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California battles 560 wildfires, university threatened


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7 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Welcome to liberal utopia - dams collapse, crime is rampant, illegals everywhere, and bushfires abound - because the environment is more important than normal people.


All blamed on politics. I'll keep that in mind as I read about Texas illegals, Oklahoma prairie fires, Kansas tornadoes, Mississippi flooding, Louisiana sinking into the gulf, Florida crime, Carolina hurricanes. It is surprising to see Trump defined as a liberal.

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9 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Not to mention that increasingly these fires are the products of arson.


Seems you didn't bother to actually read the OP article, and what's causing most of these fires:




The state has been hit by its worst dry-lightning storms in nearly two decades. Close to 12,000 strikes have sent fire racing through lands parched by record-breaking heat, forcing 175,000 to evacuate their homes, largely in Northern California.


The lightning strikes, driven by record temperatures, were a consequence of climate change and more such storms are expected on Sunday, Governor Gavin Newsom told a Friday news conference.


"If you are in denial about climate change come to California," Newsom told the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. One of the hottest air temperatures recorded anywhere on the planet in at least a century, and possibly ever, was reached last weekend at Death Valley in California's Mojave Desert, where it soared to 130 Fahrenheit (54.4 Celsius).



In case you weren't aware, lightning isn't generally considered arson.


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11 hours ago, rcummings said:

Actually, it's even easier to allege but still just as hard to prove.

Pretty much the trump mo let’s hope that hurricane down south gives NorCal a good spritzer and knock those fires down 

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18 minutes ago, Tug said:

Pretty much the trump mo let’s hope that hurricane down south gives NorCal a good spritzer and knock those fires down 

Actually, he prefers to let Cali burn because it's not a base of support for him. 






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12 hours ago, rcummings said:

In severe droughts, forest management is useless. Controlled burning has been practiced in Australia for a long time. It was found that areas with controlled burns fared no better during the recent fires than areas that had been left alone.

And anyway, you've got be be kidding about raking the vast drought prone areas of California. How many 10's of billions would that take? This is the same strategy that Trump advocated. I believe he alleged that the Finns did this. If so, the Finnish government knew nothing about it.

Nonsense aboriginals done controlled burning for thousands of years

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6 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Nonsense aboriginals done controlled burning for thousands of years

Actually, despite what Fox News in Australia claimed, there was lots of controlled burning being done in Australia. But because of extreme conditions even those areas that had recently undergone controlled burning were incinerated. Conditions were so bad that even swamps burned! Swamps! There's a fire index that Australian experts use. It factors in temperature, humidity and the dryness of vegetation. The index was so extreme that nothing was going to stop those wildfires from spreading. As the climate in Australia suffers even more prolonged extremes, these fires are only going to get worse. At least in areas where enough kindling is left.

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On 8/22/2020 at 7:48 AM, simple1 said:

yep it's all down to 'lefties'...


The state has been hit by its worst dry-lightning storms in nearly two decades. Close to 12,000 strikes have sent fire racing through lands parched by record-breaking heat

I wonder how many 'lefties' are undercover 'righties'


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On 8/21/2020 at 7:33 PM, Cryingdick said:

Not to mention that increasingly these fires are the products of arson.

Not this time. 

These fires have been largely started by lightning strikes, over 11,000 so far with more expected all the way to next Tuesday.  Mismanaged forestry laws led by hippie Santa Cruzers haven't helped with dead trees and underbrush  illegal to remove from forests.


I have several friends in these areas "packed and ready" and waiting for the evac order to come.

While my home probably won't be in a fire area, it is as smokey as Chiang Mai during burning season here.

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7 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Not this time. 

These fires have been largely started by lightning strikes, over 11,000 so far with more expected all the way to next Tuesday.  Mismanaged forestry laws led by hippie Santa Cruzers haven't helped with dead trees and underbrush  illegal to remove from forests.


I have several friends in these areas "packed and ready" and waiting for the evac order to come.

While my home probably won't be in a fire area, it is as smokey as Chiang Mai during burning season here.




Also there are articles about arsons in Washington and other places. That article suggests arson is up 20% the past 6 years. 


Agreed on mismanagement. Here is a picture of my land up north before I cleared it. The entire forest looks like this. It is a big blaze waiting to happen and yes we get big blazes up north not only in Cali.


They just don't make the news as much because it is uninhabited for the most part.


People are burning down shops in the cities to think that 100% of the human population is above starting wildfires is preposterous. It only takes one act of arson to have a big effect. 


Next to it is what it looks like after I rake and burn. You can't leave dead fall to pile up for 50 years and expect anything other than tragedy.


The pic on top is a catastrophic fire waiting to happen that consumes the understory and takes the canopy. The next pic is a piece of land that will burn moderately not killing any trees. I have decades of my life making unhealthy forests healthy.




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Here is another link....




"While investigations are ongoing, the chances that some are a result of arson are high. More than half a million wildfires are set by arsonists each year in the US, resulting in about $3 billion in damage."


It seems that some people have a hard time accepting that every year arson compounds the natural phenomenon of wildfires. I guess they think it waters down the climate change thing. One isn't exclusive of the other and as arsonists keep doing it they also compound the climate change problem.


According to the article 500,000 wildfires are set by arsonists yet people act like I am talking about witchcraft.


Here is 4,300 acres gone to arson and at time of report it was 19% contained. Anybody can do a google and find more like this.






Here is 23 fires suspected to be caused by arson.






Now can any of you saying arson has had no role in any of this come and say that now? I don't always provide links because people can do your own googling. However it doesn't mean I am lying or being dishonest.



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On 8/22/2020 at 11:41 AM, Credo said:

Pretty much everything you have posted is a pile of nonsense.   I suspect you know that and this is nothing but a deflection from the true root of the problem, which is Climate Change.   The entire Southwestern US is suffering from increasingly hotter, drier weather.   From the OP:


The lightning strikes, driven by record temperatures, were a consequence of climate change and more such storms are expected on Sunday, Governor Gavin Newsom told a Friday news conference.


"If you are in denial about climate change come to California," Newsom told the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. One of the hottest air temperatures recorded anywhere on the planet in at least a century, and possibly ever, was reached last weekend at Death Valley in California's Mojave Desert, where it soared to 130 Fahrenheit (54.4 Celsius).


Now, when time permits take a look at the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ.  It's been the hottest July on record and continuing into August.  It's had the highest 'low temperatures' ever recorded, the longest stretch of morning lows in the 90's (and some in the 100's).   Oh, and that's just beating record that were set only a few years back.


California is not far behind.   Your nonsense on forest raking is a little implausible since nearly 46% of the state being federal land.   So, that's the federal government, not the state that should be raking and that would be a lot of raking.   


The basic question that you don't address is why don't these fires burn themselves out like they have in the past?   Why does it take thousands more fire fighters now than it did 30-40 years ago?   Why are the fires so explosive now?   Did they rake more then than now?   

So, as long as you deflect from the core issue of Climate Change and try to defend the nonsense 'misspoken' by Trump, you'll be going around in a circle.  I, for one, do not wish to watch a dog chasing it's tail.   



Smokey the Bear is a good reason they burn out of hand now. Back in the day nobody suppressed fires and the natural cycle did its thing. You seem to think only climate change is making this happen. It is in addition to climate change that mismanagement is harming the forests. The more they are mismanaged the hotter it gets as the forest shrinks.


Before there was even talk of climate change I worked in the forests and it is accepted science that decades of fire suppression has led to an unnatural level of fuel. This is called fuel loading. 


Go look at a forest in Germany and notice how clean they are in general. When I say raking I mean clearing raking it up and burning it. You can use big machines to "rake". The more the environmentalists shriek about 100% preservation of forests the more damage they do. Ask the people of Paradise California if they could have saved their houses if they would have cleared a significant percentage of the forests? The sad thing is now there has been a terrible result and all those resources already went to waste. The good news is once you have a catastrophic fire the day after it goes out recovery begins. Then you have a few decades before you can think about managing it.


So really get off my tits on the climate thing I am saying in addition to it. 


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I really feel for the poor Californians who have lost their homes and cars etc to this year's forest fires. Hearing trump on the TV saying that maybe money should be with held from California for not backing him was disturbing. This fraud is supposed to be the President of the United States, not a snake oil salesman touting another nonsense cure for the Corona virus. Hey Donny, did you try any of your detergent cures yet?

  I do hope some rain systems come through the area soon to help get the fires under control. I have some relatives and friends in the USA and hope they are all doing well and not affected by the covid virus. 




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5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I really feel for the poor Californians who have lost their homes and cars etc to this year's forest fires. Hearing trump on the TV saying that maybe money should be with held from California for not backing him was disturbing. This fraud is supposed to be the President of the United States, not a snake oil salesman touting another nonsense cure for the Corona virus. Hey Donny, did you try any of your detergent cures yet?

  I do hope some rain systems come through the area soon to help get the fires under control. I have some relatives and friends in the USA and hope they are all doing well and not affected by the covid virus. 





Don't hope for rain that's when the landslides start.

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On 8/22/2020 at 5:43 AM, rooster59 said:

"If you are in denial about climate change come to California," Newsom told the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. One of the hottest air temperatures recorded anywhere on the planet in at least a century, and possibly ever, was reached last weekend at Death Valley in California's Mojave Desert, where it soared to 130 Fahrenheit (54.4 Celsius).

nope, its not the hottest temperature ever, its not the hottest temperature in a century either,

and its not even the hottest temperature in death valley california,

that record was set in july 10 1922, yes, you read that right, 98 years ago

when co2 was 1/3 less then today



furthermore wildfires has declined some 80% since the 1920's,

and i will continue to combat disinformation wherever it rears its ugly head.



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10 hours ago, scammed said:

nope, its not the hottest temperature ever, its not the hottest temperature in a century either,

and its not even the hottest temperature in death valley california,

that record was set in july 10 1922, yes, you read that right, 98 years ago

when co2 was 1/3 less then today



furthermore wildfires has declined some 80% since the 1920's,

and i will continue to combat disinformation wherever it rears its ugly head.



And that decline was due to ramped up fire suppression by the Forest Service



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10 hours ago, scammed said:

nope, its not the hottest temperature ever, its not the hottest temperature in a century either,

and its not even the hottest temperature in death valley california,

that record was set in july 10 1922, yes, you read that right, 98 years ago

when co2 was 1/3 less then today



furthermore wildfires has declined some 80% since the 1920's,

and i will continue to combat disinformation wherever it rears its ugly head.



So you're the one combating disinformation? If that's the case why didn't you include this text which explains that graph? Allow me to cast doubt your bona fides:


" Between 1945 and 2000, fire suppression substantially reduced annual acreage burned. Since 2000, an increase in area burned has occurred, although it has not yet reached the levels recorded between 1925 and 1960... Estimates of total affected area indicate a significant increase in fire damage in recent years, with the cumulative area affected for the 2003-to-2007 (40 million acres) period representing an increase of 1.5 times the area affected in the 1998-to-2002 period (25 million acres)."



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10 hours ago, scammed said:

nope, its not the hottest temperature ever, its not the hottest temperature in a century either,

and its not even the hottest temperature in death valley california,

that record was set in july 10 1922, yes, you read that right, 98 years ago

when co2 was 1/3 less then today



furthermore wildfires has declined some 80% since the 1920's,

and i will continue to combat disinformation wherever it rears its ugly head.




The drop in acres burned since the 1920’s is due to fire suppression. They have gone from fire suppression to fire management with controlled burns. 

“Firefighting efforts were highly successful, with the area burned by wildfires reduced from an annual average of 30,000,000 acres (120,000 km2) during the 1930s, to between 2,000,000 acres (8,100 km2) and 5,000,000 acres (20,000 km2) by the 1960s.”[4]




From what I’ve read you’re incapable of interpreting data. I’ll be listening to the scientists, not you. Thanks, but no thanks. 

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2 hours ago, RobFord said:


The drop in acres burned since the 1920’s is due to fire suppression. They have gone from fire suppression to fire management with controlled burns. 

“Firefighting efforts were highly successful, with the area burned by wildfires reduced from an annual average of 30,000,000 acres (120,000 km2) during the 1930s, to between 2,000,000 acres (8,100 km2) and 5,000,000 acres (20,000 km2) by the 1960s.”[4]




From what I’ve read you’re incapable of interpreting data. I’ll be listening to the scientists, not you. Thanks, but no thanks. 

Most likely he just got his information from a denialist website and copied it to here without actually scrutinizing it. For example the temperature information he posted was taken from a reading made at the time. Lots of these temperatures need to be adjusted because the conditions under which they were taken need to be standardized. For instances some thermometers were in the sun, others in the shade.

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On 8/22/2020 at 9:58 AM, AussieBob18 said:

Welcome to liberal utopia - dams collapse, crime is rampant, illegals everywhere, and bushfires abound - because the environment is more important than normal people

Wow those ":liberals" are pretty powerful bringing all this catastrophe on, including all the lightening fire strikes.

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