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Anutin promises his marijuana plans will go as planned


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why such negative for cannabis. you cannot get addicted to it. it can relieve your muscle pain and especially back pain. so, yes, that makes you addicted because the pain is reduce. Like any pain killer like tylenol your not addicted but you sure like it because the pain goes away. huge number of people are in pain...some even commit suicide or wish they die. The take CBD and the pain goes away. so is CBD wrong? of course not. there are 1000s of drugs far worse. 

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3 hours ago, sjbrownderby said:

The law involving the cultivation of cannabis will be comprehensive and involve strict adherence by growers who must be licenced. This will not be a free-for-all for pot-heads.

You do realise we are talking about growing, controlling and licensing this stuff in Thailand.  Since when have any laws here been strictly adhered to? The chances of them being adhered to for this garbage is NIL.

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19 hours ago, JingerBen said:

Maybe you've been watching Reefer Madness... it's that kind of nonsense that has prolonged the disaster that is the War on Drugs.

  Addictive personalities can become psychologically addicted to anything, chocolate candy bars for example - shall we ban them?

Canabis is also know for generating bipolar and other mental issues, not necessarily connected to addiction.  Alcohol can of course create its own problems, but personally I prefer to avoid canabis, which is associated with mental illness.

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19 hours ago, JingerBen said:

Maybe you've been watching Reefer Madness... it's that kind of nonsense that has prolonged the disaster that is the War on Drugs.

  Addictive personalities can become psychologically addicted to anything, chocolate candy bars for example - shall we ban them?

someone talking sense amongst all the 'expert' TV tossers

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3 minutes ago, SenorCJ said:

Hopefully, those making the negative comments about the legalization of marijuana are not the obese sloths that hang out at the bars drinking beer all day ....

Actually it is probably the other way round.

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Spelt differently?

Despite their similar chemical structures, CBD and THC don’t have the same psychoactive effects. CBD is psychoactive, just not in the same manner as THC. It doesn’t produce the high associated with THC. CBD is shown to help with anxiety, depression, and seizures.

THC binds with the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors in the brain. It produces a high or sense of euphoria. CBD binds very weakly, if at all, to CB1 receptors. CBD needs THC to bind to the CB1 receptor and, in turn, can help reduce some of the unwanted psychoactive 

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20 hours ago, Patts said:

Completely agree, My ex is addicted, claims it helps her control depression but the reality is she's a complete stoner who puts buying cannabis ahead of buying food for her and her children. She can't go through a day without smoking several joints and cannabis has increased her issues with mental/emotional health.


As for CBD oils, there is still no scientific evidence that it does anything to cure any illness although I do understand from some that have tried it that it can help reduce pain and aid sleep. 

It's mind over Matter the smokers/medicine takers they think it Works .

 It Doesn't Matter to them what Anyone says /thinks .:stoner:

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1 hour ago, Millcx said:

Yep ... He’s gonna get the people all weeded up so they forget they are hungry and they don’t care if tourists come back .. Smart Cookie 555

You don't forget to eat when high on ganja, on the contrary ????

It's used in medecine for that too, people sick with no appetite, regain appetite.


Problem with pharma ganja is it will be extract of CDB only i think.

And like with illegal weed, nobody will know the chemicals added to grow it. And if the plant has ever been rinced (water only the last 2-3 weeks to get rid of most chemical). Nor the process used to grow it (natural light or not, quality of water, soil or the wrong "hydro", etc.)

Nor actually if it will be Sativa (as Thailand seeds are originally), or Indica, or a GMO.

Duration of grow matters too. Drying technique too. Etc.


So if people (including farangs) can grow it themself, it would be really great !

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26 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

There he goes with the racist stuff again. Why not just people with medical certificates.


Because you might be breaking laws of your own country by doing so. He can only speak for Thais....

He cannot be a xenophobe, since he claims that his foreign friends like him.

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5 hours ago, rexall said:

I only tried it one time, in the early 1970s.  I had had a lot of experiences with drugs in those days, but had never see "has oil" before. I was trying to impress people with my vast experiences. Took a hit. Fell on the bed, missed Christmas dinner.  Spent most of the evening spinning around in that alcoholic way, but with a psychedelic twist.  Yuck!  

Hey Rexall yeah some don’t enjoy pot and you can see several one tracked comments  here who only comment on the euphoria side of the plant yet seem to ignore the many industrial products that would replace many toxic products which would lead to a healthier planet and people even people that are against it would benefit!

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21 hours ago, Patts said:

Completely agree, My ex is addicted, claims it helps her control depression but the reality is she's a complete stoner who puts buying cannabis ahead of buying food for her and her children. She can't go through a day without smoking several joints and cannabis has increased her issues with mental/emotional health.


As for CBD oils, there is still no scientific evidence that it does anything to cure any illness although I do understand from some that have tried it that it can help reduce pain and aid sleep. 


the US government has a patent on CBD... but this is against the interests of big pharma


we don't have to say CURE but if you can MANAGE pain with something natural instead of chemical addictive pain pills...

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21 hours ago, redwood1 said:

Cannabis may not be physically addictive......But dont even try and say it does not have the possibility to be mentally addictive....Sure some people have no problem with it but many people fall deep into a cannabis lifestyle.........I am judging it just speaking the truth.... 

True, but so are video games and exercise.  Anything if done habitually will become habit-forming.  If taken to extremes, you become one-sided and your life is less rich.  But there is nothing unique about pot in this respect that I know of.  Yes it messes with your mind too, which is an extra challenge, but overall this is not a big concern according to most experts.  

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8 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Heating marijuana or hash oil causes a chemical reaction called decarboxylation.   This reaction activates the THC and also activates any other cannabinoids that are present.  

Think of it as cooking meat which causes chemical reactions in the meat that break down proteins and help to release flavours and make the meat easier to eat and digest. 


Strange isn’t it Sean that the human brain has specific receptors for these cannabiniods!

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21 hours ago, Sambotte said:

Will the dirty farangs be under the same law ?

Considering the very bad quality of what you (not me hm ????) find everywhere in Thailand, the bad compressed full of chemicals...

It would be a great news to be able to grow your (no no, not me i swear ????) own product, you would have access to a clean product that way (and only that way, no pharmaceutical extract, this millenaire plant has many components acting in synergy, not just THC or CDB).


For "those" talking about addiction, well let's start with booze and sleeping-anxiety pills... All legal. Most of all very addictive. Wikipedia has a good page about that, including social dangerosity.

That said i am not one to critic those who need booze or pills. I just know ganja is WAY less dangerous and much better for health. Looks like medecine finally has agreed after so many year of prohibition (still existing), thanks to the USA.

I like your whole story but why did you have to say thanks to the USA at the end , that makes your whole reply sink down the drain . 

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22 hours ago, Patts said:

Completely agree, My ex is addicted, claims it helps her control depression but the reality is she's a complete stoner who puts buying cannabis ahead of buying food for her and her children. She can't go through a day without smoking several joints and cannabis has increased her issues with mental/emotional health.


As for CBD oils, there is still no scientific evidence that it does anything to cure any illness although I do understand from some that have tried it that it can help reduce pain and aid sleep. 

It’s a safe and effective treatment, not a cure for most diseases. It has cured prostate cancer and will cure skin cancer if applied to the skin however. 

A few seconds of searching will show you all the studies that have proven it to be an effective treatment. Sometimes, it’s the best or only treatment. 

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6 minutes ago, Niteowl45 said:

Hmm, something that is not physically addictive but induces 'mental' addiction to a certain lifestyle....

Well put, but one thought... isn't that pretty much a description of alcohol?

Pattaya is full of guys who have fallen into the alcoholic lifestyle then.... seems to me like the lifestyle of a stoner is actually a lot healthier.

Not judging, just speaking the truth

I think alcohol is also physically addictive

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