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Looking for Rh Negative Biood


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We have one Farang that needs help, looking for Rh Negative blood... If anyone can help, please contact;  TOMMY JACOBSEN, Banmie hospital, Lobburi Tel. 036472054-56 or by PM here.


Thank You!

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46 minutes ago, allane said:

Anyone know this guy ? I might be able to help, but not unless he contacts me. I sent him a message an hour ago. I have also sent an e-mail to the hospital.

Tommy No. 091-025-2962 and 083-491-5394

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As far as I know…once you reach the age of sixty in Thailand you are automatically disqualified as a potential blood donor.


And…I believe no exceptions are allowed to this rather archaic and essentially unnecessary rule. So if you need A- (a very rare blood type in Thailand as it is) you may have a problem finding a donor that meets the age criteria.


If someone knows differently…please correct me.  




Edited by Hayduke
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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Can't any RH negative receive O-, termed the Universal Donor?


In a pinch yes (subject to cross-matching) but type specific is preferred.


in any case all types of RH neg blood, including O-, are rare in Thailand

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23 hours ago, Hayduke said:


As far as I know…once you reach the age of sixty in Thailand you are automatically disqualified as a potential blood donor.


And…I believe no exceptions are allowed to this rather archaic and essentially unnecessary rule. So if you need A- (a very rare blood type in Thailand as it is) you may have a problem finding a donor that meets the age criteria.


If someone knows differently…please correct me.  





If you have previously donated blood in Thailand you can continue to do so to age 70.


If first time, they won't accept past age 55


Ridiculous but that's the rule in Thailand


Most hospitals cannot do blood collection, it is centralized under the Thai Red Cross; there is a TRC office in Lopburi town



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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:


In a pinch yes (subject to cross-matching) but type specific is preferred.


in any case all types of RH neg blood, including O-, are rare in Thailand

In Thailand: 

O-  0.20% of the population

A-  0.10%           -"-

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I am A neg and once after a TVF appeal made a trip to the Red Cross in Bangkok only to be knocked back because of my age. I was not pleased. And the lady in charge was not pleased with my attitude. A pleasant feeling of self-righteous indignation all round. 


Hope the gentleman gets sorted. 

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