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Aggressive soi dog bit my dog


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I recently moved house to a moo ban and there are 4 dogs that "live" in the mooban, but only one of them is problematic, as 3 others are here only during the night. The problematic one stays in one area all the time and he barks at people and dogs, but he is particularly aggressive when I walk my 2 small-breed dogs around the mooban. He's been barking and charging viciously almost every time I take them for a walk, but I always charge back and he backs off (albeit still following and barking). Today I had one of my dogs on leashes, one on back and one in front, and he just charged again out of nowhere and attacked my small dog that never bit anything in its life (5 years old). My dog was just standing there when he was attacked, unprovoked. 


This cost me 2,700 THB so far and will cost more, as my dog has 2 deep puncture wounds that need cleaning & dressing change for 4-5 days in the vet office. 


The attacking dog is fed by a neighbor on the street, who will naturally deny it's her dog. 


I refuse to be terrorized by this dog every time I go for a walk with my dogs inside the mooban. Is there any service that would take care of aggressive dogs? If not, what are my options here? 

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Never show you are  afraid of these dogs ! Lived in Ayutthaya for a year and it has loads ! Had a thick piece of 2x4 with nails at the end. Always took it out evening time walking to a 7-11 near me . Caught one on the nose once . The rest of the pack soon learned to stay clear 

Edited by pixelaoffy
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Did you two even read what I wrote? I already tried charging it and kicking it, it doesn't work - it backs off, but then starts the same thing then next day. I don't want to have to do that every time I need to pass this dog, it's not a permanent solution. I am not afraid of the dog biting me at all, it's attacking MY DOGS which are 5x smaller than him. 


I also cannot go around smashing it in the head with a weapon and have the whole mooban hate me. It's just unbelievable that there isn't a service available to take care of aggressive dogs? There are MANY Thai's that have problems with soi dogs, they're just not posting on Thaivisa but some place else. 

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Thank you for suggestions so far, I tried the food one when we first moved in and it didn't work - he didn't want to eat it and kept barking. But maybe I gave up too fast on that one. I also like the Tessabahn suggestion! 


As for walking somewhere else, the main street doesn't have a sidewalk (like 90% of streets in Chiang Mai) and one of the reasons I moved to this mooban is to be able to walk my dogs inside the mooban. There weren't any dogs outside two times I visited before moving in. 


As far as bamboo stick, I guess that could work if I walk my dogs one by one. But that still means I have to fight that dog every time I go out, but maybe he'll think twice. 

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21 minutes ago, FarangSerbia said:

As far as bamboo stick, I guess that could work if I walk my dogs one by one. But that still means I have to fight that dog every time I go out, but maybe he'll think twice. 

Thai dogs know what a person carrying a stick means.

It's unlikely to approach.

An extendable hiking stick works well.


300bht or less


Edited by BritManToo
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11 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

I really would like to see that happen.


The aggressive soi dogs that I know of are too skiddish to be lured close with treats let alone into a strange car. And then even if that could occur who wants to be driving somewhere with an aggressive soi dog in your backseat?

You worry too much about the details.  Just laugh or be sad about these hair-brained ideas.

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28 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

I really would like to see that happen.


The aggressive soi dogs that I know of are too skiddish to be lured close with treats let alone into a strange car. And then even if that could occur who wants to be driving somewhere with an aggressive soi dog in your backseat?

The concept is good.  Not sure how to execute it though.  ????

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1 hour ago, jackdd said:

Would the dog bite you if you have a treat for him and are without your dogs? If not, then i would suggest:

Approach the neighbor, inform her about the situation and demand payment.

If she denies that it's her dog, tell her you will bring him to a temple because he obviously doesn't have an owner. Record the conversation on video, so she can't claim later that you stole her dog.

Lure the dog with a treat, put him in a car and drop him off at a temple far away.

Lure the dog with a treat, put him in a car and drop him off at a temple far away. 


Yea, what could possibly go wrong with an aggressive soi dog in the back of your car. To try to do that would be monumentally stupid.   

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Yes, that's not gonna work anyway. The dog is scared of me, I ran after it today after the ordeal because I was furious - as soon as I put my dogs in the house. It ran away from me all the way outside of the mooban, but my guess is it will be in the same spot tomorrow. I'll talk to the lady that feeds it and then call local Tessabahn tomorrow. Thanks everyone for replies. 

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4 hours ago, Samui875 said:

I walk everyday with my dog, an around here where i walk are a lots

of "free" running dogs. I have a bigger dog (bangkaew), but hes still young around 8 months.

They come always in a pack 5-7 dogs barking and want/trying to attack. At the begin

i start defending like shout at them and raise my hand, that worked well because they back off.

But its to stressful for me everytime when i walk to be prepared for a fight.


What worked for me:


Its super easy, I took 2-3 hands of normal dogfood in my pocket, if they come barking and agressive. I dont care and keep cool, i take a hand off dogfood and throw it around to them

like I would feed some birds. At the begin they was surprised "what is this, whats going on?"

But the first one starts to eat the others follow, they totaly ignor me and my dog.

(I guess they dont get enough food anyway from the "owner").


I did this for about 1 week (day number 2-4 they still barking but you will notice the difference, the agressive behavior will go down), now when i come around the corner with my dog, they waiting already quiet and patiently and waiting for some little dogfood.

No barking, agressive attacks or anything else. Even sometimes i forget to take something,

they dont care and be nice, they hope for the next day ????


Hope this will help you, have a good day









And this is how you get good karma! And a relaxing walk!

Edited by playyer
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The dog kibble idea would be interesting to try......for me, I ride my bike daily and have had many mangy pups come at me..I carried a baton but never needed it...even on my mbike if a dog gave chase I "LOCK em up" as in brakes....they are like <deleted>??? Kinda like hucking a snowball at a car and they stop....u know..oh <deleted>!!!


I turn around and face them and give chase..they run like hell away......but will come back if I back DOWN..


Stay cool...keep eye contact and stare them down..given im on a bike or mbike should I need to escape

I may not do this on foot, or at least have a baton or stick--bat.....is the whole alpha--smell of fear thing


I recall one day this little <deleted> poodle gave chase to me on my bike, while still peddling I hocked a big loogie and landed it on TOP on this little punks head!!!!  Oh man..his look was priceless, not expecting that I guess!


Usually is a territory thing as dogs will pee on stuff to mark it, I would walk over and pee on top of it...lol



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21 hours ago, Worldplus said:

Price of meat with arsenic or rat poison..


Problem solved

It's one thing to euthanise a dog humanely and it's another to let them suffer an agonising death, but if you had an ounce of compassion you'd understand that.

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23 hours ago, FarangSerbia said:

I recently moved house to a moo ban

What kind of a moobaan is it, a lawless Isaan-style village where people just do whatever they want, or a gated community with a HOA? If it's the latter then you should contact the manager or a committee member and it's their job to sort out stuff like this. If it's the former, then tough luck, I guess.

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23 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

Never show you are  afraid of these dogs ! Lived in Ayutthaya for a year and it has loads ! Had a thick piece of 2x4 with nails at the end. Always took it out evening time walking to a 7-11 near me . Caught one on the nose once . The rest of the pack soon learned to stay clear 

I thought this thread was about an aggressive dog

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