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Thai alcohol sellers petition against online sales ban


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8 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Nope, don't like the Thai beers at all.  Never drink Singha, Leo, Chang or any of the other local rubbish.  I drink a lot of beer but prefer paying for decent stuff.  Don't mind paying 280 baht for a pint of Hoegaarden, Stella or other Belgian beer, I just don't want to pay the same for 330ml of a flowery or fruity concoction.  Not for me and I find most people who are in to that are pretentious and snobby.  

So why don't you tell me what the online sales figures are for Singha & co as you seem to know so much.  The "big boys" own 94% of the market, the Craft market is around 1%, so who hurts most financially from an online ban?  The big boys lose the most revenue by far and won't take that easily.  Remember people saying the same about the alcohol ban during Covid?  It was orchestrated by the big boys to run the small guys out of business.  Nonsense.  It was the big boys campaigning to have that overturned and it will be just the same now.

If the big boys see a genuine threat they will generally just buy them.  Heineken own close to 100 craft beer brands and no one knows, they just quietly bought them up. They don't run to the government to ban something that will hurt them more.

Again, this ban is borne of stupidity, nothing more.  Stop looking for conspiracies.


I dont know enough about the beer market to comment, but it is no secret that the big players keep officials happy. In real estate for example laws like the Foreign Business Act prevent foreign companies from leasing out, or making income from leasing out property. A ridiculous law which has been lobbied many times by powerful Japanese and other figures. It completely blocks any competition for local developers and landlords maintaining their monopoly position and at the end of day stifling competition, keeping rents up, and those costs are passed onto consumers. Some of these being Singha (numerous offices) Frasers, who incidentally are owned by TCC, which is Thai Bev, which is Chang, among others.


I definitely don't put it past the realm of possibility that these steps are being egged on by the TCC, Singha's of this world. Just look at Singha's expansion since the Coup to understand its support for them...

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56 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

What does it have to do with the army? Like it or not - it's government policies. 

Ummm, I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Army IS the government. They have been consistently anti alcohol and anti 'small guy' since the coup. That's why Thailand has risen from number 3 in the world to number 1 in the world for wealth inequality since the coup. It's not a coincidence. 




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16 hours ago, Cake Monster said:
16 hours ago, YetAnother said:

Thailand has no policy clue on alcohol, those underage drinkers were getting their alcohol offline before and will, as we all do, during lockdown

99.99% of the underage drinkers just nip around the corner and buy it from a Mini Mart.

Quite correct - my guess is that the number of teenagers using online ordering to get alcohol is close to zero, since it's slower and less convenient than just going to a shop.


And wine, craft beer, and imported booze - the primary products sold online - contribute almost nothing to whatever alcohol abuse problems exist in Thailand. They cost far too much, and most Thais don't care for the taste. If the government really cared about controlling the abuse of alcohol, they would stop licensing the production of lao khao, which represents the bulk of pure alcohol consumed in the country, especially outside of the big cities.

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9 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Well Singha have tried that with their Est 33 Craft Beer Brew Pubs.  Supposedly higher end (more expensive) craft beers which are brewed on site in their pubs.  Quite popular with trendy Thais but never going to be mass market given that 90% of the drinking market consists of rural Thais.

They also sell some of their "craft beers" in 7-Eleven now but not that popular - Thailand is not that market.  

The craft beers are usually decent tasting - but are taxed so much that they are almost double the price of the mass-produced stuff.

That's why they don't appear to be popular

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

"Don't use the youth to ban online alcohol sales,"

Generally speaking what's available online is not what Thai youth drink... & yes they drink below the age of 20, as can be seen in many establishments.

The youth have plenty of outlet options to buy or have provided for them anything they wish to consume, I doubt if many go on-line as their only source of purchasing alcohol.

This is another ill-conceived idea hatched out from those who are detached from the real world.


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18 hours ago, webfact said:

after seeing a spike in online orders amid lockdowns to contain the coronavirus

The spike was due to the government ban on alcohol sales. I bought lots of alcohol before the ban, then again after the ban in case they do it again. Now I have stock until early 2021. The upcoming ban on online alcohol sales will probably cause me to buy one year of additional stock...

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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Craft beer and imported wines are the mortal enemy of local swill producers. So ask the friendly usurpers to ban it all, sorted.

So called "Craft Beer" is homebrew slop re-marketed to people with too much money and no sense

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Maybe they didn't anticipate that after their alcohol ban, people will change their habits:
- stock booze online,
- drink at home, stop & go drink in bars


Same for international flights, once they will reopen, it will take a lot of time to bring back tourists: they have to plan their hollydays, book flight & hotel at least 2 or 3 months before their departure etc...

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16 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

So many people are so quick to see a conspiracy even when the conspiracy makes no sense.  This is simply a stupid decision made by stupid people, just like banning booze on trains, or banning booze between 2-5pm.

Exactly. What Thailand needs are not more brainless laws, but to review existing laws and get rid of the many stupid and ridiculous laws that are good for nothing but to be misused and make Thailand a laughing stock. 

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Ummm, I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Army IS the government. They have been consistently anti alcohol and anti 'small guy' since the coup. That's why Thailand has risen from number 3 in the world to number 1 in the world for wealth inequality since the coup. It's not a coincidence. 




ummmm, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the army HAS been the government pretty much since the first Military coup in the 1930's with short breaks in 1992 and during the Taksin and later his puppets era. 

As for wealth inequality - up until about 20 years ago there was basically no middle class in Thailand. There were the very very rich, and very very poor. In the last 20 years or so the middle class took roots and keep growing.

As far as 'small guys' / 'big guys' - look around the world. Big money ALWAYS ruled, everywhere. Policies, laws, regulations - always in favor of the big money with hardly any though about the small people / businesses. Whenever a 'small guy' comes up with a good idea that might bite into a big corporation's business they are being bought out or being bombarded with so many regulations they can't really go on.


Don't misunderstand me - I am NOT in favor of the no online alcohol sales. I'm just saying it has nothing to do with the military. 

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3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I take it from your comment that you prefer Leo, Chang and Singha. In which case you know nothing about beer and shouldn't be commenting about it.

Nope.  You will from my other comments that I don't like any of the Thai beers.  Leo is barely acceptable if there is no choice, but Chang and Singha not in a million years.  I love Belgian lagers, I like most of the Japanese ones, I enjoy a cold Heineken.   Thai ones - nope.  However I don't look down or judge people who do like them - just I personally don't.

You have also proven one of my other points about the snobbery around craft beers and craft beer drinkers.  They all take the high and mighty attitude that it is superior to everything and if you don't like it you must be a cheap lager swilling heathen and are not qualified to talk about it.  It is possible to just not enjoy craft beers you know.  And it is possible to enjoy nice clean lagers and beers without wanting them to taste of flowers, fruit, honey and have pretentious names.  It's also fine just to want to go and drink some cold Heinekens in a pub with your mates and not sit around with thimbles of craft beer and bore each other stupid talking about where it comes from, how the hops are picked, and how you can taste the burnt caramel.

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14 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Nope, don't like the Thai beers at all.  Never drink Singha, Leo, Chang or any of the other local rubbish.  I drink a lot of beer but prefer paying for decent stuff.  Don't mind paying 280 baht for a pint of Hoegaarden, Stella or other Belgian beer, I just don't want to pay the same for 330ml of a flowery or fruity concoction.  Not for me and I find most people who are in to that are pretentious and snobby.  

So why don't you tell me what the online sales figures are for Singha & co as you seem to know so much.  The "big boys" own 94% of the market, the Craft market is around 1%, so who hurts most financially from an online ban?  The big boys lose the most revenue by far and won't take that easily.  Remember people saying the same about the alcohol ban during Covid?  It was orchestrated by the big boys to run the small guys out of business.  Nonsense.  It was the big boys campaigning to have that overturned and it will be just the same now.

If the big boys see a genuine threat they will generally just buy them.  Heineken own close to 100 craft beer brands and no one knows, they just quietly bought them up. They don't run to the government to ban something that will hurt them more.

Again, this ban is borne of stupidity, nothing more.  Stop looking for conspiracies.


There is a restaurant in Udon that has (at last count) 89 different beers, mostly Belgian.  I can do an 'in person' purchase for you (especially since we own it.  TBH I'd try Sivilaii or Mahanakorn.  330ml are 90 and 115 baht respectively.  It says Thai beer but technically it is Vietnamese.  I prefer the latter but most people prefer the former.

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4 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Nope.  You will from my other comments that I don't like any of the Thai beers.  Leo is barely acceptable if there is no choice, but Chang and Singha not in a million years.  I love Belgian lagers, I like most of the Japanese ones, I enjoy a cold Heineken.   Thai ones - nope.  However I don't look down or judge people who do like them - just I personally don't.

You have also proven one of my other points about the snobbery around craft beers and craft beer drinkers.  They all take the high and mighty attitude that it is superior to everything and if you don't like it you must be a cheap lager swilling heathen and are not qualified to talk about it.  It is possible to just not enjoy craft beers you know.  And it is possible to enjoy nice clean lagers and beers without wanting them to taste of flowers, fruit, honey and have pretentious names.  It's also fine just to want to go and drink some cold Heinekens in a pub with your mates and not sit around with thimbles of craft beer and bore each other stupid talking about where it comes from, how the hops are picked, and how you can taste the burnt caramel.

I wrote and posted my tongue in cheek comment before I read your follow-up post. I'm with you on the flavour of many craft beers and I'd probably really enjoy only a couple out of 10 that I'll try. As for discussing the merits of them, I'll gladly leave that to the pretentious snobs. But each to their own, if it makes them happy. Who are we to condemn them?

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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

General Cha Cha and his Soldier Boys with more of their nonsense.

It's a loose coalition and like herding cats. Keep one faction happy by making another stupid law and they can stumble on for another month. It can take forever to get these laws chucked out again, though.

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