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The week that was in Thailand news: Jittery Thailand: Paranoia and fear put the country on a knife edge


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19 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always...



Respectfully, if I may paraphrase Amazon; people who believe Thai polls also believe in Unicorns, Amulets and Nessie. Somehow, I don't think they polled the unemployed hungry people. I would believe the Prayut and his cronies part, though; Thai women have standards.


I find the argument(s) between 'safety' and 'economics' in the virus re-opening debate fascinating; it is introducing, or perhaps better said 'intensifying', the split between those who have secure incomes/finances and those who don't. Those who have "Virus-Proof" incomes tend to argue that the Kingdom should not re-open, but those who lack the guarantees enjoyed by the first group see it differently.


In one corner the government employees; Civil Service, military, medical people and others with government-funded paychecks, state health benefits, state pensions, air-conditioned offices, and virtual immunity from prosecution in wrong-doing tend to argue that the Kingdom must stay closed until... the virus is wiped out (it is always almost but not quite defined). I would also include a certain segment of TVF members on this side; those on secure pensions and those whose employment is mostly 'Virus-Proof'. This side uses State resources to make their case, but is (I would say) slowly coming to realize that they went too far (see the hysterical overreaction to ONE Egyptian soldier walking free in Rayong on Pattaya's hotel bookings).


In the opposite corner but not as loud are the people who do not have a 'Virus-Proof' income; street-sellers, the staff from 'entertainment' industries, those involved in tourism and tourism businesses, transportation workers, hospitality workers, export-dependent private sector employees, etc. As above, I think that there is also a certain element among TVF members who do not have 'Virus-Proof' incomes. This side does not really have a strong public voice, but the sheer number of people who could be badly hurt and thus rebel strikes terror in the heart of the first group; what if everyone demanded a guaranteed salary like a government or 'Virus-Proof' employee? Those who have it would lose some of their spoils, and they know it; consciously or unconsciously, they are afraid.


How is this debate going to play out? I don't know, but there are exceptionally good arguments on both sides;


"What do you mean open the Kingdom? I want my young children to be safe!"


"What do you mean keep the kingdom closed? My young children are hungry!"


Whichever side of the financial divide you fall on will inform your thoughts (with exceptions; humans are an odd and ornery bunch). No matter which side wins this debate, it is going to have profound implications on human social structures and norms with consequences that I can only begin to imagine. I wonder if we are looking at one of those weird human moments where we can all see 'effects' without really seeing the 'causes', yet still insisting that we know what we are doing. 


Perhaps we should have stayed in the trees and hurled feces at passers-by.


Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!!


PS I see that the Thai government is extending the visa amnesty for another two months.


This is good for the visitors and for those who need a wee bit of extra time to get sorted.


This is good for Thai people who rely on the spending of the first group.


Most importantly...


This is GREAT news as it will annoy the TVF 'Grumpy Pants Brigade' to no end...





I say sir, give yourself an A plus and an elephant stamp. 

A fine effort and very insightful. 

Entertaining too, look out Rooster he is after your job. 

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1 hour ago, rosst said:

I say sir, give yourself an A plus and an elephant stamp. 

A fine effort and very insightful. 

Entertaining too, look out Rooster he is after your job. 

Thank you for the kind words.


However, I am absolutely certain that TVF members, myself firmly included, would like to see Rooster carry on for many, many more years.




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Rooster, you always make my Sundays far more interesting! Although there's always been dengue in Thailand. Four different strains but once you've had "break-bone" fever, you're immune to getting that strain again. The mozzies used to be day-biters but have evolved to pass the infection both day & night. Dengue infections can progress to dengue haemorrhagic fever which is life-threatening. Far more serious are mosquito-borne Japanese B encephalitis & meningitis. Int'l vaccines for both are available at Thai Red Cross. Chikungunya virus from mozzies is a new one for me. Quick search revealed its prevalence from day-biters, early morning & late afternoon, in BK. No vaccine, and the possibility of lasting complications. Yikes! One more thing to worry about!

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Nice Job Rooster - Yes thanks ....


... Yes, the Thai's DO have good Reason to be Worried, ! … As the MO of this very Tenacious Virus has proved it is very successful, ... in just about every environment, … unless taken out by TOTAL social Distancing, ...that is Real ! That is very VERY hard to do even under the best of circumstances … and just so SO damaging to every one also !


So I would also be worried if I was them. ... (Mark mark - From near the Lopbury River, by the Asia Highway)

… I am stuck in Adelaide Australia now, and watching the Totally Bazaar disaster, fast opening up over the border in Melbourne, Victoria, and now spreading to New South Wales ! .... (And then probably here !!! Dam it !!!) …

… Previously nearly all of Australia, … almost Virus Free ... likes all cases traced and Quarantined ...Most returning citizens from overseas, ....

But then the Left leaning prime minister of Victoria, … used some community Labor, (Unionized Labor) to act as security guards on the Quarantine Hotels ! ... (To give money to Workers and the economy, Not Police ???  Right ! ?) ... but well some of the so called Guards, only had 4 minutes training, so that said, … and others has sex with some of the woman ? (The Gender was naturally not mentioned GBA) in lock down ? ... And more others accepted Bribes, to let them go out to Mackers !!! ... And then with Lack of PPE, and no separations between Guards ... I have heard from my Brother then lives there ...

One of the Guards took it out, the Virus, and to a Religious school over in the Western Suburbs .... Where over 20 People ? (Probably closer to 100) have ended up with it ... Edel Vitry has been mentioned (The huge family feast at the end of Ramadan) ... I would not say that Edel Vitry was the only problem at this stage, …  as a women from the Public Hosing tower Blocks, was running a small bus service, from the towers, to that school ... hence then it was in the towers ! ...

… Like all because of slack and untrained security guards on one of the Quarantine hotels ! .... And well now it is out in the open Community ... and Going like a house on Fire ! .... EVERY one is now trying !!! … And they all have to wear masks in Melbourne now when out, …. But well cases are passing 300 a day, ... with the usual amount of serious hospitalizations, and Deaths … and now Old People’s Homes all over the State ... are now getting it ... like … "There were 3 workers, ... who came up from Melbourne" !!! … And now your local regional Old Aged Home … has it. !!! (Ad how old are you ?) …


… So the Virus is proving itself !!! And Proving just how contagious it is, ... really well ... and really they were all OK, ... Coming from nothing !!! …. But one poorly trained Guard, took it out from the Quarantine Hotels ... and well now the whole community is infected ... and it will only get worse !!! ... Possibly for the Whole of Australia. --- Like we have seen the tip of the ice berg !!!I think unfortunately … and well, Yes when will I ever get back home ??? … I hesitate to even think of it. …


… So yes, … the Thais have every reason in the world to be very VERY Worried I think !!!


(And it also could probably get me and my loved ones, ...here in South Australia next Door easily enough also ...)


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22 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always...



Respectfully, if I may paraphrase Amazon; people who believe Thai polls also believe in Unicorns, Amulets and Nessie. Somehow, I don't think they polled the unemployed hungry people. I would believe the Prayut and his cronies part, though; Thai women have standards.


I find the argument(s) between 'safety' and 'economics' in the virus re-opening debate fascinating; it is introducing, or perhaps better said 'intensifying', the split between those who have secure incomes/finances and those who don't. Those who have "Virus-Proof" incomes tend to argue that the Kingdom should not re-open, but those who lack the guarantees enjoyed by the first group see it differently.


In one corner the government employees; Civil Service, military, medical people and others with government-funded paychecks, state health benefits, state pensions, air-conditioned offices, and virtual immunity from prosecution in wrong-doing tend to argue that the Kingdom must stay closed until... the virus is wiped out (it is always almost but not quite defined). I would also include a certain segment of TVF members on this side; those on secure pensions and those whose employment is mostly 'Virus-Proof'. This side uses State resources to make their case, but is (I would say) slowly coming to realize that they went too far (see the hysterical overreaction to ONE Egyptian soldier walking free in Rayong on Pattaya's hotel bookings).


In the opposite corner but not as loud are the people who do not have a 'Virus-Proof' income; street-sellers, the staff from 'entertainment' industries, those involved in tourism and tourism businesses, transportation workers, hospitality workers, export-dependent private sector employees, etc. As above, I think that there is also a certain element among TVF members who do not have 'Virus-Proof' incomes. This side does not really have a strong public voice, but the sheer number of people who could be badly hurt and thus rebel strikes terror in the heart of the first group; what if everyone demanded a guaranteed salary like a government or 'Virus-Proof' employee? Those who have it would lose some of their spoils, and they know it; consciously or unconsciously, they are afraid.


How is this debate going to play out? I don't know, but there are exceptionally good arguments on both sides;


"What do you mean open the Kingdom? I want my young children to be safe!"


"What do you mean keep the kingdom closed? My young children are hungry!"


Whichever side of the financial divide you fall on will inform your thoughts (with exceptions; humans are an odd and ornery bunch). No matter which side wins this debate, it is going to have profound implications on human social structures and norms with consequences that I can only begin to imagine. I wonder if we are looking at one of those weird human moments where we can all see 'effects' without really seeing the 'causes', yet still insisting that we know what we are doing. 


Perhaps we should have stayed in the trees and hurled feces at passers-by.


Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!!


PS I see that the Thai government is extending the visa amnesty for another two months.


This is good for the visitors and for those who need a wee bit of extra time to get sorted.


This is good for Thai people who rely on the spending of the first group.


Most importantly...


This is GREAT news as it will annoy the TVF 'Grumpy Pants Brigade' to no end...





The government doesn't HAVE money, it STEALS it from the taxpayer. You may replace steal with a more polite word, I can't find one right now. So the story ends once there isn't enough taxpayers money coming in because of economic ruin.

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1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Thank you for the kind words.


However, I am absolutely certain that TVF members, myself firmly included, would like to see Rooster carry on for many, many more years.




Thanks for that. You are always one of the first to comment and always have something interesting to say.


This was column #225, a quarter millennium. 


Unlike modern day British batsmen, I am enjoying keeping the run going. 






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46 minutes ago, my friend you said:

The government doesn't HAVE money, it STEALS it from the taxpayer. You may replace steal with a more polite word, I can't find one right now. So the story ends once there isn't enough taxpayers money coming in because of economic ruin.

I would bet it does not affect all the fancy ranks and nice uniform generals income stream, or there would soon be something done about it.

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1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

Nice Job Rooster as usual !!! - Yes thanks ....


.".. Yes, the Thai's DO have good Reason to be Worried, ! … As the MO of this very Tenacious Virus has"  .... and the Thai's DO have every Reason to e very VERY Worried !!! 



 I said "One of the Security guards took it to the Religious school in the western Suburbs" ... and "as a women from the Public Hosing tower Blocks, was running a small bus service, from the towers, to that school ... hence then it was in the towers" ! ... but well that was not the whole of the story ... though well, when it got in to the towers ! Well I think that most people realized that this particular fight, was Lost.





… Well yes, it actually did not only go to the Islamic School, the untrained Guards, were not using the PPE properly,  it has been said, ... and not socially distancing from each other either, … So some of the other Guards took it home to their own, usually, western Melbourne Suburbs ... and right from the start there quickly were several outbreaks all over Western and North West of Melbourne.


It was just easier to identify the families, and friends off the Guards, that took it to their own Suburbs ... and to control it there also ... But the Muslim Community ? Well I would have to be careful here, ? … But a lot of them were Sudanese, and from other totally disasters of places, …. With a lot of Dialects, and no English ? (So how do you write to them if they are basicly Illeriterate ?) … So it was Harder to stop it there ...


But the whole thing ...


The speed of the Infections, and the time delay before they worked out what was happening !!! ... That is how it happened with this Disease … AND what Thailand, and all of you Fellows also, have to watch out for ... So all on topic here I think, ! ? .... It IS all of our Problems. …. Even if it was probably way Way  off country. ….


  But well just about Virus free … like almost Zero ... like Thailand ! ? … But now we have thousands there in Victoria, and it is moving on to N.S.W. ... (And probably is already in South Australia, here also) ... But it has been documented so well, !


... Like That is how it happens !!! ... And you can see, Socially exactly how !!!  And how it will happen in Thailand, if you just take your eye off the ball for even a moment !!! … So yes the Thais DO have to be very VERY careful still !!! ...Until the Whole Bloody thing IS over ? ... And God knows when that will be, this Micro Beast is so resilient and Effective !!!


Like, Like Ebola, a horrible and highly HIGHLY fatal disease ... but it killed all of it's Hosts ! .. And before they could transfer it to too many others also ! … So basically it was committing suicide for itself !!! ...


But well ... Like HIV ? ... And in Particular this CV 19 does not kill all of it's hosts !!! … It infects, but leaves Plenty still alive ! .... So the sick people have the chance of Infection Hundreds of others !!! ... And now they are seeing much higher Contagion I think ? … And young people, like 30% of them without any symptoms at all … but all Contagious !!! ... So the person who does not know that they have it, ... can infect hundreds of others !!! ....


Like what a clever Little Disease this one is !!! ... Like VERY well worth being very VERY scared of !!!  ... Especially if you are over 50 I would say !!! … In any Country !!!

Edited by Mark mark
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2 hours ago, overt2016 said:

I really don't know what to think of this weeks' effort, so I' ll give it "no comment". 

ah c'mon,  i always give him an e for effort.    trying to write 10k words in a cutesy style is not

easy !   Try it some time.     

He also wrote an almost funny comeback to a slight criticism i once made.   touchy touchy, 

these writers.   And i can always see who doesn't like me when i write a comment such as this.

love those emojis

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I am always skeptical when they do these polls. Who did they ask? What areas.


I guarantee you if they asked thais in tourist  areas where business have gone down the toilet  or any hotels that they would  want to lift the ban 


Utt rubbish

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Humor - Well Rooster having taken us on one of his usual, Great, Literary Journey ! ... Like how things "Were" ! ? ... When they might have been psychically harder ... but possibly also VERY much better ... ? ... And he has taken us along, ... with some good Humor ! ... Thanks for that as usual Roster.


... But my connected, story from Melbourni, ..... Looking at what MIGHT happen in Thailand, so everyone SHOULD be quite worried !!! ? ..... The Zero cases, "So, ... Open everything up and back to Normal", Melbourni, story (The truth actually)  ..... And then Oh OOO and Woooppps !!!! .... Cases back to 300+,  and conic illness, and also Deaths for the Old people, starting to spiral out of control ? ... and then it heading in to The Rural country side, and New South Wales now ... and it quite possibly may come back in some form of Vengeance ...  all over the whole country if we do not watch it ....


Even though quite probably pretty close to the whole truth of the matter, like "How it happens"  .... But it was particularly NOT funny, or Humorous at all I am afraid, ...  Like lucky my stuff was not deleted !!! .... Like it probably was depressing enough to have been !!! .... Though well though I still see it there, … (And if I did not, I would humbly just accept this, and not add any more) … But my Account is still not working properly ... though I think that this is probably a technical problem with the WWW. ....  Like poor Thailand ! ? ... Like, ... The Poor whole world just now !!!


....  But the Humor of the month, must have been the Comment from a Victorian Local Politician was it ! ? ... Who said that the Public Housing Towers, that were just about to become the center of the pandemic in that state, and just at that moment .... were all just .... "Vertical Cruz Ships" ... Right ! ?


...  Like Good humor, only really makes it I think .... When it has a bit more than just a handful of the Real truth in it I think. ...

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On 7/19/2020 at 6:29 PM, Jane Dough said:

This was column #225, a quarter millennium. 

Another 25 weeks until you hit that milestone, however you can still celebrate being a quarter of the way to the nonacentennial column. 

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On 7/19/2020 at 8:24 AM, Mark mark said:




… Well yes, it actually did not only go to the Islamic School, the untrained Guards, were not using the PPE properly,  it has been said, ... and not socially distancing from each other either, … So some of the other Guards took it home to their own, usually, western Melbourne Suburbs ... and right from the start there quickly were several outbreaks all over Western and North West of Melbourne.


It was just easier to identify the families, and friends off the Guards, that took it to their own Suburbs ... and to control it there also ... But the Muslim Community ? Well I would have to be careful here, ? … But a lot of them were Sudanese, and from other totally disasters of places, …. With a lot of Dialects, and no English ? (So how do you write to them if they are basicly Illeriterate ?) … So it was Harder to stop it there ...


But the whole thing ...


The speed of the Infections, and the time delay before they worked out what was happening !!! ... That is how it happened with this Disease … AND what Thailand, and all of you Fellows also, have to watch out for ... So all on topic here I think, ! ? .... It IS all of our Problems. …. Even if it was probably way Way  off country. ….


  But well just about Virus free … like almost Zero ... like Thailand ! ? … But now we have thousands there in Victoria, and it is moving on to N.S.W. ... (And probably is already in South Australia, here also) ... But it has been documented so well, !


... Like That is how it happens !!! ... And you can see, Socially exactly how !!!  And how it will happen in Thailand, if you just take your eye off the ball for even a moment !!! … So yes the Thais DO have to be very VERY careful still !!! ...Until the Whole Bloody thing IS over ? ... And God knows when that will be, this Micro Beast is so resilient and Effective !!!


Like, Like Ebola, a horrible and highly HIGHLY fatal disease ... but it killed all of it's Hosts ! .. And before they could transfer it to too many others also ! … So basically it was committing suicide for itself !!! ...


But well ... Like HIV ? ... And in Particular this CV 19 does not kill all of it's hosts !!! … It infects, but leaves Plenty still alive ! .... So the sick people have the chance of Infection Hundreds of others !!! ... And now they are seeing much higher Contagion I think ? … And young people, like 30% of them without any symptoms at all … but all Contagious !!! ... So the person who does not know that they have it, ... can infect hundreds of others !!! ....


Like what a clever Little Disease this one is !!! ... Like VERY well worth being very VERY scared of !!!  ... Especially if you are over 50 I would say !!! … In any Country !!!

A story I love comes to mind:  King Edward the somethingth(?) was asked how long it would take to train up archers of the high quality of the English long bowmen.  His reply went something like, “first, start with their grandfathers...”.  In other words for the traditions of training and discipline, the culture surrounding the training and discipline that nurtures it, maybe even the physical attributes needed to maintain this quality, it would take three generations of archers to achieve the level of ability of his archers.  

all this to illustrate the opinion that, unlike the SE Asian sphere, the western nations were not exposed to, (and consequently never learned the hard-won lessons from), the several earlier outbreaks of killer viruses so generously provided by our dear neighbor farther East.  So we western nations have neither the leadership willing to concede authority to the rightful ... authorities, (the scientists and healthcare leadership), nor do our citizens evince any inclination towards following the few simple rules that would keep everyone safe, (long complacently assured of their a). Superiority of judgement in every way and b). Innate freedom of choice in everything),   The result must be in the case of the current pandemic inevitable.  Can’t take away the freedom to drink alcohol, take drugs, congregate up close and personal to all hours, and not wear a mask.  That would be unpatriotic.  And so it goes.  

in many Asian countries, the volatile mixture of ignorance and face-saving aside (of which quality we westerners have in spades if not in the same terminology), there is also the many generations ingrained Confucian ideal of allegiance to the ruler.  This just may be the key to how readily citizens of so many Asian countries have shown remarkable compliance to the few simple rules of conduct so vital to the evident success in controlling and eliminating the contagion in their countries.  Never would American citizens tolerate the merest hint of the use of the apps used in South Korea from the start, to trace and track the outbreak, then display the locations of infectious people on a map.  An outrageous violation of one’s privacy!!!   Never mind it’s essential.  And so it goes.  

Here’s wishing that there was an easy answer to the terrible hole we’ve dug ourselves into.  

Edited by Marpa47
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Thanks for another great read Rooster, keep up the humour as well.

  I am glad that some people will be able to fly into and out of Thailand

after August, even if it is the people who are desperate to get back to their home countries.

  Here in Canada, we are keeping the masses from the infected , radio active

USA out of the country and fining those that are cheating a good amount as well.

  Some sneaky ones were claiming to be heading through Canada to Alaska only to

be found in some mountain resort area,  miles and kilo meters off the beaten routes

that lead to Alaska.    I hope that the High Season travellers can get back to Thailand

by following the restrictions and even if it still means 2 weeks of quarantine for

their visits. Better than the US situation, or Brazil and India. Not sure if Russia is

getting some control with their population either.  I wear a face mask whenever I go shopping

but here in Canada there are still people protesting this act as if it is their God given

right to not wear a mask to try prevent the spreading of Covid. Carry on..


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Well, pretty gloomy all round still here, where I sit, ... Just now, an Old Man locked out of Thailand, and away from his Real Family. ... But well, I see my Gloomy "How it happens" posts about how Victoria Australia went from almost NO CV 19 Cases at all, and for a month or two .... To suddenly about 450 500 now ! And it is still rising !!! Are all still there …. And well, that WAS how it happened there, and I do think that this is worth knowing as well this is how it will happen in Similar situations around the world with Countries that have got rid of the Disease ... (You got to watch the Security Guards on the Government Quarantine facilities) … in order to be careful enough to stop it !!!


And why should I worry ... my Mates all telling me just to worry about tomorrow, …  and where I am right now ! ?  And NOT the rest of the world, …. But well, ... what happens in Melbourni, N.S.W. And possibly here in S.A. ... as well as the rest of the world, ….  Is very VERY important I think, ... as to how hard it is going to be, for me to get back in to Thailand ? Right ? 


Still, PS and I will not go on ... but the story of "How it happens" continues ... Like the Victorian Primer, now is lamenting ! …   ... So How do I do this, hit the Cause first, or the practical, boots on the ground WHY ? The Figures are and will just keep on going up ! When less than a month ago that did think that they had it Beaten !!!


So the Premiers Complaint, and well also pretty well "How it happens” I think, is that None of the People in Melbourne, that WERE getting sick, stopped working, or socializing or shopping, … even though they WERE sick and well anyone with any sense, would have known that they had it !!! But they delayed testing like why get locked down, if you do not have to I think, being their main motivation and they were NOT self-Quarantining, like about 90% of People that got it so that said ... and 50% were STILL not self-Quarantining after they took their tests !!!  … Like the Humor was a lot of them went to get tested for it, ... in their cars ... and then just went on down to the shopping Center, to do a bit of shopping afterwards !!! Or back to their work !!!  … Like all this time when they were highly contagious !!! Like they all Infected Hundreds of others I think ... So well the Plateau ! ? …. I do not think that we will see that any time soon !!! Not in Melbourni at least !


Also a thing to consider is WHY most of them kept on Working !!! ... When they knew that they were sick, and probably with CV 19 ! ... Well I think that they are finding out all around that there now, are Just TOOO Many Casual workers, working in Unsecure Jobs ! … And they do not get paid sick leave if they are sick !!! … So YES they all WILL keep on working ! Just to put food on the table ! even if they are sick, and I can only hope that a Positive to come out of this is that the Money Talks and <deleted> walks Big Companies, that have been moving the work force in to way WAY less secure Jobs … (To get rid of the Unions ? well to some degree I am sure !!! as well as save money ? Right ) … with no sick leave or benefits at all .. are fingered, and we start to get better Jobs offered and also MORE pay for them, … after all of this is Over.


Also the other reason is just that everyone is just so fed up with it all the Lock downs, and well they do not give a <deleted> about following the rules any more ... so Bing Bong Bang, 90% of People just keep on socializing, shopping and working !!! … Even if they are sick !!! .... Like sick of being locked down ..Or being stuck in freezing cold Southern Australia in the middle of winter in my case !!! Right  … and also the Young have figured out that they ... ??? ... ???? Probably will not be hospitalized,  or have any Major symptoms … even if they do get it … like the odds of surviving it well are pretty good for them !!! ... And they NEED their jobs to feed their families also !!! ... And well they also know the old people ARE still dying !!! …  But well, .... "I have a Family to look after" .... (Like in the wars the excuse that the Young men, and well, the whole establishment used, when sent to a foreign country, to kill other Young men that they didn’t even know !!! "I did it for my Family" .... Still starting to get off the Point a bit here and well .... "That is how it has been Happening" ...and Good luck ! And God Bless ! To you all.

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