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The week that was in Thailand news: Doom and gloom everywhere: But could Thailand be the hub of straight faces and internal screaming?


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15 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always.


Talk about the British understatement; this year has been an economic disaster and will likely get worse. Much, much worse.


Yes, the Hi-So and the Upper-Middle classes, mainly in Bangkok, will suffer through having their nails done twice a week rather than the usual three times, but that'll likely be it. And, with that supreme sacrifice on their part, they'll scream bloody murder at 'roughing it' while demanding (and, sadly getting) another tax break or two. On the other side of the tracks (the rest of the kingdom), people will be told to 'go back to the farm' and forgotten, unless of course it seems like they might misbehave and/or want things.


How bad is it already?


Eagle-eyed readers of my posts from the last few years will know that I am a pre-dawn cyclist; I do it for cardio, general health and for pleasure. I am also male, which means that my self-delusion regarding my physique and general attractiveness knows no bounds; in my mind, I put Pitt, Clooney, Connery, and Craig to shame. 


(He doesn't. Not by a long shot. Not even close. He's over-weight and donkey-ugly. Ed.)


On my morning cycle, I usually see around twenty people; the regulars are women opening breakfast restaurants, street food sellers, street sweepers, joggers, walkers, etc. and I usually give a smile, or a nod, or a cheery 'Good morning!' to one and all as I pass by. The other day a restaurant woman waved me down and said... 


'Do you have a girlfriend? Can I be your girlfriend?'


I immediately thought to myself; WOW! This cycling is really paying off! I wonder if it is my cracking bod, my joyful smile, my sheer dedication at cycling daily at 5 AM or my come-hither bedroom eyes? She then continued...


'...I am not making enough money at the restaurant.'


If that poor woman is already so desperate that she waved me down with the intention of becoming my girlfriend in order to help her get through the next while, then Thailand is in for a seismic shock of biblical proportions.



Thailand is heading into the abyss with no tourists, exports on a sharp decline due to the over valued Baht.

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Only rich tourists wanted! The Cheaper Charlies that built Thailand and still contribute through wife's, children and girlfriends no longer wanted.


Those here and those that do arrive, please be aware you are no longer allowed to enjoy life, or the beaches.


See sign below now posted on all the Pattaya and Jomtien Beaches.

Beach Rules.jpg

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16 minutes ago, johnarth said:

that is because the crowd are waiting to see the bull shove his horn up the man/s ass, crowd cheer man dies, bull lives another couple of days

I went to Pamplona in my youth. It seemed much fairer there!



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The land is straight faces and internal screaming is Japan : no more screaming allowed on roller coasters.

The video shows the two suited men soberly hurtling along on the park's Fujiyama roller coaster without screaming once. The video ends with the message: "Please scream inside your heart."



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This article is just the tip of the woes that will hit Thailand hard. The expectation that Europeans who according Bangkok Airways twenty five per cent of their revenue last year will want to return in droves is a pipe dream. Tourism in Thailand was already in the decline last year which was not helped when government officials at the border who have attitude problems and do their very best to be unwelcoming and think that foreigners who have already gone to the trouble and expense of obtaining  a 60 day tourist  visa are only to be allowed in provided they can show evidence again that they have bank accounts with at least equivalent of Bht 200000 during last three months plus confirmed paid accommodation for duration of their stay as a favour to a country which is no longer a land of smiles but the contrary. It is a land selling off its assets at knock down prices to a nearby super power fast taking control. Denque Fever is likely to go out of control as not enough preventative measures  being taken during the rainy season owing Covid which will kill far more people and further discourage visitors.

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1 hour ago, KhunKenAP said:

Only rich tourists wanted! The Cheaper Charlies that built Thailand and still contribute through wife's, children and girlfriends no longer wanted.


Those here and those that do arrive, please be aware you are no longer allowed to enjoy life, or the beaches.


See sign below now posted on all the Pattaya and Jomtien Beaches.

Beach Rules.jpg

Why is drinking alcohol a problem? Is it because people may get drunk and do stupid things like not social distance or forget their mask? I've seen this said about restaurants also so I don't really see it being an issue in a restaurant if someone wants to have a few drinks.

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20 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

My strategy in life whenever meeting north Americans has been to say "which part of Canada are you from?".


It pleases Canadians and often perplexes or even annoys Americans.





It is a good policy, but often you first have to explain to Americans that Canada isn't their 'Neighbour to the South'. 







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14 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

It is a good policy, but often you first have to explain to Americans that Canada isn't their 'Neighbour to the South'. 








Al Capone said it best when accused of running booze into Chicago from Canada. “Canada? I don’t even know which street Canada’s on...”


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Peta changes the subject regularly to keep donations flooding in, often by getting it's female volunteers to get naked in public. Guaranteed to attract the international press. Is this ethical or PC?Battery farm chickens get remembered then forgotten. Around the world there are traditions one finds amusing or horrifying. The way Italians make veal is horrifying but objections will bring a sneer in Italy. Foreigners don't understand tradition. I guess the Chinese eating strange (for us) food is partly due to their history of mass starvation. 


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3 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Blame Thailand's situation on politicians and the media for spewing panic. Whose Thailand getting there direction from Im curious to know. Im going to be patient with the reopening of Thailand because I feel its going to be sooner than what were being led to believe. The cure cant be worse than the ailment! Talk to your average Thai person on the street, what are they thinking?

I've done that and have concluded that they are sheeple.

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3 hours ago, rosst said:

Hi Rooster, I love your comments and as usual you didn't dissapoint. 

I believe they will be desperate to open up again but as a 74 year old, the insurance requirements will certainly prevent me and will deter many. 

A good read as usual you earned your daily bread. 

Thanks for that.


There are worse places to be than Perth. I have many happy memories of a long stay there in 1984 and Scrabble trips more recently.


Thanks for reading.



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2 hours ago, overt2016 said:

I've done that and have concluded that they are sheeple.

I prefer stoic and resigned. 


Sheeple infers blindly following, not my assessment of yer average Thai.


Thanks for reading and commenting.





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