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Thailand plans November human testing for potential coronavirus vaccine


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2 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

who will they test it on?they keep saying there r no cases here?if its not ready till the end of next yr what is the point?it will be gone then,we see a massive 100% increase in cases and a drop of deaths at 70% from the hi point several mnths back,this clearly indicates the virus is burning out in terms of its ability to knock you down ,its weakening as it replicates ,look at the figs,just like SARS covid 2 did.i can hear the screams fromCNN already

The government has never said there are no cases here and have reported even in the last few days on those returning from overseas who are infected

Don’t  you follow  what is happening or would It spoil your fun as a Thai basher.

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Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought the first round of people receiving the potential vaccine was to check for side effects.

It is too small of a sample to determine if it is actually effective. But before giving huge amounts of population a brand new injection, it is important to know the side effects are not worse than the virus.


It should be a double blind study. They will probably be giving different doses of the vaccine and measuring the body’s immune response. 

But a simple immune response does not necessarily mean it is an effective vaccine. That will come in the second phase of the study

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1 minute ago, thairookie said:

Do you need to apply for a valid Work Permit to be a volunteer to test the vaccine ?

If you didn't have a WP and the vaccine failed, would someone need to apply for one posthumously for you?


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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

I wonder how they expect to test whether this vaccine is effective or not once it's rolled out.


Maybe they will mainly accept applications from those who travel the world a lot?

I would imagine their first tests on humans is to see if humans can physically tolerate it. Then they will have to take the test abroad to some location where Covid-19 is more prevalent, such as Brazil or USA, and test it "in the wild."

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China is most definitely not leading the way. There are only two clinical trials transitioning into Phase 3 now and only one in Phase 2. None of them is Chinese.


For Reference Sake;

1. Phase2  mRNA-1273; Moderna through the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, USA under the US government WARP Speed initiative


2. Phase 2/3  Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) live-attenuated vaccine  (aka TB Prevention) at University of Melbourne & Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia ; Radboud University Medical Center; Netherlands;  Massachusetts General Hospital, USA


3. Phase 2/3  AZD1222 @University of Oxford through The University of Oxford, US Government Biomedical Advanced Research and Development through Operation Warp Speed, and the  UK Ministry of Health.


The most likely successful candidate will be the Oxford ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine. As of June 22,  the Phase II results indicated that one dose can activate antigen-specific antibody and T cells responses against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A booster injection will increase measurable antibody levels. It was demonstrated particularly effective in pigs.   Why pigs? Because pigs have similar immunological reactions to humans and the already proven GI corona virus vaccine developed by the University of Saskatchewan has a demonstrated long term efficacy and safety. (For example, pigs share similar  types A and H histo-blood group antigens on the intestinal epithelium with humans.) They are also  relatively cheap.


In order for a vaccine to be tested there must be ongoing infections. One will never know if a vaccine actually works if people are not exposed to the infection and suitable results demonstrated. If Thailand doesn't have Covid19 infections, as is being reported, a reliable  clinical trial cannot be conducted. 


Thailand  uses its military conscripts for medical research. For example, much of the HIV research on  population penetration and concomitant disease was done using Thai military conscripts. 


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aiming for a vaccine that could be ready for use by late next year.

Didn't they previously say beginning of 2021 now it's the end of 2021?

In any case don't they already have a cocktail that cures Covid19 they should be working on selling that.

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Safely is the key component to any new medication/vaccine. Personally, I would not want to be part of phase 1 or phase 2 of a potential vaccine study.

That is why I believe the first phase of a study is a small group focused on safety and side effects. A vaccine rushed to mass distribution has a good probability of the side effects being worse than the virus and/or being ineffective. 

Before I took part in a vaccine study I think on phase 3. Phase 1 was for safety, phase 2 was to check the body’s immune response, and phase 3 was to determine if it was an effective vaccine.

Although the potential vaccine did create the desired immune response in the body, it was in Ineffective at preventing the virus. A desired immune response does not always create the desired effect on the virus. The body is a complexed mechanism. 

They could possibly do phase 1 and phase 2 trials in any country, but phase 3 would need to be given to people who are not currently infected  but are in a high risk of infection area

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If they pay every Thai volunteer 2,000 baht to participate in the vaccine test with the condition that potential candidates must not have previously been diagnosed with COVID-19 but must now show signs of having been infected with COVID-19, I think there will suddenly be a quantum leap of the number of new infected cases that will shatter the illusion of the great work that Thailand has done to contain the virus. 

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

exactly, maybe we are about to see Thailand infect themselves to test it lol


reality is - it can only be tested where the virus is spreading and Thailand claims no new detected infections which is likely true since they don't test anyone - Thai version of "track and trace" ........... "don't test"


and there is no way I am letting a vaccine developed in Thailand near me - approved or otherwise, some methods used in this rush to have a winner are very dodgy from what I've been reading - altering cell DNA in an unsafe way using  unproven methods - basically making their own cancer cells and they have no idea what happens to them over the long term

Agreed for ref US Vaccines have had no proven safety tests for well over 30years the US Govt were taken to court by ICAN & RFK Jr and they lost over this about 2 years ago.




The rush to monetize from this Pandemic is all for our health of course , but people realise its a tech fixation from an obsessive Tech Billionaire, remember there is no common cold, influenza virus ,and thats all COVID19 is 

Just stay healthy , diet & exercise and maintain independant thought, its your immune system

The vaccinators have been toying with genetics for over 30+ years of which long term damage we are beginning to witness in our Public Health

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2 hours ago, Duckster said:

OK but first they have to find the brave souls willing to try a vaccine developed in Thailand despite Thailand being such an international giant in developing medical technology.  I wonder when the Thailand space program will announce their planned Mars landing?

This vaccine sounds suspiciously like Bill Gates and wife's dodgy vaccine,they and their friends at the WHO/UN/China, and G.Soros have gallons of the stuff just begging to be used,just check out their experiments in Africa,India, the Chinese will not give out their death rates and paralysed children left behind from their the tests.

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2 hours ago, Eddy Ozark said:

I believe it takes 5 years to develop and test a vaccine of any kind. So how can a Covid vaccine be safely made and tested in less than a year?

Bill Gates & Fauci sponsored and created this man made virus in the Wuhan Lab. And created and patented the vaccine for it. Don't take it!!!

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4 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

The British are way ahead, Oxford university has along with it's supporters begun testing a vaccine in Humans that was developed from an earlier similar vaccine that was used for a similar strain to C19 .

The trials are so far looking so good that production facilities are gearing up to produce over. a million doses.

These companies involved would not be gearing up now if they thought it was going to flunk.

The chinese are testing a vaccine on their military but they are uncertain as to dose strength and side effects.

The Oxford university vaccine looks to be the best of the bunch so far.

I have had plenty of time as we all have to read up about this demon and if you care to google the info on the vaccines there is plenty on the Oxford vaccine.

That's where I would put my money, I would not trust dodgy countries, and I have my doubts about WHO and chinese vaccines.

If anyone should be able to produce a vaccine China should be way ahead but Oxfords one looks to be a winner.

Lets hope so , I want to return to LOS but do not for-.see that for some time now .

I think Oxford is hoping to expand trials soon and have this ready by mid year 2021.

I do not think the doors will open anywhere until then, and feel sorry for the airlines that will not be flying A380's full for some time, maybe never, some one said they are destined to be beer cans.

We can only hope Oxfords on the Ball.

Cheers all.

Ordinarily a biotech firm wouldn't commit to making millions of doses before

a vaccine is approved, however, in this case the government have covered the cost.


Let's hope it isn't another misjudgement by them, a successful vaccine is the only

way back to normality and I don't really care which country leads the way.

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1 hour ago, Sonyboy said:

This vaccine sounds suspiciously like Bill Gates and wife's dodgy vaccine,they and their friends at the WHO/UN/China, and G.Soros have gallons of the stuff just begging to be used,just check out their experiments in Africa,India, the Chinese will not give out their death rates and paralysed children left behind from their the tests.

Perhaps you can give us the death rates from Chinese vaccine tests seeing as you appear

to be in the know......

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2 hours ago, Eddy Ozark said:

I believe it takes 5 years to develop and test a vaccine of any kind. So how can a Covid vaccine be safely made and tested in less than a year?

The important word is "safely".  Normally they are very careful to evaluate results fully at each step and that takes time.  In this emergency they're rushing from step to step.  It is NOT as safe a process, but it is much faster.  Throwing money at the problem helps too.


For volunteers, just offer non-violent prisoners 50% off their sentences to do it and there will be plenty of volunteers.

Or, there plenty of Burmese who wouldn't be missed......

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