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I have a rash / scabby area on the crown of my head. I have visited doctors both in the UK and Thailand. The British doctor prescribed coal/tar shampoo after lab testing the area/skin and it coming back with no valid results. The Thai doctor gave me Daivobet, which definitely calms it down, but after a few tubes/months it is still there (and Daivobet isn't particularly cheap). I think if flares up more in the sun, and often feels like a C-shape  (could be ring worm? or some fungus) and I'm worried it is taking what little hair I have left!!

Any suggestions of ointments or shampoos that are readily available at most Thai pharmacies would be great?? 

On top of that, I have hard dry flakes on other areas of my head, which are different to the problem mentioned above. These too are taking vast amounts of hair when removed.. 

I generally have quite a good diet, don't drink too much, 35 years old. 

Any suggestions greatly appreciated as this has been going on for years and years. 

Thank you


10 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

One more vote for Nizoral. Keep it on for 3-5 minutes before rinse. Helps after a few times if it's fungus (usual cause).


Nizoral is effective only if the problem is fungal. Which it doesn't sound like it is.


Coal tar is good.  Several  types on Lazada  https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=coal+tar&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.1125719co6idO0



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