chiang Mai etc. 


Why am I asking? I have Thai PR (Permanent Residency) and there is now talk of allowing PR holders (and Thai Work Permit holders) to return. My choice would be to return to Chiang Mai to do the 14 days quarantine in one of the gov't organized places because I am elderly, I use a wheelchair because of mobility problems and I have family and a family home in Chiang Mai. I'm not suggesting the 14 days quarantine should be waived for me, however if it's possible it would be more convenient to be near family, but of course the distancing etc., rules would have to be observed properly.  


Later there was a further announcement, a listing of luxury accommodations, arranged for folks who wanted to spend their 14 days quarantine in more luxury accommodation and were prepared to pay from their own pocket (so called Alternative Quarantine Accommodation).  


It's now being suggested that the luxury accommodations were organized for foreigners returning to Thailand who must do 14 days quarantine.  However I believe the initial reason for the luxury quarantine accommodation was to cater for wealthy Thai people who expect better accommodation / are not happy to stay in simple/basic accommodation for 14 days. 


Can any members recall the details of the announcement of alternative luxury accommodations?


- Was it announced as being for wealthy Thai returnees, and/or wealthy Thai and farang returnees?

- Or was it announced as being just for Farang who need to do the 14 days quarantine?


Would you please share. Thanks. 



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This was in the instructions and when I filled out the request to return because I have a work permit. (still waiting to hear back from them after I mailed in everything) 


  • Non-Thai nationals will be subjected to a 14-day state quarantine at a government-designated Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) facility at their own expenses (including the arrangement to pick up the applicant at the point of entry into Thailand), and obliged to comply with the government's disease prevention measures pursuant to clause 11 of the Regulation issued under Section 9 of the said Emergency Decree. 

* Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) is the process of Quarantine at government-approved hotels at the traveler’s own expense. More information (in Thai) can be found here http://covid-center.hss.moph.go.th/files/A%20State%20Quarantine%2017.4.63.pdf and http://www.hsscovid.com/




NonB no workpermit.docx

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23 minutes ago, Wars said:

This was in the instructions and when I filled out the request to return because I have a work permit. (still waiting to hear back from them after I mailed in everything) 


  • Non-Thai nationals will be subjected to a 14-day state quarantine at a government-designated Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) facility at their own expenses (including the arrangement to pick up the applicant at the point of entry into Thailand), and obliged to comply with the government's disease prevention measures pursuant to clause 11 of the Regulation issued under Section 9 of the said Emergency Decree. 

* Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) is the process of Quarantine at government-approved hotels at the traveler’s own expense. More information (in Thai) can be found here http://covid-center.hss.moph.go.th/files/A%20State%20Quarantine%2017.4.63.pdf and http://www.hsscovid.com/




NonB no workpermit.docxUnavailable

Thanks for sharing.


This morning 18 June 2020 I called the Thai Embassy in Sydney, the Thai officer shared that the embassy is not involved in any way about where the traveler/returnee will be accommodated for the 14 days quarantine. 


She shared 'the 14 days quarantine location/actual hotel etc., is decided by the senior Imm. staff on duty at the time of arrival of the repatriation flight'. 


I'm hoping that WP holders and PR holders will be able to nominate to stay in one of the basic hotels in their 14 days quarantine accommodation lists rather then be forced to stay in one the the luxury alternative hotels on their list. 


We wait and see. Again, thanks for sharing.



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2 hours ago, PatrickC said:


I am a WP holder in Australia trying to find my way back. You will be able to nominate your own hotel but it must be one of the hotels on the official list - currently 5 in Bangkok. I believe the cheapest package is around 40k for the 15 nights (14 full days) including 3 meals a day.


Since you are in Australia, how is your search for flights back going?


My search for commercial flights is not very productive.


Actually I have a credit from AirAsia and hoping within 30 days / 60 days ??? they will do some flights Sydney to Chiang Mai - my credit will cover that itenerary.


But of course there are complications:


- The flight above goes thru the AirAsia hub in Kuala lumphur with 3 hr stopover (AirAsia KLIA lounge) and change of aircraft but right now foreigners are totally banned from entering Malaysia including flight stopovers / change of flight.


- Australian passport holders, who are in Australia, are currently not allowed to leave Australia except in critical circumstances (e.g. severe sickness in the family abroad etc.)


- My Thai PR re-entry stamp expires 17 Nov 2020 but PR holders are now allowed to go up to 1 year beyond the re-entry deadline stamp.


I'd like to return soon to see my family but I suspect I'll end up waiting until just before 17 Nov and hoping lots of relaxation happens by then. But of course wait and see. 



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- My Thai PR re-entry stamp expires 17 Nov 2020 but PR holders are now allowed to go up to 1 year beyond the re-entry deadline stamp.


Is this confirmed news, as my daughter is stuck abroad and her yearly re-entry stamp expires on 19th July

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2 hours ago, Emmess said:


- My Thai PR re-entry stamp expires 17 Nov 2020 but PR holders are now allowed to go up to 1 year beyond the re-entry deadline stamp.


Is this confirmed news, as my daughter is stuck abroad and her yearly re-entry stamp expires on 19th July


The 1 year extension of the re-entry date I mentioned is specific to foreigners holding Thai PR (Permanent Residency).


I'm not aware whether there are currently extensions on re-entry for other visas, perhaps you could post a specific question on this to get advice from the experts.


Good luck.



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Gents, can any of you share which Insurance Policies that you might have obtained in order to apply for re-entry that includes coverage for "Convid-19" illness. The only general policy information that I can find online excludes "Convid-19", as it is a known illness, unless the Policy was activated prior to March 2020. Any pertinent information would be appreciated as I am looking for a suitable insurance policy, Thank You.

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On 6/18/2020 at 8:51 AM, scorecard said:

Thanks for sharing.


This morning 18 June 2020 I called the Thai Embassy in Sydney, the Thai officer shared that the embassy is not involved in any way about where the traveler/returnee will be accommodated for the 14 days quarantine. 


She shared 'the 14 days quarantine location/actual hotel etc., is decided by the senior Imm. staff on duty at the time of arrival of the repatriation flight'. 


I'm hoping that WP holders and PR holders will be able to nominate to stay in one of the basic hotels in their 14 days quarantine accommodation lists rather then be forced to stay in one the the luxury alternative hotels on their list. 


We wait and see. Again, thanks for sharing.



They quarantine people in hotels in locations as close as possible to the point of entry because of the risk of spreading the virus if someone is infected. Imo, at the moment you can forget about a quarantine in Chiang Mai or in any other remote location.

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On 6/18/2020 at 12:52 PM, scorecard said:


My search for commercial flights is not very productive.


Actually I have a credit from AirAsia and hoping within 30 days / 60 days ??? they will do some flights Sydney to Chiang Mai - my credit will cover that itenerary.


But of course there are complications:


- The flight above goes thru the AirAsia hub in Kuala lumphur with 3 hr stopover (AirAsia KLIA lounge) and change of aircraft but right now foreigners are totally banned from entering Malaysia including flight stopovers / change of flight.


- Australian passport holders, who are in Australia, are currently not allowed to leave Australia except in critical circumstances (e.g. severe sickness in the family abroad etc.)


- My Thai PR re-entry stamp expires 17 Nov 2020 but PR holders are now allowed to go up to 1 year beyond the re-entry deadline stamp.


I'd like to return soon to see my family but I suspect I'll end up waiting until just before 17 Nov and hoping lots of relaxation happens by then. But of course wait and see. 



Currently there are no passengers commercial flight allowed into Thailand, so the only way to come is by repatriation flights (there was 1 from new Zealand 2 days ago). Those flights land in BKK so you can only be quarantined in BKK area - they won't allow you travelling to Chiang mai or anywhere else. 

The quarantine is very strict. No visitors allowed. People are to stay in the room at all times. Meals are left outside the room at meal times. No hotel staff allowed in the rooms so no cleaning services. You can get things from the outside world sent to you at specific times (like 8-11am) and it will be left outside your room. Your personal belongings can't leave the room either - so you can't send dirty laundry or things you don't need back home. 


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2 hours ago, Max69xl said:

They quarantine people in hotels in locations as close as possible to the point of entry because of the risk of spreading the virus if someone is infected. Imo, at the moment you can forget about a quarantine in Chiang Mai or in any other remote location.

Thanks, I understand. I'm hoping to confirm the 14 days quarantine is possible in Chiang Mai because I am 75 years old and am in a wheel chair.


I fully realize nobody is going to make a special arrangement just for me. 


If I must fly to Don Muang or swampy then I'm hoping I can stay in a basic hotel, one of the places approved for Thai folks coming in to Thailand. But getting a clear picture of this is of course not easy.


In one call to the Thai Embassy in Sydney I tried to get some answers but got none, just 'sign up for the next repatriation flight from Sydney, fly to Bkk and see what happens'.


I mentioned that the luxury venues are quite expensive, the response was, 'this is what foreigners have demanded'.


However there's an item in Bkk Post a few days ago saying clearly that the luxury venues were organized for wealthy This who are not happy to stay in basic hotels.


Step by step... 


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35 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

Currently there are no passengers commercial flight allowed into Thailand, so the only way to come is by repatriation flights (there was 1 from new Zealand 2 days ago). Those flights land in BKK so you can only be quarantined in BKK area - they won't allow you travelling to Chiang mai or anywhere else. 

The quarantine is very strict. No visitors allowed. People are to stay in the room at all times. Meals are left outside the room at meal times. No hotel staff allowed in the rooms so no cleaning services. You can get things from the outside world sent to you at specific times (like 8-11am) and it will be left outside your room. Your personal belongings can't leave the room either - so you can't send dirty laundry or things you don't need back home. 


Thanks for all of that.


I'm aware of most of the quarantine details and the repatriation flights and most of the details.


And I'm aware that currently international commercial flights are banned from coming into Thailand.


I'm 75 years old and in a wheel chair. I have a credit for a return flight on AirAsia Sydney to Chiang Mai and my current PR re-entry stamp expires 17 Nov 2020 but folks with PR have been given an additional 12 months to return.


Current plan - fly on AirAsia early Nov 2020 direct to Chiang Mai (if flights are operating) and hopefully quarantine in CM. But of course lot's more checking to do:


- Can I get permission to leave Australia?

- Get the medical report and negative test result no older than 3 days prior to check-in date.

- Get the 'fit-to-fly' document from the Thai Embassy in Sydney (but is this document only for people joining repatriation flights???)  

- Will AirAsia at Sydney Airport say it's too complicated and too much risk for them?

- Arrival In Chiang Mai - what complications will emerge?


- Will much of the above have relaxed by early November?



All very step by step...


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19 hours ago, scorecard said:


The 1 year extension of the re-entry date I mentioned is specific to foreigners holding Thai PR (Permanent Residency).


I'm not aware whether there are currently extensions on re-entry for other visas, perhaps you could post a specific question on this to get advice from the experts.


Good luck.



Thanks, and yes she has Thai PR (Permanent Residency)


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On 6/18/2020 at 8:28 AM, Wars said:

This was in the instructions and when I filled out the request to return because I have a work permit. (still waiting to hear back from them after I mailed in everything) 


  • Non-Thai nationals will be subjected to a 14-day state quarantine at a government-designated Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) facility at their own expenses (including the arrangement to pick up the applicant at the point of entry into Thailand), and obliged to comply with the government's disease prevention measures pursuant to clause 11 of the Regulation issued under Section 9 of the said Emergency Decree. 

* Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) is the process of Quarantine at government-approved hotels at the traveler’s own expense. More information (in Thai) can be found here http://covid-center.hss.moph.go.th/files/A%20State%20Quarantine%2017.4.63.pdf and http://www.hsscovid.com/




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These links do not work for me. Anyone have the site where I can get info on cost of ASQ and locations?

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Do not forget that as an Australian citizen you have to get permission to depart.


Departing Australia

There’s a ban on overseas travel from Australia. This ban is administered by the Department of Home Affairs. You can’t leave Australia unless you seek an exemption from Home Affairs.



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Do any of you see this quarantining situation remaining once things ease up...say in the next couple months?


I'm in a neighbouring Asian country who has had great success with this whole covid mess, definitely never had it either, but not really into paying 1k + for 2 weeks. No need for the cheap comments, just sharing my thoughts.

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1 hour ago, eastcst84 said:

Do any of you see this quarantining situation remaining once things ease up...say in the next couple months?


I'm in a neighbouring Asian country who has had great success with this whole covid mess, definitely never had it either, but not really into paying 1k + for 2 weeks. No need for the cheap comments, just sharing my thoughts.


I guess a major factor is that many countries have slowed down/almost stopped the spread of the virus domestically, and most new infections are coming in with people  entering the country. Thailand has this situation as does many other countries.


Good examples are Australia and New Zealand. Domestically almost zero spread/new infections but quite a few new arrivals testing positive. Therefore 14 days quarantine for new arrivals sadly not likely to change anytime soon. 


Obviously the whole problem will reduce over time to the point where travel will be possible without quarantine but I'm guessing there will be requirements to show negative tests etc etc., for quite a while ahead.


And perhaps medical tests before travel and on arrival will become the new normal. Hoping of course that testing will become even more sophisticated and very fast. 


I'm waiting to travel also, back to Thailand.  I'm now telling my family in LOS my best guess is November. Not based on medical research or data or study of history etc., just my guess. 


We wait and see. Good luck. 

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