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UK minister surprised by Scottish independence referendum move

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13 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

How about the Dong?

100 Dongs makes a Johnson ????


13 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Too late, vietnam beat you to it.do try and keep up with current affairs old boy


  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, transam said:

Cummings did not sit on a train with a zillion other folk, your MP did....

 A zillion other folk?


Must have been packed in like sardines!


Cummings broke the lockdown rules in place at the time. Lockdown rules which, as the PM's senior advisor, he must have had a hand in setting.


Both he and Ferrier should go.


  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

How about the Dong?

100 Dongs makes a Johnson ????

If the Scots had a new currency I don't think they would favour the Johnson. How about the Krankie? And 100 Weejimmies per Krankie?

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, transam said:

So an MP cannot have business interests that the government maybe interested in...?

 If they do; they must declare it in the Register of members interests.


From The Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament



Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.



Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.


  • Like 2
11 minutes ago, kingdong said:


Too late, vietnamy  beat you to it.do try and keep up with current affairs old boy


You are right.

We could call it the FOB. I will not expand on what FOB means but the last word is Brexiteers.

On each note we could put the image of prominent Brexiteers who helped achieve the break up of the UK.

So on a 5 FOB note we could have a picture of Gove.

On a 10 FOB note Cummings.

20 FOB has an image of Farage 

And of course on the big 50 FOB note Johnson himself. 


We could not have done it without him ????.

I assume Vietnam has no plans to introduce a FOB any time soon?


Soon to be seen on the new 50 FOB note


Like a damp towel on a line': the day Boris Johnson got stuck on a zip wire  | Olympic Games 2012 | The Guardian

  • Haha 2
4 hours ago, transam said:

No, only one was an MP who knew she was doing wrong on public transport.........


Whilst the other is the senior advisor to the PM and thus had a hand in making the rules which he then treated with contempt, risked infecting staff at No. 10 as well as anyone he and his family met at their stops during their journeys and while in Barnards Castle.


BTW, do you actually know how many people were in the same carriage as her; let alone on the same train?


You are obviously totally unaware of the very strict social distancing and mask wearing rules on all public transport in the UK at present.


Not that any of that excuses her actions in any way, of course. She broke the rules, she put others at risk, she should go. 


  • Like 1
1 minute ago, 7by7 said:


Whilst the other is the senior advisor to the PM and thus had a hand in making the rules which he then treated with contempt, risked infecting staff at No. 10 as well as anyone he and his family met at their stops during their journeys and while in Barnards Castle.


BTW, do you actually know how many people were in the same carriage as her; let alone on the same train?


You are obviously totally unaware of the very strict social distancing and mask wearing rules on all public transport in the UK at present.


Not that any of that excuses her actions in any way, of course. She broke the rules, she put others at risk, she should go. 


Zillions apparently. 

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, Phulublub said:

But as an MP there is no lawful way of removing her without her resignation.

Actually there's two.


The first is for her to be voted out of office by voters in her constituency in a General election or byelection.


The second is for her to be recalled by her constituency and a byelection held; but it's a long winded process: Recall of MPs Act 2015.


I understand the latter process has already begun.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, transam said:

Must I tell you again, Cummings it not a representative of any Brits in the House as an MP....

Correct, despite not being elected by anyone, he is the senior advisor to the PM and thus the second most important person in the country. (arguably most important with Boris second!)


As such he represents us all and should abide by the rules he, himself, has a hand in making and suffer the consequences should he break them.


What don't you get about that?


Cummings and Ferrier. Both arrogant enough to believe their position means the rules don't apply to them. The only difference is that Cummings has enough of a hold over Boris for Boris to let him get away with it.


  • Like 2
4 hours ago, transam said:

Is there a police investigation going on....?

Cummings had one...


Yes, from the 2nd October: Margaret Ferrier: Police launch investigation into Covid trip MP


"Following consultation with Police Scotland, officers from the Metropolitan Police, working with British Transport Police, are conducting an investigation into potential offences," said the Met.

"The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards has been informed."


Do try and keep up.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

She is one of the SNP. Says a lot about the party.

 She is not 'one of the SNP.' They have sacked her from the party and everyone in the SNP from Sturgeon through to Ferrier's local party has called upon her to resign as an MP!


You're right about one thing; that does say a lot about the SNP; but not what you are insinuating.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, transam said:

Is she still earning a living...?

Yes; but the SNP cannot prevent that!


They have sacked her from the party; but cannot sack her as an MP.


See the numerous links posted to the procedure for doing that posted ever since this scandal broke; including the one I posted yet again above.


How many more times do you have to be told that!

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, transam said:

If she is allowed to stay as an SNP MP, then that is another nail in its coffin..

But, yet again, she is not an SMP MP; they have sacked her from the party!


Are you really so intellectually incapable of understanding that simple, often repeated fact?


Or, as I suspect, are you simply choosing to ignore it?

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, transam said:

Cummings was police investigated and faced no charges.


For a reason, the law at the time: from the Durham Police statement


Had a Durham Constabulary police officer stopped Mr Cummings driving to or from Barnard Castle, the officer would have spoken to him, and, having established the facts, likely advised Mr Cummings to return to the address in Durham, providing advice on the dangers of travelling during the pandemic crisis. Had this advice been accepted by Mr Cummings, no enforcement action would have been taken.

In line with Durham Constabulary’s general approach throughout the pandemic, there is no intention to take retrospective action in respect of the Barnard Castle incident since this would amount to treating Mr Cummings differently from other members of the public. Durham Constabulary has not taken retrospective action against any other person.


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, transam said:

So what, his private life is his business, not yours or mine.....

Give me your name/details and I will do some digging on you...................????

On second thoughts, don't bother, you're not an MP either....????

 So it is perfectly acceptable for you that the most senior advisor to the Prime Minister has broken planning laws and not paid council tax for 12 years and got away with it?


I wonder if your attitude would be the same if it were a senior advisor to a Labour politician; let alone PM. Somehow I think you'd be baying for blood.

  • Like 2

Well, looks like Covid Maggie was a short lived storm in a teacup. 


Support for independence at its highest ever level - 58% of Scots want to exit the UK. 




  • Thanks 2
5 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

You are right.

We could call it the FOB. I will not expand on what FOB means but the last word is Brexiteers.

On each note we could put the image of prominent Brexiteers who helped achieve the break up of the UK.

So on a 5 FOB note we could have a picture of Gove.

On a 10 FOB note Cummings.

20 FOB has an image of Farage 

And of course on the big 50 FOB note Johnson himself. 


We could not have done it without him ????.

I assume Vietnam has no plans to introduce a FOB any time soon?


Soon to be seen on the new 50 FOB note


Like a damp towel on a line': the day Boris Johnson got stuck on a zip wire  | Olympic Games 2012 | The Guardian

That's a good idea,when you go crawling back to the European union they will fob you off very topical.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

Its odd how quiet the bold Brexiteers are this evening ????.


What I also find odd is why the story of Cummings council tax evasion has not been reported by the main stream media.


Here's the thing I find most delicious though. It seems that Durham council were unaware of the two (yes two) buildings having been built until the story came out about Cummings fleeing to them when he had corona ????.


He basically grassed himself in! Ah classic Dom eh? 


However it does not sit well that given he had no planning permission for the houses and indeed has evaded council tax for 18 years (even though he is a wealthy man) that he has been let off with both offences?

If someone claims benefits they are not entitled to they are facing jail time.

Yet here we are, Cummings essentially evaded paying his fair share in a house that should never have been built and gets off free.

Pure corruption. One rule for them and one rule for the rest of us. 

Especially given that millions of families up and down the country struggle to pay their council tax.   

And millions of families in England Wales and Northern ireland are struggling to pay for their prescrlptions and kids education.

17 minutes ago, kingdong said:

And millions of families in England Wales and Northern ireland are struggling to pay for their prescrlptions and kids education.

Indeed, but if you insist on voting Tory, you must expect to get treated badly, although I believe Wales also has free prescriptions. There is no reason that England should have to pay - other than the choices the English make. 

  • Like 2
13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Indeed, but if you insist on voting Tory, you 3 expect to get treated badly, although I believe Wales also has free prescriptions. There is no reason that England should have to pay - other than the choices the English make. 

Don,t recollect any labour government abolishing them

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:



6) What debts?


You think Scotland will have no share of debts from the UK? 


I also don't think your idea of a hard border will go down well in reality. Especially if you join the EU, you will have to do have a hard border there. 


This is quite frankly nonsense. We've been through it once. 



  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, AndrewMciver said:


You think Scotland will have no share of debts from the UK? 


I also don't think your idea of a hard border will go down well in reality. Especially if you join the EU, you will have to do have a hard border there. 


This is quite frankly nonsense. We've been through it once. 



Unless the rUK intends to pay off its debt in full, which is highly unlikely, Scotland will be required to do no more than service whatever portion of UK debt is agreed by Scotland and rUK as belonging to Scotland. 


Why will a hard border not be accepted? It is a feature of multiple countries around the world and they operate just fine. The Irish border was always dismissed as being a non issue by the Brexiteers so this should be equally as painless.


Nonsense to you, maybe, but for more than half of Scotland, it is seen as a way of insulating ourselves from the successive damaging and corrupt governments in Westminster. If we cannot influence then and we cannot change them, then we must leave and make a better future for ourselves. 


  • Like 2
7 hours ago, kingdong said:

And millions of families in England Wales and Northern ireland are struggling to pay for their prescrlptions and kids education.

Get yourself a devolved parliament then. 

What? England does not want one because England already has Westminster?

Then you get what Westminster gives you.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, kingdong said:

That's a good idea,when you go crawling back to the European union they will fob you off very topical.


The EU is already fighting in Scotlands corner. Preparing the way for when we rejoin. 




"In an indication of a possible opening, Barnier had told MEPs on Tuesday that Downing Street needed to offer Scottish fishermen an opportunity to develop fisheries in their own waters, in light of the growing independence sentiment in Scotland."



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