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Need setup instructions for Panasonic water heater

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Hello, well I got my Panasonic tankless water heater Model DH-6GM4 leak fixed at a local shop, and now I have re-installed it, and I am encountering a problem that I had and accidentally resolved a while back.


What I would like to obtain is an online instruction manual. I have been searching for a while but haven't found one yet.


Here is the problem. When I turned the shower on, I could hear water start to flow through the heater then suddenly stop. When I turn the temperature control water knob to cold, I get water, but to the left, hot, there is no flow. I am thinking that the inlet pressure as well as the flow rate have to be in the right range or the heater shuts off to protect itself. In the last go-around, I was tweaking knobs around, not really knowing what I was doing, when suddenly everything sprang to life and has been working ever since.


So, I think I need to find out what the set-up sequence is to get both pressure and flow rate in range to allow proper operation.


I also realize that the internal temperature protectors may be tripped, so I will push down on those (with the power off) before starting the set-up.


Any help will be appreciated. 

Tom Jansen


P.S. By the way, I don't think it is a clogged filter because when I take the water exit hose loose and turn on the water supply to the heater, water flows through the filter and the heater very freely. This is with the power off and water just free-flowing through the unit with no controls activated.


I would send Panasonic Thailand an email to ask them if they can send you this installation manual.



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Yaay, I coaxed the Panasonic heater into allowing the water to flow and to heat. The basic premise is that the unit needs enough pressure to activate the pressure switch, then it needs enough flow to activate the heater(s). 


With the cover off, I saw what I believe to be the pressure switch activate. I didn't actually see the flow switch, but there is a chamber with an inlet opening and a small exit hole in the other end. I would say that maybe it will indicate flow by bleeding off enough water through the small hole to keep pressure at that point within a certain range. 


Pressure is applied by opening the supply valve, and it is increased by choking down on the exit valve. Not enough choking down, not enough pressure. Too much choking down, not enough flow. Playing with the balance with the mixing valve open and turned to hot got the flow of hot water going. Then I just left the valves alone and turned the shower on and off a couple of times. I may have to tweak it later, but now I know how to do it.


Thanks for all the suggestions. 


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