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MRC sees ‘very critical situation’ in Tonle Sap as flow reversal still delayed

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The Mekong River Commission (MRC) said Tuesday that the annual reversal in the flow of the Tonle Sap River remained delayed, causing “very low” water levels on the Tonle Sap Lake. In a weekly situation report, the MRC said low inflows from the Mekong and low rainfall in the Tonle Sap’s upper-catchment areas had “resulted in a very critical situation” for the lake.


“More than half of the annual inflow to the lake originates from the Mekong mainstream. Thus, flow alterations in the mainstream would have direct impacts on the Tonle Sap water levels and hydrology,” it said. The report — by the MRC Flood and Drought Management Centre in Phnom Penh — said Mekong water levels in Stung Treng, Kratie, Kampong Cham and Neak Luong had risen from the previous week.


But they were “still below their minimum levels” recorded between 1960 and 2019, it said. Water levels on the Bassac River at Chaktomuk and Koh Khel as well as the Tonle Sap River at Phnom Penh Port and Prekdam had also risen. But they too were below minimum levels seen over the past 60 years.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50751837/mrc-sees-very-critical-situation-in-tonle-sap-as-flow-reversal-still-delayed/


A rise in the level of the Mekong in Nong Khai was reported yesterday. Perhaps this will help check the outflow of the Tonle Sap pending more rain and release of water in the China controlled Mekong.

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