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Why Assimilate?


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I for one try to assimilate, buts it takes patience and hard work, however the rewards are fantastic.

tell me what kind of rewards are waiting on the horizon for a retiree who neither frequents restaurants nor bars nor shops nor beach, crossing his property line only, e.g. to see a dentist or go the airport to take a flight?

That's what I call a fulfilling life... I hope you don't have guns or ropes around da house

Just kidding hehe :o

Edited by KhunMarco
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When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

So inside your house the climate is terrible and the people are miserable ?

and the food is <deleted> :D

and they never wash......

I take offence at that sir, We wash at minimum once a year on "Good Friday " to be at our easter best, whether it was necessary or not. :o

Only dirty peeps have to wash.......and whats better than being miserable........and the weather has been very good recently.....and the Food is better than here......OK

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Back in the UK I would often nod in agreement at complaints that Immigrants did not appear to want to assimilate into British society.

In fact I actually asked a Pakistani why he and his family lived in UK but retained their Asian

customs........."Why should we" he replied " We don't like your Customs and Culture".

So I asked "Why are you here then?"

"Because we can have a better standard of living" was his reply.

Now I find myself seeing his point of view more clearly.......

I have almost no desire to 'Go native'. Although I respect Thai Culture, it is not MY Culture.

When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

I quite like Buddhism. But it is NOT my Religion. So I don't go to the Temple with my Wife.

I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

Yeah! Yeah! I hear the "When in Rome" brigade firing salvoes. But I don't think I am being unreasonable do you?

I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

I agree with you.

But their is a slight difference. Most of us who migrate to LOS are only here on visa's or yearly extensions that have to be reviewed and renewed, so, really we are only here temporary and can be forced to leave at any time. However, most if not all migrants to Farangland countries eventually get PR or citizenship after a certain period of time. In fact, its a lot easier for them to get PR and citizenship than it is for us here in LOS. Once the migrants have their permanent visa to Farangland, basically they are eventually gaurenteed the right to stay there and to have the same rights as the natives of that country have. Unless we have PR or citizenship here ( even that can be taken away due to the radical changes and un-stability here ) we can be made to leave. Having said that, I see no reason for us to fully assimilate, since we are only visitors. I accept the Thai culture, but since I am a visitor here, I will not change or fully assimilate. However, if it was easier to obtain PR or citizenship and you could have some garuntees that you would be able to live out the rest of your life peacefully here, then I might be willing to assimilate, but untill that time comes, why should I? Foriegners who are in farangland under the same circumstances don't try to assimilate, so why should we do it here? I dont't expect temporary visitors to assimilate to my culture when in my country so I don't think I should have to do the same. Citizenship is a different story, if you are accepted as a citizen of another country I do think you have an obligation to try to assimilate as best as possible, because the country you chose to live in has accepted you, therefore you should at least do your best to fit in.

So for all of us temporary visitors here in the kingdom, assimilation should not be a factor to consider because we are only temporary visitors. But, when people come to our countries, take up our citizenship, claim refugee status, take out our welfare and bludge of our tax and social security systems and then still refuse to assimilate and even worse, claim to hate our country and culture and call us names, I say its time to go home. You chose to come to our country, you don't have to like it, but you have to respect it. The same should apply to foriegners that are living here long term.

"If you don't want to respect and accept the country that you chose to live in and accepted you, then <deleted> off!"


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I would agree with the view that we do not need to assimilate and there is little point to do so.

As Foreigners we are rarely respected, apart from our ability to pay. We are afforded little benefit or protection and frequently where the opportunity presents itself we are either robbed or endure some form of corruption or double pricing.

There is no worldly worthwhile reason for learning Thai or Thai culture on an international scale and within Thailand those (most) that live in major centres do not need it.

Initially Thailand pleases, but when the real story comes through after a prolonged stay and realisation of the facts, well. Thailand should be seen for the only benefits it offers foreigners. Good weather, cheap prices and the girls. If it were not for these facts then there would be many less tourists as the down sides become all to obvious. Corruption (personal and business), robbery, gun crime, unfair treatment, being seen as a walking wallet, double pricing, absolutley no rights as a foreign alien, rule changing or enforcing at a whim, etc.

No, we know what a foreigner's purpose is for a Thai all too often, and so we should accept the package (the good and bad), but not bother to assimilate as well. There is no need in tourists spots and absolutely no point and no benefit. If, as in the UK and elsewhere, things were more equal and benefits fair, then it may be different.

Over time it is found to be clear that the more you give a Thai the more it's taken for granted and the more they want and expect.

As to the original post. I agree.

With power comes responsility. We have no power as we are really 2nd or 3rd class citizens to be milked all to often. Therefore we have no responsibility to assimliate. We should respect and live in harmony with morals, but that is where our duty on our permitted and changable visa entry stay, ends.......apart from paying for everything ;-)

Christ! I never thought my humble post would bring forth SO MUCH good sense and deathly logic!

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And that's just as true for anyone who looks 'different' here in the UK

Likewise in Italy.

But the difference is that here and in the UK a foreigner can obtain the rights they deserve as a member of the community.

Your rights in Thailand are almost entirely limited by the money you have in your wallet.



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I think it is in order for me to say a great big THANK YOU to all who have answered this thread so beautifully and so kindly.

May you all continue to live happily and healthily, in this Land, without feeling the need to Kow Tow.

We are only here for the beer etc anyway!

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I realize there is some contradiction with my attitude. It has occurred to me that the longer I live in Thailand, the more like a Thai I am. I breathe Thai air, eat lots of Thai food, and have adapted to the conditions here in Thailand. It would indeed be a massive culture shock to move back to the west after many years in Thailand. But thats just it, many of us will have to.

many of us will have to? is there some kind of crackdown in the waters, my friend? please spill the beans, im freaked out enough about chucking my promising law career to chill in the los (for life!). :o

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So for all of us temporary visitors here in the kingdom, assimilation should not be a factor to consider because we are only temporary visitors. But, when people come to our countries, take up our citizenship, claim refugee status, take out our welfare and bludge of our tax and social security systems and then still refuse to assimilate and even worse, claim to hate our country and culture and call us names, I say its time to go home. You chose to come to our country, you don't have to like it, but you have to respect it. The same should apply to foriegners that are living here long term.

"If you don't want to respect and accept the country that you chose to live in and accepted you, then <deleted> off!"

Interesting how people allow themselves in this forum so easily to distort facts. Just some clarifications:

1. People come to our countries: taken only 200 years ago from the aboriginals who lived in here 40000 years before.

2. Take our citizenship: It is an Aussie law, and it is there because it is convenient for the country to keep these people, as the migrants to Australia have been the ones that this country needs to move its economy.

3. Claim refugee status: Refugees are only a fixed number of migrants to Australia and this is allowed the law, due to international agreements. But at the end of the day the refugees are also a convenient matter for Australia as it gets worker and skillful people at a very low cost. If you consider how much Australia loose in education for Australians that later want to nothing the cost of refugees is very low.

4. Take out our welfare and bludge of our tax and social security: This is a very easy and convenient lie. The statistics say that are not migrant who do that, but real Aussies, who are well know for their laziness.

5. Claim to hate our country and culture and call us names: This can be truth and due to that fact that they are treated like a second class human been and are called by derogative names. They are not the mingrant who call Aussies by names but South African, Irish, New Zealander and even English. This should be for some factual reasons, I assume.

Note that in Australia migrants, especially from Asian countries assimilate beautifully to their new country. They are the ones who fill the universities and work tireless, as a significant number of native Australian consider that it is better to get the social welfare or a Mickey Mouse degree by correspondence.

In the matter of assimilation, yes I am 100% agree with your last statement: "If you don't want to respect and accept the country that you chose to live in and accepted you, then get out from there!"

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I realize there is some contradiction with my attitude. It has occurred to me that the longer I live in Thailand, the more like a Thai I am. I breathe Thai air, eat lots of Thai food, and have adapted to the conditions here in Thailand. It would indeed be a massive culture shock to move back to the west after many years in Thailand. But thats just it, many of us will have to.

Shaymo, you can change as much as you like but if you're a farang you will never become truly Thai, any more than a LB can become a real woman. You will remain as you were born and all the changes you go through will be only skin deep.

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So for all of us temporary visitors here in the kingdom, assimilation should not be a factor to consider because we are only temporary visitors. But, when people come to our countries, take up our citizenship, claim refugee status, take out our welfare and bludge of our tax and social security systems and then still refuse to assimilate and even worse, claim to hate our country and culture and call us names, I say its time to go home. You chose to come to our country, you don't have to like it, but you have to respect it. The same should apply to foriegners that are living here long term.

"If you don't want to respect and accept the country that you chose to live in and accepted you, then <deleted> off!"

Interesting how people allow themselves in this forum so easily to distort facts. Just some clarifications:

1. People come to our countries: taken only 200 years ago from the aboriginals who lived in here 40000 years before.

Does the history of your country, or most other countries for that matter have a clean past?

2. Take our citizenship: It is an Aussie law, and it is there because it is convenient for the country to keep these people, as the migrants to Australia have been the ones that this country needs to move its economy.

It is still their choice, citizenship is not forced on them. If they accept it, then they should choose to accept everything else about the country that has accepted them.

3. Claim refugee status: Refugees are only a fixed number of migrants to Australia and this is allowed the law, due to international agreements. But at the end of the day the refugees are also a convenient matter for Australia as it gets worker and skillful people at a very low cost. If you consider how much Australia loose in education for Australians that later want to nothing the cost of refugees is very low.

A lot of the ones who claim refugee status come to Australia illegally, especially the ones who arrive by boat from asia.

4. Take out our welfare and bludge of our tax and social security: This is a very easy and convenient lie. The statistics say that are not migrant who do that, but real Aussies, who are well know for their laziness.

Real Aussies can do what they want, including the aboriginies, we have built the country and have earnt that privelage. The migrants who have chosen themselves to come to Australia should be the ones busting their ass to make a living, rather than taking from system that should be used by the real Aussies (im specifically refering to the fat lazy hogs who have dozens of chiuldren and sit at home on their fat lazy ass waiting for their welfare cheque)

5. Claim to hate our country and culture and call us names: This can be truth and due to that fact that they are treated like a second class human been and are called by derogative names. They are not the mingrant who call Aussies by names but South African, Irish, New Zealander and even English. This should be for some factual reasons, I assume.

I live in an area is Sydney full of Arabs, Muslims and other radical groups who bring their problems to my beautiful country. Nothing is done to provoke them, they chose not to accept our free way of life and start problems, so they get everything that is comming to them. The sooner Australia cleans out the violent scum that is responsible for most of the crime and hate problems in australia, the better.

Note that in Australia migrants, especially from Asian countries assimilate beautifully to their new country. They are the ones who fill the universities and work tireless, as a significant number of native Australian consider that it is better to get the social welfare or a Mickey Mouse degree by correspondence.

A real degree by correspondance is better than a degree from a country where your degree can be bought or you can't fail! Most Aussies are hard workers and don't have the time to attend campus so the migrants can fill up our campuses because they are the lazy bums who don't work!

In the matter of assimilation, yes I am 100% agree with your last statement: "If you don't want to respect and accept the country that you chose to live in and accepted you, then get out from there!"

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Assimilation means you become just like (similar as) the thing to which you're adapting yourself. We cannot change our eyelids, skin color, height, etc. We will probably never be Thai. I cannot, cannot speak Thai, and never will. I cannot, cannot, eat most Thai food, and I seriously doubt I will.

We can, to varying degrees, acculturate ourselves into Thai culture. Canadians tell me that they have a mosaic, or a patched quilt, while the USA has a melting pot in which you lose your identity to become a mult-generation American. Ideally, farang who are here for the duration should acculturate, but they are never fully allowed to assimilate.

So, learn Thai if you can; eat the food if you can. Try and get PR (although one of our regular members may have to reset his three year clock to get PR, because he made a simple error with his immigration status).

It has become PC back home to allow people of other origins to retain their customs, language, religion, etc. It is not PC in Thai culture to be a farang.

I love it here. I love Thailand and Thai people. But I'll never be Buddhist, eat the food, salute the Thai flag, or speak the language. I'll always be a stranger in a strange land, thankful that I'm here.

i mean thats the point is'nt it, and one must be thankful they are "aloud to remain in thailand."

after all is said and done its there bleeding country and not ours and i have absolutly no problem with nationalism and other traits the thai have.

just wish australia would adopt a few of the thais ideas to deal with our growing problem with immigrants who dont appreciate this country.

thank you very much :o

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It would indeed be a massive culture shock to move back to the west after many years in Thailand. But thats just it, many of us will have to.

many of us will have to? is there some kind of crackdown in the waters, my friend? please spill the beans, im freaked out enough about chucking my promising law career to chill in the los (for life!). :o

Isn't there always some kind of crackdown in the waters?

Open your eyes.

Thailand is now a military dictatorship with no constitution and nobody really knows when there will be another election. Almost definitely, the country will be less free than before the coup. This is the government that makes the rules on whether you can stay or go. Feel secure? It isn't about security, if you expect guarantees, try Switzerland.

Assimilate if it makes you happy. Just don't assume that those who don't are all stupid.

Edited by Jingthing
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Assimilation means you become just like (similar as) the thing to which you're adapting yourself. We cannot change our eyelids, skin color, height, etc. We will probably never be Thai. I cannot, cannot speak Thai, and never will. I cannot, cannot, eat most Thai food, and I seriously doubt I will.

We can, to varying degrees, acculturate ourselves into Thai culture. Canadians tell me that they have a mosaic, or a patched quilt, while the USA has a melting pot in which you lose your identity to become a mult-generation American. Ideally, farang who are here for the duration should acculturate, but they are never fully allowed to assimilate.

So, learn Thai if you can; eat the food if you can. Try and get PR (although one of our regular members may have to reset his three year clock to get PR, because he made a simple error with his immigration status).

It has become PC back home to allow people of other origins to retain their customs, language, religion, etc. It is not PC in Thai culture to be a farang.

I love it here. I love Thailand and Thai people. But I'll never be Buddhist, eat the food, salute the Thai flag, or speak the language. I'll always be a stranger in a strange land, thankful that I'm here.

i mean thats the point is'nt it, and one must be thankful they are "aloud to remain in thailand."

after all is said and done its there bleeding country and not ours and i have absolutly no problem with nationalism and other traits the thai have.

just wish australia would adopt a few of the thais ideas to deal with our growing problem with immigrants who dont appreciate this country.

thank you very much :o

Well said. If they don't want to leave Oz, they are becoming so bad that they should be lined up and shot by fireing squad. I think it would be good if oz only issued citizenship to 100 people per country per year, just like how it is done here, that way, at least the growing scum could be controled.

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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Assimilation means you become just like (similar as) the thing to which you're adapting yourself. We cannot change our eyelids, skin color, height, etc. We will probably never be Thai. I cannot, cannot speak Thai, and never will. I cannot, cannot, eat most Thai food, and I seriously doubt I will.

We can, to varying degrees, acculturate ourselves into Thai culture. Canadians tell me that they have a mosaic, or a patched quilt, while the USA has a melting pot in which you lose your identity to become a mult-generation American. Ideally, farang who are here for the duration should acculturate, but they are never fully allowed to assimilate.

So, learn Thai if you can; eat the food if you can. Try and get PR (although one of our regular members may have to reset his three year clock to get PR, because he made a simple error with his immigration status).

It has become PC back home to allow people of other origins to retain their customs, language, religion, etc. It is not PC in Thai culture to be a farang.

I love it here. I love Thailand and Thai people. But I'll never be Buddhist, eat the food, salute the Thai flag, or speak the language. I'll always be a stranger in a strange land, thankful that I'm here.

i mean thats the point is'nt it, and one must be thankful they are "aloud to remain in thailand."

after all is said and done its there bleeding country and not ours and i have absolutly no problem with nationalism and other traits the thai have.

just wish australia would adopt a few of the thais ideas to deal with our growing problem with immigrants who dont appreciate this country.

thank you very much :o

Well said. If they don't want to leave Oz, they are becoming so bad that they should be lined up and shot by fireing squad. I think it would be good if oz only issued citizenship to 100 people per country per year, just like how it is done here, that way, at least the growing scum could be controled.

How did Australia get into this thread?

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Assimilation means you become just like (similar as) the thing to which you're adapting yourself. We cannot change our eyelids, skin color, height, etc. We will probably never be Thai. I cannot, cannot speak Thai, and never will. I cannot, cannot, eat most Thai food, and I seriously doubt I will.

We can, to varying degrees, acculturate ourselves into Thai culture. Canadians tell me that they have a mosaic, or a patched quilt, while the USA has a melting pot in which you lose your identity to become a mult-generation American. Ideally, farang who are here for the duration should acculturate, but they are never fully allowed to assimilate.

So, learn Thai if you can; eat the food if you can. Try and get PR (although one of our regular members may have to reset his three year clock to get PR, because he made a simple error with his immigration status).

It has become PC back home to allow people of other origins to retain their customs, language, religion, etc. It is not PC in Thai culture to be a farang.

I love it here. I love Thailand and Thai people. But I'll never be Buddhist, eat the food, salute the Thai flag, or speak the language. I'll always be a stranger in a strange land, thankful that I'm here.

i mean thats the point is'nt it, and one must be thankful they are "aloud to remain in thailand."

after all is said and done its there bleeding country and not ours and i have absolutly no problem with nationalism and other traits the thai have.

just wish australia would adopt a few of the thais ideas to deal with our growing problem with immigrants who dont appreciate this country.

thank you very much :o

Well said. If they don't want to leave Oz, they are becoming so bad that they should be lined up and shot by fireing squad. I think it would be good if oz only issued citizenship to 100 people per country per year, just like how it is done here, that way, at least the growing scum could be controled.

How did Australia get into this thread?

The topic of the thread "Assimilation" applies to immigrants in Australia as well, and all other countries.

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How did Australia get into this thread?

The topic of the thread "Assimilation" applies to immigrants in Australia as well, and all other countries.

Keep it Thailand related.

I'm sure the Pauline Hanson web board or the Yobbo's R Us website has sub foum where you can vent.

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It is impossible to assimilate into the population of a country that does it's utmost to stop you from assimilating. I tried, living in a Thai village, amongst Thai people, in a Thai house, going to Thai bars and restaurants etc. Never interacting with any 'farang' for two years. Simply doesn't work, even forgetting the legislated issues to stop you from assimilating.

Sorry Teacup, nice words, but the reality is Thai do not want 'farang' to assimilate, period. It's called xenophobia.

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I'm sure the Pauline Hanson web board or the Yobbo's R Us website has sub foum where you can vent.



thank you, I'm in town till the end of the week.


I just realised that ya'll must belong to the "Club for those who have been refused migration permission to a civilised, developed and first world country"

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Back in the UK I would often nod in agreement at complaints that Immigrants did not appear to want to assimilate into British society.

In fact I actually asked a Pakistani why he and his family lived in UK but retained their Asian

customs........."Why should we" he replied " We don't like your Customs and Culture".

So I asked "Why are you here then?"

"Because we can have a better standard of living" was his reply.

Now I find myself seeing his point of view more clearly.......

I have almost no desire to 'Go native'. Although I respect Thai Culture, it is not MY Culture.

When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

I quite like Buddhism. But it is NOT my Religion. So I don't go to the Temple with my Wife.

I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

Yeah! Yeah! I hear the "When in Rome" brigade firing salvoes. But I don't think I am being unreasonable do you?

I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

I believe these are the questions you should be asking yourself before you get involved with a Thai girl.

It's thier culture to take care of their elders, in this case it's not a question of not wanting to assimilate

it's got more to do with not wanting the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Mind you though, if your beloved wife is English then your post would make more sense?

Edited by enyaw
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"Los Angeles has the largest Thai population outside of Thailand. Roughly 66% percent of all Thai Americans live in Los Angeles."

Can't separate 'em with a crow bar.

"In mid-April, Thai Town celebrates Songkran, the Thai New Year, by closing off Hollywood Boulevard within its boundaries, and setting up food stands and entertainment in the street."

Try doing that on Sukumwit for Christmas.


Their very own Thai language news website.


And, of course, just like in Thailand, when you click the icon for English...it doesn't work.

Let's get together and demand FARANGTOWN!!!!!! where we can close down the streets to celebrate in our own fashions. We'll purposely hang signs only in perfect English with the proper phonetic transliterations of Thai words (ph=/f/; syllables ending in ล are properly written with an N)!!! Women in FARANGTOWN! can wear spaghetti strap t-shirts on Songkran. Motorcyclists caught using the sidewalks as a thoroughfare will be swiftly dealt with. Alcohol can be advertised. What else can we do to make FARANGTOWN! the bastion of western values and culture?

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What else can we do to make FARANGTOWN! the bastion of western values and culture?

Tax everyone to the hilt, walk around in shabby clothes and be miserable and get pizzed up on a Friday night and beat the hel_l outta each other.

And of course, if Arabtown has anything that you want in their bastion of Arab culture and values, you invade them.

Edited by Maigo6
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It is impossible to assimilate into the population of a country that does it's utmost to stop you from assimilating. I tried, living in a Thai village, amongst Thai people, in a Thai house, going to Thai bars and restaurants etc. Never interacting with any 'farang' for two years. Simply doesn't work, even forgetting the legislated issues to stop you from assimilating.

Sorry Teacup, nice words, but the reality is Thai do not want 'farang' to assimilate, period. It's called xenophobia.

About as 'xenophobic' as folks in the old south in the US were of negroes. Or folks who prefer to shop at Villa or fly Eva. It doesn't mean they are xenophobic towards Foodland or United. It's called preferences.


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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

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I'm sure the Pauline Hanson web board or the Yobbo's R Us website has sub foum where you can vent.



thank you, I'm in town till the end of the week.


I just realised that ya'll must belong to the "Club for those who have been refused migration permission to a civilised, developed and first world country"

Actually, I'm your worst nightmare.

Thai and Australian passport holder, with permission in my Australian passport to work in the UK based on applying to migrate there (you try it, it ain't easy). I live in Thailand now making more bucks that I could in OZ (not teaching english), living a very comfortable life.

Most of my immediate Thai family live in OZ, we shipped them over in the early 80's. Most of the older generation don't speak English too well, stick togehter, eat wierd smelly food, and hang out at budhist temple burning incense and chanting.

Despite their lack of Engish speaking ability, if they aren't retired, they are busy raising families, educating their children to be smart and get into good universities, managing small businesses, employing people, and bringing in export dollars. Just your typical migrant story.

Oh, and we use the quote function a hel_l of a lot more skillfully than you can.

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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

That's all beside the point.

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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

That's all beside the point.

That is the point.

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