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Thailand: All visitors will need insurance


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22 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

See now everybody have something else to have problem with. If one wish to come to Thailand, then one have to live up to the requirements. Seems to me that it ain´t many ones that wish to come to Thailand, just many ones that wish to put everything down and complain. Congratulations to you all!

AHA! You are prescient and can foresee the future! Good man!
Thailand will be getting ONE tourist in the months to come. Just one tourist.
You are correct, I think.

It seems to me also that it ain´t many ones that will wish to come to Thailand.

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

Why in the world would I complain about that? I already have insurance that more than meet the small requirements they have. You know, that is one way to show that you are aware and understand that you need protection in a foreign country. Actually I´ve gone one step further. My wife and two daughters also have very good insurances.

How is it with your protection? You seem to be the one complaining. Cheers!

The complainers are the ones that don’t want pay $50 for 30 days insurance or be stuck in quarantine for 2 weeks.

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Just now, meechai said:

Sure it needs to be remembered Thailand got popular during the Vietnam war as it served as a major R&R spot

Later why did many go to Thailand? Dollar/Pound/Euro went further is why & folks concerned with that are not the wealthy well heeled folks


Are you sure about that? IMO it only became popular when mass air travel started and that was after the Vietnam war was long over.

A few hippies on the trail don't make a place popular.

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1 minute ago, robsamui said:

It seems to me also that it ain´t many ones that will wish to come to Thailand.

Ok, I understand, Sir. Can you then please explain why there is so much moaning and complaining on Internets biggest Thailand forum about it then?

I think you are wrong. ???? 

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2 minutes ago, meechai said:

Not to mention.....They require a fit to fly & a covid swab test within 72 hours of take off.

So...That in a sense levels the field as only non infected should be on the plane


Except of course Thai nationals who for some insane reason are allowed to fly infected/untested

Mean time the insurrance has your premium money anyway and the airline your money too ....highest you get a nice printed voucher ....Happy Holliday's????


And maybe on top coming only airlines accepted by Thai Embassy when applying visa ...."the new Thai airways " maybe ....? (Just a thought ..before they pick it ..) ????



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5 hours ago, AgentSmith said:

I agree. My worldwide insurance policy covers me up to 2 million euros, 100% in and out patient, and covid-19 coverage is included. I sure do hope they won't force expensive redundant insurance upon us. I can prove I have insurance and that should really be enough.

Same with me. I sent a blank copy of the current Thai Gov format medical certificate to my insurance co and they filled it in & stamped it.

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

I remember when Thai lawmakers were loathe to pass a bill to require tourist to pay 200 THB on entry to create a general fund to cover anyone who may fall ill. 
"Oh, we can't do that!!! It will negatively impact tourism!!!"
Now the government and insurance companies work together to provide insurance that no one in their right mind is going to purchase.  10,000. 20,000, 30,000, 40,000+ THB premium or more?  The government has decided to nurture a corporatocracy and allow it to feed on foreigners - banks and insurance companies are the direct beneficiaries of the Thai government's plan to slaughter, gut, and cook the golden geese.  That may work for those who are retired here and have establish assets or those guys married and providing for a family.  They are captive audience with a reason to stay.  And I have no doubt that the evil Eye of Sauron will turn in our direction soon enough.  To use a quote by Matt Taibbi, Thailand, it's government, and beneficiary banks and insurance companies have become "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

However - tourists?  Backpackers, budget, and value tourists who make up the lion's share of tourism?  Regular people who economize so they have extra funds to spend while enjoying their vacations?  None of these folks are going to buy insurance that is the same relative cost of a plane ticket in order to grace Thailand with their presence.  None of these people are going to pay two are three times what it would have cost them to tour in 2019 and before.
It's all about greed and avarice.  The foreigners that the elite Thais hate and despise are now targets for an outright wealth harvest. 
"1. Foreigners are made out of gold and are walking ATMS.  2. They all will pay through the nose for the honour of being allowed the esteemed privilege of entering and touring Father Thailand - after a two week quarantine in an expensive quarantine hotel, of course <smile>.
1. No they aren't.
2. No they won't.

Kiss tourism goodbye Thailand.  <"Bye bye">  :dry:

That is the price for a whole year! You pay based on how long you need insurance for. It sounds like 100k Covid19 insurance will cost around $50 a month.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you sure about that? IMO it only became popular when mass air travel started and that was after the Vietnam war was long over.

A few hippies on the trail don't make a place popular.

heheh well yes but I mean the US Govt spent a lot there & those that R&R there surely had memories

that brought possibly them back later in life

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1 minute ago, connda said:

However - tourists?  Backpackers, budget, and value tourists who make up the lion's share of tourism?  Regular people who economize so they have extra funds to spend while enjoying their vacations?  None of these folks are going to buy insurance that is the same relative cost of a plane ticket in order to grace Thailand with their presence.  None of these people are going to pay two are three times what it would have cost them to tour in 2019 and before.

I don't think bagpackers are of much importance now. They usually arrived in LOS and departed overland to surrounding countries before returning overland to fly out. I understood that immigration changes stopped that, but tell me if I'm wrong.

The one or two week tourist on visa exempt staying on a package tour would have been far more significant, IMO.

I would expect travel companies to negotiate deals to be able to provide insurance at reduced rates to be included in the package price.


None of these people are going to pay two are three times what it would have cost them to tour in 2019 and before.

LOL. Bagpackers arrived and stayed near bagpacker central in Bkk where they drank beer and told each other about all the places they had been while never actually walking around Bkk. They then hopped a thief special tourist bus to Phangan to drink buckets and take illegal drugs at the Full Moon Party. After that it was off to Laos to party and go tubing etc.

I suppose that could be considered "touring", but more like a pub crawl to me.

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4 hours ago, Chelseafan said:
4 hours ago, Chelseafan said:


I would rather think it wise to look at what the Thai insurance DOES NOT cover

Someone contracts Covid and is hospitalised. Health deteriorates and suffers a heart attack, stroke or other ailment while their body is in a weakened state. Into intensive care. Would the additional treatment  costs be classed as Covid related? How would the two situations be dealt with by the insurance policy? As you suggest, devil in the detail.


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5 minutes ago, meechai said:

heheh well yes but I mean the US Govt spent a lot there & those that R&R there surely had memories

that brought possibly them back later in life

The GI of the early 70s came back later to relive the memory, and yes, they were tourists then.

In the early 70s I had the misfortune of being taken to a GI bar in Bkk. Curtained alcoves where hookers "entertained" the boys, bored participants in a live sex show- I couldn't wait to get out of the place. Back then they even had thug touts for the hookers. I much preferred the nightlife years after the last GI left LOS.

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Just now, Gary Maneval said:

This makes no sense to me.  I am an American.  I am retired military.  I have Medicare and Tri Care for Life.  Why would I want to buy some outrageous policy when and if I am only going to be there for six months.  At any rate, can anyone here tell me how to get ahold of these "insurance companies" so I can get a quote?  I still don't get how they think someone is going to vacation in Thailand under these Financially stupid requirements to include 2 weeks quarantine at our own expense!!!!!  who do they think they are kidding/???????

Follow the money and all is clear.

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1 minute ago, Max69xl said:

Every foreigner need to be tested before departure, so how can there be high or low risk countries?? If you don't test negative you won't get on the plane. It's really simple. That's what you should think about when reading the article. This is just another insurance scam when we know that every tourist can get a much cheaper insurance at home. 

Anyone can become positive AFTER they take a test. They could even pick it up at the airport.

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25 minutes ago, meechai said:

To be honest Thailand never was a big destination of "Quality Tourists"

There are those of us who visit due to having relatives/family/jobs etc & there are the mongers

That in reality is about it


If Thailand does not know who butters their bread by now then gawd help their delusions

I take it that those that spend around 6 months of the year here do not fall into your definition of "quality tourists". I know many that are not looking forward to the winter in the UK.


The bread is certainly not buttered by the delusional views of those on this forum full of their own self importance.

The real reality is a bigger picture.

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34 minutes ago, AbeNormal said:

that is covered with a mandatory balance in a Thai bank as explained by an IO last year

Missing the point. No farang and will be allowed to remain in Thailand without expensive and usually redundant Thai insurance. Non-B, Thai Wife, Retired, all nothing more than visitors. 


There will be more changes watch this space. Covid-19 is just the thin end of the wedge.

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4 hours ago, Shey420 said:

They do get it. This is why their plan is to only have one to three flights per week. 1200 per month.


Quilty tourist is what they been pushing since talks of reopening started.


They can definitely get 1200 people per month with this new scheme. 

They can definitely get those numbers every month for the foreseeable future. While added more flights and more asq hotels and visitors.

This is their ultimate plan.


The question is can they hit there money goals while in this scheme. While every other business around them go under. I doubt that but it seems they are willing to have that collateral damage. 

 yes...thats the question -can 1200 people every month or even 5000 a month hit any targets?

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33 minutes ago, hioctane said:

Isn’t that because the European tax payers pay a <deleted> load of taxes and will foot the bill? Nothing is ever “free!”

However it is covered in the EU is not important... the fact is it is covered.
Which is not the case here, and Thai insurance companies queuing up to squeeze more money out of travelers is not going to win them any friends.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Anyone can become positive AFTER they take a test. They could even pick it up at the airport.

It doesn't matter where you come from, you still have to sit in quarantine for exactly same amount of time. Everybody is in the same boat. You didn't think about that, did you? 

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