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Thailand’s submarine purchase cannot be scrapped, but can be postponed


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20 minutes ago, nahkit said:

So what was the point of the subcommittee that voted on the purchase 5 days ago if the deal had already been signed off before that?

A sub committee for the subcommittee was what it was about, they needed to decide if they were to go ahead at this point in time with the money to be paid for the subs or to submarine the Idea and delay the toys for the boys gratification.

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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

June 2017:

"The first Bt13.5 billion submarine's procurement was approved by the junta government in late April for the Navy to open a seven-year binding agreement with a Chinese state-owned company a few weeks later."

(my italics)


As the junta leadership is still in essence still in control of the Thai government, China's consent seems to be necessary for any changes to the sub purchases. The Thai government seems to have little to no independent say in the matter.

ah, ok they signed the dotted line, backing out means penalties,

its regrettable but its already signed

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6 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Submarines are a wonderful piece of technology, something to be admired for the pressures they can withstand and how they can balance the tanks to rise and sink, yet still provide living conditions deep underwater for a long time. Truly impressive.




How exactly could Thailand utilise submarines? To protect itself from who exactly? Or attack who? There's a vast Indian ocean on one side, and a closed Gulf of Siam on the other, where Thailand runs down most of it. There isn't really a country that is a threat to Thailand that would choose sea to attack it. Hence this may be as wasted purchase as the aircraft carrier was. But at least that was turned into tourist attraction. Not sure anyone would want to get into submarine that has no windows as a tourist.



Oh I don't know might be able to double the price for fallangs too, give it several thousand years and they might even be into profit, bargain...

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17 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Absolute "RUBBISH" what on earth prevents the cancellation other than the big boys want their toys !!!! plus of course the 22.5 Billion baht each for the subs that in all honesty are not an essential requirement .......!!!

They need the subs to defend the country against dirty farangs from entering.

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