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Greta Thunberg demands 'crisis' response to climate change


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14 minutes ago, Darksidedude said:

Do you really think anyone gives a <deleted> about your comments, the world is collapsing all around us just go away with your incorrect climate change reports 

You do know she is merely a student activist and not a climate change scientist. Millions of youth around the world are inspired by her activism and even by Sir David Attenborough spoke of her achievements in arousing the world.

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1 minute ago, Laza 45 said:

Do you actually read anything about the world's climate crisis.. or do you just live in denial? 

Haha. It seems that I read a lot more than you, and you cannot meet my challenge. If you think that current predictions of doom are real why were all past predictions a failure? There is nothing to support current predictions except flawed modeling that has been proven wrong in the past.

You got nuttin!

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14 hours ago, CLS said:

Does Eco-Greta need some attention? Most people have forgotten her already. In most parts of the world green parties are losing grip, because they cover only one topic that is not high on the agenda at the moment.

Indeed. Did you also understand that one reason we're in our current mess is that a couple of years ago we gave no attention to Pandemic Prevention and Response? Funny how these things come around to bite one in the buttocks. Seems even that the more you ignore these sorts of problems that Scientists have known and warned about for years the worse the impact becomes. 

Must seem just a bizarre set of coincidences to the non-science crowd. I think this is why conspiracy theories are so popular, they require 10 minutes of googling rather than years of careful education and experience so you can "catch up" to those naughty scientists in just an afternoon! Plus, all the complexity goes out the window when you realize that the whole thing was just a scam all along. And you always knew those brainiacs who for years looked down on you at school as you were beating them up and making fun of them were just working day and night to get into a position where they could get you back for all your bullying. And here we are!

Bring on the Coronavirus Cull.

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Just now, Laza 45 said:

Do you actually read anything about the world's climate crisis.. or do you just live in denial? 


Just now, Laza 45 said:

Do you actually read anything about the world's climate crisis.. or do you just live in denial? 

I do not live in denial , but i do know something about what it takes to make products . She doesn't , she sees only what she sees , travel and cars , oh yes and electric . She forgets there is a lot more in this world . She uses soap , it isnt from the soap tree , she uses something for her skin , which isn't made from the root of a tree either . All the things she knows don't grow in the forest , without chemicals we are back 1000years.  She is retarded.... Does it mean she is wrong , no we should care about enviroment , as much as possible , but we are with too much people and thats all .

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

In an interview with Reuters television, the 17-year-old said governments would only be able to mount a meaningful response once they accepted they needed to transform the whole economic system.

once they accepted they needed to transform the whole economic system.


Here we go. The real reason for her crusade comes out, but was it supposed to? I'd love to know who her financial backers are- follow the money!

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

once they accepted they needed to transform the whole economic system.


Here we go. The real reason for her crusade comes out, but was it supposed to? I'd love to know who her financial backers are- follow the money!

How is that for an acute diversion from needing an economic overhaul to meet green targets to knowing who finance her activism expenditures. Next will be the usual endless conspiracy theories on Gates and Soros. 

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44 minutes ago, Darksidedude said:

Do you really think anyone gives a <deleted> about your comments, the world is collapsing all around us just go away with your incorrect climate change reports 

Yes, the world is collapsing all around us but because of, IMO, overpopulation, not, IMO, a fake climate change movement being used to "change the world economic system", as she herself said in the OP.

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

According to space instruments pollution was down during lock downs etc. so I'm surprised she didn't suggest that as a solution, permanently everywhere. Never mind Greta the Earth's magnetic poles are moving, overdue for a complete flip, and if that happens soon the worse scenario suggests that we won't have worry Covid 19, Global Warming etc. etc..

I hope I'm around when it happens. Be an interesting time for all the obvious reasons, but which I'm not going to say in public. Even Corona couldn't kill PC.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope I'm around when it happens. Be an interesting time for all the obvious reasons, but which I'm not going to say in public. Even Corona couldn't kill PC.

Would point out Corona and it's knock on effects aren't over yet, the economic fallout has barely begun.

Can easily see it destroying welfare and 'fake' female employment ..... then western women will be back to banging men in return for food and shelter PDQ.

Our civilisation is fairly fragile, without welfare, there can be no female empowerment.

Edited by BritManToo
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What a dork. Climate change? How about a GRAND solar minimum. Look at the weather around

the world! Cold so off the wall in places you can't imagine. Greta needs to disappear like AL gore 

did before he lined his pockets!  " HOW DARE YOU " 555!!!

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15 hours ago, mokwit said:

OK, so its an easy fix then - just transform the whole economic system worldwide.

Yep.... to Marxism/Socialism. 

  How soon before they start building the re-education/extermination camps for those of us who won’t go along with it? 

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8 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

At such a tender age, she was given the honor to address the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference.

Let me fix that: 'It was arranged by her handlers for her to address the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference'. You really think she wrote a letter to the UN on her own bat and they replied, why yes child, come and address us.

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16 hours ago, Pilotman said:

This kid is really getting on my nerves. Nobody likes a wailing banshee at their throats at every turn, especially one so newly out of the crib, She may be right, but she is also annoying.  

"In an interview with Reuters television, the 17-year-old said governments would only be able to mount a meaningful response once they accepted they needed to transform the whole economic system.


“We need to see it as, above all, an existential crisis. And as long as it’s not being treated as a crisis, we can have as many of these climate change negotiations and talks, conferences as possible. It won’t change a thing,” Thunberg said, speaking via video from her home in Stockholm."


Totally agree with you Pilotman. But does anyone really believe a 17 year old mildly autistic girl could come up with comments like that all on her own? She's been manipulated, spoon fed, and used by her parents and cronies pushing their own political agenda. Not once dare she try and challenge India, China and Russia - all massive polluters and none of them would give her the time of day. 

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14 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Yep.... to Marxism/Socialism. 

  How soon before they start building the re-education/extermination camps for those of us who won’t go along with it? 


How many times do the want to see Marxism and Socialism fail before they wake up from their dream. Or is the dream about them creating, running a ruling their idea of what's fair?

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16 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Yep.... to Marxism/Socialism. 

  How soon before they start building the re-education/extermination camps for those of us who won’t go along with it? 

Yes, reeducation camps or Mao era style denunciations. Seems all of societies ills are caused by "White Males". Didn't we have a situation a few decades ago where all of societies ills were blamed on one group? Still, it is the young who will inherit the planet, so best let them get on with it even if you feel like the old man in the black cap.



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26 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Quite the contrary, she done a remarkable job as an activist. Spearheaded the massive demonstration of about 4 million people protesting against climate change and got decision makers to sit up and listen to their people who elected them. At such a tender age, she was given the honor to address the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference. Kind of enjoy the moment she gave Trump that look of disgust and she only 15. 

Seems she has a new coach - is struggling with the script a bit.



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8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Yes, climate change needs addressing. But not by a 17 year old being told what to say.

Does it matter who is addressing climate change if you accept that climate change needs addressing. She is a voice amongst many and she getting the attention from fans and critics. The avalanche of ad hominem attacks on her are unnecessary and you seem to enjoy that too. What happen BB? If you don’t like her  message, just ignore and don’t join in those conspiracy theorists nutters. You are better than that. 

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9 minutes ago, mokwit said:

Seems she has a new coach - is struggling with the script a bit.






Clearly struggling with the new script and attempts to inject humor and political punch.


And not the use of the "we". Who is the 'we' and when did they appoint her spokesperson?


Of course, she's referring to her parents, their cronies and the political handlers.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:




Clearly struggling with the new script and attempts to inject humor and political punch.


And not the use of the "we". Who is the 'we' and when did they appoint her spokesperson?


Of course, she's referring to her parents, their cronies and the political handlers.

I think 'we' means all children worldwide, apparently she speaks for them now (all of them). Interesting how you picked up on the same things as me. The official explanation is that she is maturing and hence her style is changing..

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