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Pompeo urges more assertive approach to 'Frankenstein' China


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2 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

You put a lot of credence into the idea that Donald Trump has made several flip flops. You are clearly not understanding US policy - now, or how it was during the Obama years. The United States has a pretty clear policy on China at the moment - thank you very much. That of course all changes should Trump lose the election.


Trump making a lot of flip flops is a fact. Trump supporters trying their best to paint it as some consistent policy doesn't make it into one. As to your wide brush pronouncement that anyone but yourself doesn't understand such matters - whatever. If anything it shows the depths of denial some posters embrace.


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3 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Good - as they should be. This is really only something that should interest any Nation in Asia that would feel the need for closer military ties with the United States. Those that have no such interests I guess that this would not be of any interest. Those nations who are content to be where they are - in terms of their relationships should stay right where they are. As I said earlier (twice), not a time for ambiguity. A Nation either feels threatened by China or it does not. There is no middle ground on that point. If they do feel threatened, the level of cooperation with US forces in the region I suppose would depend on how they are gauging the threat, as measured against their own strength. Is China threatening? Decide for yourself. If you are Laos or Cambodia with economies that essentially make them vassal states of China - well - I would not expect them to seek a military alliance with the USA now would I. All nations in the region affected could always seek appeasement with China - give away their sovereignty over territorial waters, fishing rights, etc.


Singaporean Prime Minister Lee H. L.  had written and published article about 10 weeks ago and explicitly mentioned  ASEAN 10 countries standpoint ( not just Singapore )   that ASEAN does not bother to take side in the issue between USA and China.  Essentially tell USA not to force the issue of taking side. 


Also Trump had invited ASEAN 10 countries Head of State to a conference in Las Vegas USA  in March 2020.   Philippines president had rejected attending,  Thailand had hesitated.  This was all reported on Thailand newspaper in Jan/Feb 2020.  Conference was of course cancelled for other reason.  


Essentially none had been eager to stick out while Vietnam is the most unpredictable of the ten.  

Currently all are awaiting for  early November 2020 outcome.






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Interesting article in The Atlantic.


"In that sense, a president with a more “normal” American foreign policy—in which Washington works closely with its friends and stands behind international norms and institutions—isn’t good for China. The Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has already vowed to forge a coalition of countries to isolate and confront China. “When we join together with fellow democracies, our strength more than doubles,” Biden argued. “China can’t afford to ignore more than half the global economy.” That, and not Trump, is the stuff of Chinese nightmares."


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23 minutes ago, candide said:

Interesting article in The Atlantic.


"In that sense, a president with a more “normal” American foreign policy—in which Washington works closely with its friends and stands behind international norms and institutions—isn’t good for China. The Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has already vowed to forge a coalition of countries to isolate and confront China. “When we join together with fellow democracies, our strength more than doubles,” Biden argued. “China can’t afford to ignore more than half the global economy.” That, and not Trump, is the stuff of Chinese nightmares."


I would absolutely agree with that.


The stuff of nightmares for China would be a concerted effort to, lets say start removing manufacturing from China.


The CCP is always worried that its contract with the Chinese people to maintain its one party State is underwritten by the willingness to accept repression so long as living standards improve.


If that starts to erode dissent will increase.


Now I'm somewhat skeptical that Trump has the intellect to fathom that, but I do believe that this whole pandemic has in many ways opened many countries eyes to the threat of China and hopefully with some real leadership can respond collectively 

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Looking for covid free salmon no doubt. 


29th July: Ecuador on alert over huge Chinese fishing fleet off Galapagos Islands


Patrols are trying to ensure the fleet - which is made up of around 260 vessels - does not enter the delicate eco-system from international waters.

Chinese vessels travel to the region each year in search of marine species.

In 2017, a Chinese vessel was caught in the marine reserve with 300 tonnes of wildlife, most of it sharks. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53562439

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