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Thailand ranked world's safest tourist destination amid Covid-19


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8 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

Why is Thailand the only country that reports only hospital cases in their Covid number (hence the discharge number).


What about the other 380,000 PUI (patient under investigation) not reported in the press.


PUI are suspected of being infected - they are tested and if negative, are released form hospital. That's also a cumulative number. There is no "home quarantine/isolation" in Thailand. 

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13 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

What tourists? And even the few that are left are being thrown out of the country next month, so there will be absolutely zero tourists in Thailand. None at all.


And the list of safest countries includes Italy, which has one of the worst records in Europe.

Italy was simply overwhelmed in the beginning of the the pademic. Today, they perform well. 


And you must be aware: In Europe there was winter time. I do not talk about if the virus can survive better in cold weather or not. No.


But there are other implications: It is known no that the main way to transport the virus are aerosoles. As it was winter in Europe, usually the windows are closed. If you have an invected person in a room, the virus concentration grows quickly then, reaching a dangerous concentration quickly. Then, if you look that in Europe e.g. old people often live in nursery homes, you easily can see how the disaster started.


Thailand is different. In Thailand, you either have no aircon, somewhere in Nakorn Norwhere. Then, the windows are open due to the heat. The aerosoles with the virus are blown out of the room, and reduced inside of the room to a non-critical concentraion. BUT ALSO: If there is a aircon in the room, it helps to reduce the aerosols, as the aerosols condensate in the AC.


In Europe, during cold weather, the windows are closed, and if there is an AC at all, it is switched of.


This all sounds quite logic to me. Wonder why no scientists so far wrote about this.

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3 hours ago, Mung said:

Random nations with 0-10 COVID deaths 

Saint Lucia 

According to the CDC, Thailand's risk is low (sams as that of New Zealand). Are few countries are considered very low. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/coronavirus-thailand

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21 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

pleaso GO !!! And STAY THERE!!! Only a complete fool stays in a place when a short bus ride is a more nice place. 

I've been to Laos 7 times, and actually if it wasn't landlocked I would probably favour it over Thailand. I don't currently live in Thailand by the way 

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The Nation: Open mouth...insert foot. What a clown show.


Why reference a poorly designed research study that is obviously replete with confounds? If they're basing this study on Covid cases, then the government should stop publishing "fake news" and engage in broader testing efforts to determine actual cases and infection rates throughout the country. I have a hard time believing the low number of cases currently reported since there has been very little testing compared to other countries ($$$).  


In other words, the study is toilet paper. 

Edited by Rockbottom
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5 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

It seems the favorite hobby of Thaivisa and its forum farang; post a positive article about Thailand just for the purpose of trashing it and make the usual degrading and cynical remarks...

Why stay in Thailand? Laos and Vietnam are just a short busride away....Stay there and enjoy the fun there. 

This is a positive article? Duped often? If its a farang forum, what brings you here? Degrading and cynical drivel against "farangs"?

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1 hour ago, swerve said:

Another weakly written article that brings out the Thai vitriol.  If farangs don't like it here.  Go. Simples.

Expats worldwide are in general happy with their new homecountry. The are positive and interested and generally are an asset to the country.


Except the farang and muslim immigrants, both are groups of people who VOLUNTARELY chose a new country to live in, benefit from it, AND TRASH IT 24-7. 


The Thais are VERY SMART to be not too generous with giving foreigners citizenship to farangs who are too often detrimental to Thailand (no, your pension dollars is not the backbone of Thai economy!) ! UNFORTUNATELY the west gives away citizenship like its a free cookie. 

Edited by herwin1234
spelingx mxtakes
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1 hour ago, Flying Saucage said:

Italy was simply overwhelmed in the beginning of the the pademic. Today, they perform well. 


And you must be aware: In Europe there was winter time. I do not talk about if the virus can survive better in cold weather or not. No.


But there are other implications: It is known no that the main way to transport the virus are aerosoles. As it was winter in Europe, usually the windows are closed. If you have an invected person in a room, the virus concentration grows quickly then, reaching a dangerous concentration quickly. Then, if you look that in Europe e.g. old people often live in nursery homes, you easily can see how the disaster started.


Thailand is different. In Thailand, you either have no aircon, somewhere in Nakorn Norwhere. Then, the windows are open due to the heat. The aerosoles with the virus are blown out of the room, and reduced inside of the room to a non-critical concentraion. BUT ALSO: If there is a aircon in the room, it helps to reduce the aerosols, as the aerosols condensate in the AC.


In Europe, during cold weather, the windows are closed, and if there is an AC at all, it is switched of.


This all sounds quite logic to me. Wonder why no scientists so far wrote about this.

They do write about it and there's a warning or somebody "worried" about the upcoming flu season almost every day, which is for the same reasons: people stay inside more. However when you look at BKK offices, they are fully AC'd to arctic temps and in cramped quarters, yet we saw no large clusters, or they were simply dismissed as common cold. We'll see, but I don't expect that big a bump in the daily infections. This virus just isn't what the initial data looked like, it seems to be slowly petering out and becoming manageable.

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Thailand is not a tourist destination at the moment as foreign citizens are not allowed to enter the country for tourism purposes.

The ideas to set up charter flights, quarantine people for 7 days in a hotel room and another 7 days in their hotel, won't generate any tourism numbers.


Looking at the list of countries... Italy is included as part of the safest destinations?  Because they had so many infections that new infections are unlikely?  By that logic, Thailand and Cambodia would not belong on the list as there were few infections and any carrier can create a huge outbreak....

Just something to get the name in the media and people to read and respond (like I just did) LOL

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What a joke, yes, come if you want to be stuck in hotel for 14 days and don't forget the 100k medical insurance. And then you cant just stay in any hotel, it has to be a government approved 5 star hotel. Then don't forget you 3 day covid medical letter which is going to cost you some money, typically test result are 4 to 7 days. Good <deleted> luck,

people are just waiting in droves to come there.

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16 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

They do write about it and there's a warning or somebody "worried" about the upcoming flu season almost every day, which is for the same reasons: people stay inside more. However when you look at BKK offices, they are fully AC'd to arctic temps and in cramped quarters, yet we saw no large clusters, or they were simply dismissed as common cold. We'll see, but I don't expect that big a bump in the daily infections. This virus just isn't what the initial data looked like, it seems to be slowly petering out and becoming manageable.


I don't know where in the worldwide data you see that. Worldwide, cases continue to surge as do deaths. Especially in India and S America. No sign of slowing there and most certainly not manageable.


The concern re flu season is that the combination of flu cases plus COVID cases would put a double strain on health systems. As it is, COVID alone as exceeded the capacity of many health systems to respond effectively and seriously taxed others.

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Where does all of this mind rendeing <deleted> come from, it's going to take a long time before the Thai gove see anything like past numbers of tourists.  Every time they flap their gums the tourists take 10 paces back.  Why dont they just shut their collective mouths for a while until they have something constructive to say.

Finally, they have bee calling us ferangs for a long time now but I for one brissle at being called an "alien" in their docs. How would they like being referred to as "Monkeys" in our press.

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20 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

They do write about it and there's a warning or somebody "worried" about the upcoming flu season almost every day, which is for the same reasons: people stay inside more. However when you look at BKK offices, they are fully AC'd to arctic temps and in cramped quarters, yet we saw no large clusters, or they were simply dismissed as common cold. We'll see, but I don't expect that big a bump in the daily infections. This virus just isn't what the initial data looked like, it seems to be slowly petering out and becoming manageable.

Agree. But what I meant also is that every aircon reduces the humidity of the air. It therefore condensates also the aerosols which the people exhale. The viruses which might be in these aersoles are also removed from the air by this, and the virus concentration in the air becomes lower. 


A lower concentration of the viruses might lead to a lower infection rate, if the people get infected at all, or to more asymptotic cases than severe cases. I am quite sure this is one of the main reasons which kept the numbers low in Thailand, next to the open windows where no AC is, and of course the "hammer" implied by the authorities in March till June.

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What super nonsense is that?? How the <deleted> can Thailand be a tourist destination when <deleted>n locked down since many months for any tourists? Who was that idiot who let Thailand even participate as a tourist destination ??

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40 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


I don't know where in the worldwide data you see that. Worldwide, cases continue to surge as do deaths. Especially in India and S America. No sign of slowing there and most certainly not manageable.

At Asymco, quite a few countries are past the peaks and bobbing up and down while fitting the measures to the changing situation.


For some odd reason it's not loading for me: http://www.asymco.com/ , but once it does, they have pretty good charts. India & South America are newcomers still. Here's an example from Uruguay how it can be managed: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.24.20161802v1 

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

Am i the only one to notice the irony of such honors? world safest place with no tourists, and non for some time to come...

And this will be for a few months more keep the borders closed to keep us safe 

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11 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

Why is Thailand the only country that reports only hospital cases in their Covid number (hence the discharge number).


What about the other 380,000 PUI (patient under investigation) not reported in the press.


They test, but is negative. 


PUI = sick, eg fever but not have covid. 

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


I don't know where in the worldwide data you see that. Worldwide, cases continue to surge as do deaths. Especially in India and S America. No sign of slowing there and most certainly not manageable.


The concern re flu season is that the combination of flu cases plus COVID cases would put a double strain on health systems. As it is, COVID alone as exceeded the capacity of many health systems to respond effectively and seriously taxed others.

Sheryl from all your messages it is clear that you are a way better specialist in questions regarding the pandemic than I am. 


But I am quite sure that this policy of "hammer and dance" is the best way to choose. And exactly this was not applied well in countries like Brazil and the US, due to issues of their governments. I strongly believe that the terrible situations in Italy and Spain during February till June, however, were caused by the fact that these countries where simply overwhelmed by the sheer dynamics of the pandemic, and not prepared to handle it properly. This changed quickly, when they successfully applied the hammer. And now they can dance.


South America now is in winter season. So the countries south of Brazil and on the Andes highlands might have the issue of cold weather, which leads to closed windows and switched-off ACs (note that I am convinced that a AC reduces the concentration of the virus in the air, as the exhaled aerosoles do condensate in the AC). Brazil of course suffers from the way Bolsonaro handles the situation. Also indienious people seem to be more vulnarable to the virus. And in India, I assume the main problem ist the dense population, the life in slums etc. 


Generally, the virus is understood better and better now, and also the hospitals learned how to treat patients better than before. Correct me if I am worng about this.


So, I really believe that countries like in Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Uruguay, Vietnam show that it is possible to control the pandemic, if the people follow the rules, practise social distancing, wear a maske when inside of a building with others, and very importantly avoid religios ceremonies and sports-events where people sing or shout, as this causes the highest amount of exhaled aerosoles. Travelling, be in the BTS or in an airplane, is less dangerous, if only people don't talk to much, which is given during they wear a mask.

Edited by Flying Saucage
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7 hours ago, Thailarry said:

I swear if the folks on Thaivisa were told the government was giving them 20,000 a month for being Expats they would shout  "Why not 40,000?"   


Welcome new member thailarry. 


7 hours ago, Thailarry said:



Is there any topic in the history of this site that got a happy bunch of replies?


No, I never see that.

i be member 15 months already.


Many have medical condition. Testosterone injection can help it.






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1 hour ago, Miami007 said:

Thailand is not a tourist destination at the moment as foreign citizens are not allowed to enter the country for tourism purposes.

The ideas to set up charter flights, quarantine people for 7 days in a hotel room and another 7 days in their hotel, won't generate any tourism numbers.


Looking at the list of countries... Italy is included as part of the safest destinations?  Because they had so many infections that new infections are unlikely?  By that logic, Thailand and Cambodia would not belong on the list as there were few infections and any carrier can create a huge outbreak....

Just something to get the name in the media and people to read and respond (like I just did) LOL

italy is surging again

Coronavirus: Italy closes nightclubs as authorities blame holidaymakers for new outbreaks

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