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Thai Foreign Ministry disputes Amnesty International’s claims of harassment of protesters


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"Huh? How can ANY of us, nor any Thai citizen NOT be contemptuous of the army, and the administration? You are moving the nation backwards. You are stifling the economy. You are preventing millions from earning a livelihood, with your cowardly approach to tourism. You guys are positively regressive, and despised universally, by nearly all Thais, and ex-pats. You really need to go. The sooner, the better. Free your people from the yoke of repression."    (Courtesy of 007)


!00% on the nail. Everyone knows and thinks it, it's just a matter of time and how bloody it's going to get, for as we all know who've been here a long time, the Sovereignty card will be pulled out and the Army under orders from the unelected "Individual" will be turned on the public, i'm just hoping this time they might have the brains to turn the guns the other way......

Had a conversation from a Thai friend this morning from Kanchanaburi telling me of troop movements up there and that she and everyone else up there will be going to the 19/09 protest in Bkk, she also said that i think this "Will be the big one"............. I can only agree with the last statement, it's high time Thailand had a massive change and got rid of this yoke around its neck........Or should i of said Yokes ?    ????


Ps, Sent me a picture of the future as well...... But we all knew this was coming....    

Thai Junta..jpg

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The Thai Foreign Ministry responded, saying that, in the past two months, the Government has permitted students, and people in general, to hold several protests, in full recognition of their rights to free expression and peaceful public assembly, which are fundamental in democratic societies.


Just another in a long series of absolute, bald faced lies, by a very toxic administration that continues to assume if you say it, some will believe it. The arrests, continued intimidation, massive police presence, and other challengers these wonderful, courageous, visionary youths are experiencing, are testament to how spectacular insincere this administration is about democracy. 


“The Thai government supports free expression which is creative, non-aggressive and which is not contemptuous of the others or which incites hatred,” said the Ministry, adding that the Government is supportive of a creative exchange of views, with respect for opposing opinions.


Huh? How can ANY of us, nor any Thai citizen NOT be contemptuous of the army, and the administration? You are moving the nation backwards. You are stifling the economy. You are preventing millions from earning a livelihood, with your cowardly approach to tourism. You guys are positively regressive, and despised universally, by nearly all Thais, and ex-pats. You really need to go. The sooner, the better. Free your people from the yoke of repression. 


Welcome Back Spider Mike Missed your comments. Freedom is out the window here. Not a Junta but a dictatorship

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On 9/8/2020 at 3:09 AM, webfact said:

AI issued a statement ... to stop officials from preventing people from protesting or criticizing the Government and to repeal laws which are deemed to violate people’s rights to free expression and public assembly.

Come on, AI. Have you lost focus on all the other countries in the neighborhood with more draconian anti-assembly laws on the books? Even poster child Singapore, with its economy and quality of life kudos, has tougher anti-assembly and anti-gov't speech laws. And Malaysia's anti-sedition laws make Thailand look like, well, Portland, Oregon. And, of course, try and assemble for a protest in Burma, Cambodia, and the three other commie countries. AI gave up hammering these countries long ago, except maybe for Singapore, where AI still raises protests against restrictions for street protests, and restrictions against "fake news" in the journals (and probably has protested the restriction against chewing gum..).


No, it must be tough to be an AI do-gooder, interviewing folks on the streets of Singapore, Beijing, Hanoi, etc with the question: "Don't you feel oppressed by not being able to have street protests against your gov't?" Their 'say what?' perplexed looks must have set AI back a bit -- imagine, well fed folks wanting order over disorder. Maybe they wrote it off as an Asian thing....


Anyway, AI, sorry you only now have Thailand to pick on in this neck of the woods. But, unlike in Singapore, you can read about all the gripes in the newspapers -- Thailand, to its credit, has kept the press amazingly free (except, of course, for one area).


And, hopefully that Asian thing of wanting order over disorder will prevail in the Thai streets. Otherwise, history dictates some unsavory outcomes.


So, AI, read up on your history before spieling all your Western liberalism over here -- then go back and analyze why Singapore is such a success, from all angles.... Maybe that's the example that Thailand needs.


Now , let me go back and read up on the latest in Portland, Oregon -- and see if there are any lessons there for Thailand's approach to street mobs....


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