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Biden, Obama criticize Trump's coronavirus response in 'socially distanced' chat


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35 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

Although you are correct that Trump is not required to release his taxes I know that you know that since 1974 (more than 45 years) every president but Gerald Ford has made a voluntary release of the tax returns they filed. (Ford did not release complete returns, but did a 10 year summary of gross income, taxable income, major deductions, taxes paid etc.) "Actual" presidents (Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, W and Obama) have all released their taxes...until guess who...even Mike Pence has released his taxes 10 times...


When somebody that screamed so loud and so long for somebody's birth certificate...perhaps they should stop cringing in the shadows and wasting SCOTUS time, man up and stop being a hypocrite. (Especially when that somebody is NOTORIOUS for craving adulation, credit and validation for everything that has to do with money). Why keep clinging to the fact that legally Trump is not obligated to do what every other decent and credible candidate seems to be able to do and why not ask yourself why you think he does not release his taxes when he said he would many times? The State of New York is not going to stop asking that question by the way...


You are a self described independent. Why do ***you*** think he does not just release the documents and take that issue off the table? 

Let’s face if trump (huge if) had nothing to hide regarding his taxes, he’d be hanging them from the roof of the WH. He’d be telling us he’s paid the most taxes of anyone, ever, everyone knows that. The best taxes.....

Person....man, woman , camera, TV.....  cognitively competent ???????? yep every American should be proud of their “president “

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50 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

Let’s face if trump (huge if) had nothing to hide regarding his taxes, he’d be hanging them from the roof of the WH. He’d be telling us he’s paid the most taxes of anyone, ever, everyone knows that. The best taxes.....

Person....man, woman , camera, TV.....  cognitively competent ???????? yep every American should be proud of their “president “

Give it a rest with the taxes, will ya ! Its been already decided, you or I ain't seein them! If the dems are lucky and they have rule of 3 branches in 2021,  they can vote to change the law on all elected official requirements.


Novel idea to vote and let the winning party proceed with there agenda without the sword of le resistance showing its ugly head,ya think !  Besides biden said his Delaware Universities memo's if released would  lay siege to political fodder during his election bid! Same holds true for Mr. Trump.


Political Fodder would take on a whole new meaning if Mr. Trumps enemy's ,dems, msm and the never trumpers  got their dirty little hands on them

Edited by riclag
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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Give it a rest with the taxes, will ya ! Its been already decided, you or I ain't seein them! If the dems are lucky and they have rule of 3 branches in 2021,  they can vote to change the law on all elected official requirements.


Novel idea to vote and let the winning party proceed with there agenda without the sword of le resistance showing its ugly head,ya think !  Besides biden said his Delaware Universities memo's if released would  lay siege to political fodder during his election bid! Same holds true for Mr. Trump.


Political Fodder would take on a whole new meaning if Mr. Trumps enemy's ,dems, msm and the never trumpers  got their dirty little hands on them

Ahhhh....but that pesky shall in the law that trump thinks he’s above now granted he’s seeded the judiciary with yes men and women trembling in fear of a tweet but not enough to tip the scales so give it a rest stop hiding and release them

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. You think if she had won two conservatives would have been chosen?

You guys are so comical with your desperation to negate anything Trump did.


16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What the <deleted> are you on about?

There wasn't any other Republican/conservative/right wing President in power, just Trump.



Do you actually have trouble figuring it out or are you just playing obtuse? Let's try again. You consider the nomination of two conservative SCOTUS judges by Trump an achievement. It is pointed out that it is not an so much an "achievement", as almost ordained. Given a Republican/conservative/conservative POTUS, and a voting majority, it is only to be expected that free SCOTUS seats will be filled with conservative judges. For whatever reason, you seem to insist that Trump managing something rather obvious and trivial is an "achievement". This is sort of like Trump's own comments on that cognitive test he took.


This got nothing to do with HRC. It got nothing to do with your second deflection either.

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17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Stop making things up. It's not required that wannabe presidents have to release tax details, and hasn't happened that long either.


Convention is not a requirement. You got that right. Then again, most (since the late 60's, I think) if not all, did release release such information. Question stands as to why Trump didn't, and whether that's alright. If someone's going on about swamps and such, maybe leading by example would be better.


Not sure how defending his conduct on this score seats with assertion that Trump will deal with that swamp, or that he's better than the competition when it comes to transparency and corruption. As for the "hasn't happened that long" nonsense bit, long enough time and a long enough list.

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You apparently missed all the dozens of posts I've made saying that I'd vote for anyone but her, and that goes for Biden as well. Given the choice between two very bad candidates one has little choice but to vote for the less bad.

I'd have voted for Gore, against Bush the younger, for Kerry in 2012, and whoever it was against Obama, not because I liked them, but because I liked the opponent less.

I wish there were better candidates to vote FOR, as opposed to voting AGAINST a bad candidate, but apparently good people won't go into politics now, and I can't say I blame them. What "good" person would want anything to do with the media of today, given how poisonous it has become? Even Kennedy would be crucified for his womanising, though it was kept quiet in the 60s.


Choosing the lesser of two evils usually comes with acknowledgement of faults associated with the object of the choice. Many, if not most of your contributions on things Trump are more in line with unconditional support, automatic defense of whatever and celebrating his character flaws (when not denying them). That goes beyond "independent" and "lesser of two evils".

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given as almost everything he tried to do was blocked by the courts, not as much as he should have, but he did manage some of the wall, a lot of people got jobs, blacks did better, he cancelled the revolting Pacific scheme, stuck it to Iran, stuck it to China ( but not as much as he should have ), moved to reduce troop numbers overseas, didn't invade other countries, didn't start a war.

Not too bad a job, given the opposition and having to deal with pointless investigations ( Mueller ) and bound to fail impeachment farce.

Having opened the door to such, it's all going to happen, IMO, to Biden as well, should he become president.

Were it not for the Corona thing he'd be a shoo in in November and it's still likely he'll win again, given the Dems gift of Biden as his opponent.



The courts role is not to legitimize, rubber-stamp or whitewash anything the President wishes. Maybe, this "problem" is more to do with policies failing to meet legal standards, or legal team not being as proficient as it could be. Blaming the courts is a cop out.


Trump began his term with majorities on both the Congress and the Senate. One would have thought that is not a bad starting position, when it comes to legislation or pushing some serious stuff along. Guess the next line of defense would be to claim they were "swamp creatures" or something. Well, if they were, how come Trump didn't drain that swamp? Or were these just idle words, again?


He didn't actually do much with his wall that wasn't already in the works or that conformed to his election promises and narrative. People got more jobs? Maybe, but what kind of jobs? Black did better? If you say so, it must be true, not that you bother to substantiate it, of course. Stuck it to Iran? Alright, but what was actually achieved on that front? Stuck it to China? Maybe in your fantasies, or maybe you believe that trade wars are easy to win. Decreased troop deployment? Care to put an actual figure on that as opposed to statements made?


And all that dealing with opposition? What opposition? He had the majority on Congress and Senate. That the Congress majority was lost apparently got nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. The Mueller investigation was not "pointless", neutered would perhaps be a better term. As for the "having opened the door" nonsense, guess you forgot about all them Benghazi investigations, The Birther thing, and Clinton's impeachment.


If not for the Corona. Got to love how nothing negative is ever connected to Trump. Almost amusing when coming from a self-proclaimed "independent". Whatever goes wrong, any failures, any promises broken - it is always someone else's fault, but Trump's.

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51 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:

Obama had direct access to Trump's tax returns for 8 years. Does any objective person at this point have any doubt that he had his pet squirrel Koskinen at IRS go over them with a fine-toothed comb and, had there been anything in them damning or useful to the Democrats, would have had them leaked to the NY Times sometime around late summer 2016?

If it were the case, why would Trump spend so much energy and money to hide them?

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4 hours ago, riclag said:

Give it a rest with the taxes, will ya ! Its been already decided, you or I ain't seein them! If the dems are lucky and they have rule of 3 branches in 2021,  they can vote to change the law on all elected official requirements.


Novel idea to vote and let the winning party proceed with there agenda without the sword of le resistance showing its ugly head,ya think !  Besides biden said his Delaware Universities memo's if released would  lay siege to political fodder during his election bid! Same holds true for Mr. Trump.


Political Fodder would take on a whole new meaning if Mr. Trumps enemy's ,dems, msm and the never trumpers  got their dirty little hands on them


Got to wonder, why give it a rest? What's the justification? That it's right? That it's righteous? Proper? What? Why should it cease being an issue? How come it's up to the "dems" to change the law, rather than it being a bi-partisan effort? Or even a Republican one.


Winning an election doesn't imply that the opposition rolls over until the next elections. That's not how it works. Further, it's a disingenuous comment given how Republicans acted during Obama's terms.


Coming from a self-proclaimed "swing voter", the last part is pathetic. 





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1 hour ago, nattaya09 said:

Obama had direct access to Trump's tax returns for 8 years. Does any objective person at this point have any doubt that he had his pet squirrel Koskinen at IRS go over them with a fine-toothed comb and, had there been anything in them damning or useful to the Democrats, would have had them leaked to the NY Times sometime around late summer 2016?


I don't think that you are objective, so claims made above regarding "objective persons" are meaningless. I don't know that most people, regardless of whether you label them "objective" or not, embrace the offered conspiracy theory. Notably, you haven't actually supported it with anything.


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On 7/24/2020 at 11:21 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

It would be difficult  to find anything Trump has done worthy of praise.


TWO conservative justices on SCOTUS does fit that. Even if he did nothing else, that made his presidency worthwhile, IMO. Hopefully there will be a third soon.

A ten year old could do that-other people were in control of that whole plan that was established long before 45 was ever elected 

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5 hours ago, Morch said:


Got to wonder, why give it a rest? What's the justification? That it's right? That it's righteous? Proper? What? Why should it cease being an issue? How come it's up to the "dems" to change the law, rather than it being a bi-partisan effort? Or even a Republican one.


Winning an election doesn't imply that the opposition rolls over until the next elections. That's not how it works. Further, it's a disingenuous comment given how Republicans acted during Obama's terms.


Coming from a self-proclaimed "swing voter", the last part is pathetic. 





"Got to wonder, why give it a rest? What's the justification"?


The far left has been tryin to salt that pork(taxes), for what, five years now lol, it ain't stickin ! 

Plenty of juicy stuff that the  msm isn't askin biden and obama about, that this swing voter wants to know.



 Can't trust these two guys, they are as thick as thieves ,imop !  

Edited by riclag
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13 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:

As previously stated, he enjoys watching the Democrats and their obedient media lackeys twist themselves into knots. After four years of this nonsense, he does it for sport now

Ahhhhh noooo we want to follow the money it’s allways like that in any investigation hey after all he’s the only casino owner to bankrupt the house twice lol just who would loan a loser like that money?hes hiding something but don’t worry after November he’ll be exposed 

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23 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Boy, it seems the remaining Trump supporters really have to defy reality in order to support the guy.  Trump is in big trouble come November and it's entirely of his own creation.  It's who he is.  Even loyal Republicans are bailing....


[Jimmy Tosh, who runs a multi-million dollar hog and grain farm in Tennessee, is a lifelong Republican. He is pro-gun, supports lower taxes and agrees with most of Republican President Donald Trump's agenda.

He is also spending his money to help defeat Trump in November's election.

"I agree with 80% of the things he does; I just cannot stand a liar," Tosh, 70, said of Trump.]



Sooooo, you managed to find one republican that opposes Trump out of how many million registered republicans. I'm sure there are a few more lurking around, but when they head to the only poll that matters, given the other candidate, they may vote for Trump anyway, especially if America's cities are still burning.

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6 hours ago, dundee48 said:

Because it drives the liberals crazy.Energy and money well spent judging by the insane reactions on here.


3 hours ago, nattaya09 said:

As previously stated, he enjoys watching the Democrats and their obedient media lackeys twist themselves into knots. After four years of this nonsense, he does it for sport now


Doesn't the President of the USA have more important things to do than playing the troll?

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18 hours ago, nattaya09 said:

Obama had direct access to Trump's tax returns for 8 years. Does any objective person at this point have any doubt that he had his pet squirrel Koskinen at IRS go over them with a fine-toothed comb and, had there been anything in them damning or useful to the Democrats, would have had them leaked to the NY Times sometime around late summer 2016?


13 hours ago, dundee48 said:

Because it drives the liberals crazy.Energy and money well spent judging by the insane reactions on here.


9 hours ago, nattaya09 said:

As previously stated, he enjoys watching the Democrats and their obedient media lackeys twist themselves into knots. After four years of this nonsense, he does it for sport now

@nattaya09. This is completely incoherent with your first post! ????


If there were nothing damning or useful in his tax returns and the Dems knew it, as you claimed, they would not ask for them, right?

Edited by candide
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On 26 July 2020 at 2:29 AM, Fairynuff said:

Well that went so far above your head you’d need a telescope to see it.

Ah, so it was humour.  Thanks for clarifying.  Um, yeah....good one....couldn't be funnier, ticket sales must be skyrocketing.  Keep up the good work!

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13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sooooo, you managed to find one republican that opposes Trump out of how many million registered republicans. I'm sure there are a few more lurking around, but when they head to the only poll that matters, given the other candidate, they may vote for Trump anyway, especially if America's cities are still burning.

I suggest you check out the Lincoln project it’s lots and lots more than 1 republican many recognized the utter failure of this administration and the damage done to our country by this man 

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2 hours ago, Mick501 said:

Ah, so it was humour.  Thanks for clarifying.  Um, yeah....good one....couldn't be funnier, ticket sales must be skyrocketing.  Keep up the good work!

And this? Your attempt at humour. Pretty feeble at best.

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28 minutes ago, Tug said:

I suggest you check out the Lincoln project it’s lots and lots more than 1 republican many recognized the utter failure of this administration and the damage done to our country by this man 

So why do they do nothing? Hearing any republican speak out against the demented disaster is very rare

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