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Biden, Obama criticize Trump's coronavirus response in 'socially distanced' chat


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On 7/23/2020 at 11:21 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

It would be difficult  to find anything Trump has done worthy of praise.


TWO conservative justices on SCOTUS does fit that. Even if he did nothing else, that made his presidency worthwhile, IMO. Hopefully there will be a third soon.

That is nothing Trump did, it fell in his lap. He was literally in the right place at the right time. You should be crediting The Senator from Kentucky for that more than Trump. If that is the best you have got for a Trump achievement....swing and a miss (in honor of baseball starting)

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On 24 July 2020 at 9:26 PM, Fairynuff said:

Given that America doesn’t really have a president as such, I’m wondering which one you mean.

His name is President Trump.  Rather prominent person if you google him.  Not surprising you wonder about many things if you don't know the name of the US president.

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2 hours ago, Mick501 said:

His name is President Trump.  Rather prominent person if you google him.  Not surprising you wonder about many things if you don't know the name of the US president.

Well that went so far above your head you’d need a telescope to see it.

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14 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

That is nothing Trump did, it fell in his lap. He was literally in the right place at the right time. You should be crediting The Senator from Kentucky for that more than Trump. If that is the best you have got for a Trump achievement....swing and a miss (in honor of baseball starting)

LOL. You think if she had won two conservatives would have been chosen?

You guys are so comical with your desperation to negate anything Trump did.

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On 7/24/2020 at 9:56 PM, Sujo said:

It also used to be convention for the pres to make his tax returns public.


As you were saying?

Stop making things up. It's not required that wannabe presidents have to release tax details, and hasn't happened that long either.

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On 7/24/2020 at 10:00 PM, Sujo said:

i thought you were an independent and not a trump supporter.

You apparently missed all the dozens of posts I've made saying that I'd vote for anyone but her, and that goes for Biden as well. Given the choice between two very bad candidates one has little choice but to vote for the less bad.

I'd have voted for Gore, against Bush the younger, for Kerry in 2012, and whoever it was against Obama, not because I liked them, but because I liked the opponent less.

I wish there were better candidates to vote FOR, as opposed to voting AGAINST a bad candidate, but apparently good people won't go into politics now, and I can't say I blame them. What "good" person would want anything to do with the media of today, given how poisonous it has become? Even Kennedy would be crucified for his womanising, though it was kept quiet in the 60s.

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On 7/24/2020 at 10:01 PM, Sujo said:

Its nice to see a couple of statesmen having a lucid coherent conversation.

LOL. There haven't been any "statesmen" in US politics, IMO, since Eisenhower, though Carter had a stab at it. IMO a "statesman" puts country before politics.

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On 7/25/2020 at 1:38 AM, Morch said:


Worthy of praise? It's on par with that cognitive test he's bragging about. Any Republican/conservative/right wing President would have managed two SCOTUS appointments while having a majority. And with less fuss.

What the <deleted> are you on about?

There wasn't any other Republican/conservative/right wing President in power, just Trump.


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On 7/25/2020 at 6:41 AM, bendejo said:

When Reagan first became president not a week went by without him denouncing "the previous administration."  I wondered if it was actually planned that way "Mr President, you're due for your weekly Carter bashing."  The Rove-Cheney-Bush WH was much more vehement than that.  Obama inherited a dog-pile, but talked about things that needed to be fixed, as opposed to personal attacks -- the guy is a class act.  Guess it's a Republican thing.



I'll give you that Obama was a class act, but an act was, IMO, the only thing class about him. He'd have made a great lounge singer.

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18) Social Media content is not to be used as  source material unless it is from a recognized or approved news media source,  the source of any such material (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  etc.) should always be shown.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given as almost everything he tried to do was blocked by the courts, not as much as he should have, but he did manage some of the wall, a lot of people got jobs, blacks did better, he cancelled the revolting Pacific scheme, stuck it to Iran, stuck it to China ( but not as much as he should have ), moved to reduce troop numbers overseas, didn't invade other countries, didn't start a war.

Not too bad a job, given the opposition and having to deal with pointless investigations ( Mueller ) and bound to fail impeachment farce.

Having opened the door to such, it's all going to happen, IMO, to Biden as well, should he become president.

Were it not for the Corona thing he'd be a shoo in in November and it's still likely he'll win again, given the Dems gift of Biden as his opponent.


Boy, it seems the remaining Trump supporters really have to defy reality in order to support the guy.  Trump is in big trouble come November and it's entirely of his own creation.  It's who he is.  Even loyal Republicans are bailing....


[Jimmy Tosh, who runs a multi-million dollar hog and grain farm in Tennessee, is a lifelong Republican. He is pro-gun, supports lower taxes and agrees with most of Republican President Donald Trump's agenda.

He is also spending his money to help defeat Trump in November's election.

"I agree with 80% of the things he does; I just cannot stand a liar," Tosh, 70, said of Trump.]



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Lets see. 


Republicans post millennium. 


Bush jr invades Iraq, supposedly in search of WMD, but in truth, regime change and the neocon dream of remaking the middle east.. This was about as hairbrained as a Churchill plan. And yes disaster ensued.


Trump  is elected 2016 . The dumpster fire is lit and never put out. Then pandemic. He ignores US intel, sides with the China dictator lies, tell the 'hoax' virus roars out of control. He then proceeds to do everything wrong that can be done. Now Elvis country, his base is burning with no end in site. This will burn to election day.


Can The Republicans get any worse?! Probably not. Glad I am not living there anymore. 




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On 7/24/2020 at 9:08 PM, elliss said:

 I just loved the  foot work / dance steps, Obama is showing off, when departing the big bird .

  He made Fred Astaire , look like a novice .

   Just singing and dancing , off the plane ...




Pass the vomit bucket.

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