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Govt condemned for putting people’s lives at risk for comfort of ‘privileged’ foreigners


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Thailand is doing an extremely good job at controlling the virus. Just look at other countries who are in chaos daily adding corona deaths.

sad and very unfair to see only negative and cynical posts and replies for expats that live here and possibly even have a Thai family. Perhaps its people with low selfesteem who only have learned through life that to feel better and good about oneselves, one first has to put other down. anyway, "if you dont like it here, why are you staying?" . Please go back to your own perfect country with smart people and competent leaders. 

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

The word 'hiso' or 'hi-so' is a Thai word that is derived from the English phrase 'high society'.


And in Thailand, people with the right material items or official-looking attire or IDs would be considered 'hi-so'. This Egyptian air-force crew would have been considered as 'hi-so' and that's why they waltzed around so freely. 







lol, so foreign air force crew are now s8ddenly "high society".  you cant make that stuff up.

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8 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

a lot of huff and puff by the xenophobes and cud chewers,privilege and a feudal society ,you are it exactly and now you complain.the army does as it wishes and so do the hi so and the connected the rest of u do as your told and sit there in your bovine coccoon.the testing and operation were completely unqualified.whats new about that.?your leaders come and go and live in complete luxury at their whim.a short  time a go a plane of hi so landed refused quarantine and were let thru!!the over reaction is too much,we should not be penalised. sack the people responsible but no we go in the opposite direction as always.schools closed ,get a grip.sack the senior army commanders .the people responsible for this cosy tie up with the egyptians but no they are super people who are never wrong. can never ever be told they screwedup and are being held responsible for their mistakes.instead throw the peons out of a job at the mall.its pathetic.general bimbong phuk a wittapong will jump and down and stamp his little feet go red in the face threaten and wet himself if hes made responsible,get on with it children we grow tired of your pathetic protestations


Trying to read this and understand it I am wondering if I have suddenly become Dyslexic?


Or maybe that is another symptom of Covid-19?


Does anyone have a "Gibberish" Phrase Book to hand? :wacko::wacko::wacko:


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5 hours ago, finnishmen said:

goverment have totally wrong and stupid if think western peoples have this big risk and sharevirus lot, thsi is totally stupid think and wrong, asian peoples and all chinese have big risk and need banned out all world, chinese not can take in at borden newer again, thats have world highest risk all viruses and many other criminal problem. western not have problem., thai not understand whit out western thai live again in jugle and dont can do anythink metal,wood,elektric,eaerythink normal human work, thai not can but if western teach and looking how make then thai can do all normal human work . monkey not newer can do all what human can do. thats has seen how thai build house, elektric,water system, all have big fail and than idiot has build all.

Another one I am failing to understand!...I'm getting really worried now!  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Edited by Mario666
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7 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

The Egyptian Flight was a shuttle to Chengdu China  :whistling:


Note to powers that be, lets keep that inconvenient fact as far out of the news as possible?! Thanks.

Yep !!!


And a rather weird flight plan:

- Jul 6, start in Egypt

- fly to the UAE

- Jul 7, from UAE to Pakistan 

- Jul 8, they do not just fly plain eastward to Chengdu, they fly 1000s of miles SE-ward to Thailand

- Jul 9, they fly northward to Chengdu and return to Utapo before midnight

- Jul 10 they stay in Rayong

- Jul 11, they finally return to Egypt (seemingly directly)


So what did these 31 Egypt military guys had to “discuss” in these 4 countries, what did the airplane transport and what freight did they unload where ???



... add in to that the CCSA cancelled 8 (in letters: eight !!! ) similar flights in July, planned by Egypt military staff ...


So we are not talking about a nice visit to see old allies again ????

There’s more behind this story ...

What’s really going on there ?


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9 hours ago, Haveasay said:

Time these failures to protect the country ends with resignations. That will be the day being accounted for additional deaths. Here and elsewhere. Shame

Yes, the PM has demonstrated his incompetence over this incident.


The old days of; O'h I am sorry and a quick Wai are over.................


Grow up Thailand and accept responsibility for your actions; the top dog (Prayut Chan-o-cha) should fall on his sword!

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8 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Same here in Thai education. Up to 3/4ths of the class often just refuses to do the work. They're repeatedly told to it, they nod and give a thumbs up. They still don't do it. They continue this behavior knowing full well that when the term ends, they'll still be passed.

Well fail them!

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If someone only told us what governments were doing, and the policies being enacted, if we did not know what was going on and had to guess, we would all guess people were convulsing in the streets with blood shooting out of their mouths like 28 days later. 


There is nothing happening. This will be studied for eons as a lowpoint for mankind, and how not to run the earth during times of mild crisis. 

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Time to wake up. In this money and power driven world, there is always privledged who side step what the masses must endure.

Edited by Benmart
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Did the Egyptian group do anything wrong?

Were they told to not go outside their hotel?


I heard stories that they initially refused to take the coronavirus test, but not sure if rumor or true. That would be suspicious that they knew what would be the result.  

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