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A Warning For Nationwide Flexaccount Holders

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OK. yesterday I went online to pay my Barclaycard bill, always pay from my Flexaccount via my debit card.

Tried to pay full balance 200 quid, payment refused!! Tried the minimum 6 quid also refused. At this point I should note that I'm not that poor and there should be way over 200 notes in my account.

Logged on to Nationwide online banking no problem, but, NONE of my accounts appeared on the 'My Accounts' page.

Called Nationwide last night, apparently my account had been blocked because some mail had been returned from my address and they wanted to ensure I really live there. All sorted by a 10 minute international (Skype) call from India but could have proved embarrassing.

So all you chaps using drop addresses (parents, kids etc.) make sure no Nationwide mail gets returned.

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Same thing happened to me, the people who bought my property in the UK returned some mail to them instead of passing it on as instructed.

It's annoying, but if they get some mail back with 'not at this address' scribbled on it, they are just acting in their and your best interests.

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It's annoying, but if they get some mail back with 'not at this address' scribbled on it, they are just acting in their and your best interests.

Agreed 100%, thing is, my parents don't return my mail, they open it email me anything important and shred the rest. Just wonder where NW actually got the returned idea from.

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Thanks for the heads up.

Will they not send your mail to your address in Thailand I only ask because I asked Nationwide about sending my debit card to Thailand (when I move) and they said it was not a problem.

I will ask this question when I next pay them a visit.


Steve :o

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Abosolutley no problem with NW, when i left UK, i gave them my forwarding address and get my statements monthly, no prob with flex card either,

So whether NW were being cautious because you have a UK drop-off adress and your flex card is being used in Thai,

Having a bank statement with my Thai address certainly helped the other day when i had to pick up a large parcel from the local post office.

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Abosolutley no problem with NW, when i left UK, i gave them my forwarding address and get my statements monthly, no prob with flex card either,

So whether NW were being cautious because you have a UK drop-off adress and your flex card is being used in Thai,

Having a bank statement with my Thai address certainly helped the other day when i had to pick up a large parcel from the local post office.

Interesting, when I asked (three years ago) I was told in no uncertain terms that a Thai address was not acceptable :o Maybe I'll try again :D

My card (almost) never gets used in Thailand, I use my BKK bank account. NW just get used to pay my Barclaycard and a few on-going UK bills. My offshore payments always go to my Luxembourg account which then gets used to top up NW occasionally.

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