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'Our first dictatorship is school': Thai kids revolt


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11 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Most of the students are wearing masks.



Isn't covid under control here?


In Chinese schools (some of them at least) masks have come off since June! In China!


Is Thailand becoming less free than even China? Wow. 

With Myanmar's numbers shooting up, it is inevitable that covid will start to circulate here. Wearign masks will reduce its spread before it takes a hold. All of my students are also required to wear masks all day. Teachers as well. I don't have a problem with it. But I don't see this situation being over before the end of 2021. 

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1 hour ago, DavisH said:

With Myanmar's numbers shooting up, it is inevitable that covid will start to circulate here. Wearign masks will reduce its spread before it takes a hold. All of my students are also required to wear masks all day. Teachers as well. I don't have a problem with it. But I don't see this situation being over before the end of 2021. 

If you got it you got it. Myanmar, 

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14 hours ago, seajae said:

they realy need to start being original, everything they do is coppied from US movies, the 3 finger salute meant something in the movie, here its just another childish response because they lack the ability to think for themselves. Protesting is their right but copying movies  to do it is not the answer, time for them to use their own ideas and maybe people will take more notice especially when they have genuine protests

I think the same of any national flag or national athem...

Why do we value them? Because are symbols who actually work and have a clear meaning

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19 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Sounds like the old, I got thrashed and abused at my public School by sadists and it never did me any harm ????

The way I was treated at school as a kid made me the rebel I am today, don't get me wrong here, in  school, I got on well with most of the teachers, but there was also a minority of bad belt happy ones.

As an adult I also got on well with most bosses at work, but there was one or two bad ones who I did use violence against, but only because they tried or threatened violence against me.

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19 hours ago, Mavideol said:

well said, unfortunately wishful thinking, there is a "big" need for a major change in Thailand outdated rules and peoples rights, again, unfortunately, nobody at the government level is willing to start the changes, we, as guests in this country, have no say so


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17 hours ago, johng said:

Never witnessed that myself ,  went to see Tenet and Mulan  everyone stood up.

As a very rebellious Scottish teenager, I do remember refusing to stand for the Queen at a cinema in England (they never did it in Scotland) and when walking out the doorman tried to stop me, so I just brushed past him.

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17 hours ago, Katipo said:

Smart kids. They have hit the nail on the head with this one. Hopefully they can dismantle this system of indoctrination from the inside. At the very least, being aware of what's going on is a huge step forward.

As a former school teacher, I have to say that although I did witness a little violence towards students from teachers in a Mattiyom school, I have to say that in a Prathom school, the teachers were very caring towards the kids.

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There's a lot of projection of personal anger and psychological issues in some of the responses. Kids today have had to grow up alot faster now compared to the 50's, 60's and 70's. They have much more stress and worries than we ever did.


22 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Most of the students are wearing masks.


Isn't covid under control here?

In Chinese schools (some of them at least) masks have come off since June! In China!

Is Thailand becoming less free than even China? Wow. 

Covid19 is under control in Thailand because of prevention practices such as mask wearing. You misinterpret the wearing of masks as a loss of freedom. The  kids wear a mask out of respect for others. They do not wish to infect their  parents or elderly relatives. Some people are not selfish.


21 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I've seen the words of the Thai anthem; in English. They are not disgusting like the English one.   Children are the future in all countries.

Are some of your favourite tunes Panzerlied, and Sieg Heil Viktoria too?

Know who else liked kids? Michael Jackson;  “We must never forget  that the children are our future".


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As we all know, put a microphone in a Thai hand and that's the next thirty minutes of your life wasted.  The photo encapsulates this syndrome all across the country: morning assemblies is an excuse, often in hot sun, for a self-important hi-so to harangue the lo-sos about anything that takes his fancy.  No wonder the peasants are revolting.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

As a former school teacher, I have to say that although I did witness a little violence towards students from teachers in a Mattiyom school, I have to say that in a Prathom school, the teachers were very caring towards the kids.

Went to a school in Klong Toey last year for a little concert, teachers and assistants all had long sticks for whacking the very unruly  kids with, it was a bit of mad house

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1 hour ago, PatOngo said:

From my experience, the rich elite are the past, the present and the future in Thailand!

That's pretty much the same in most of the world.


If we think that Thailand is difficult to change then in the UK, it's virtually impossible.


I'm a paid up member of the Labour Party in UK. I, and a couple of - like thinking - others, did a paper on tax reform, the reform (abolition) of the House of Lords and natural energy. Income tax for those earning under 100k pa would be abolished and a land tax introduced. The other ideas were simply dismissed as 'too-forward-thinking'.



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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

That's pretty much the same in most of the world.


If we think that Thailand is difficult to change then in the UK, it's virtually impossible.


I'm a paid up member of the Labour Party in UK. I, and a couple of - like thinking - others, did a paper on tax reform, the reform (abolition) of the House of Lords and natural energy. Income tax for those earning under 100k pa would be abolished and a land tax introduced. The other ideas were simply dismissed as 'too-forward-thinking'.




Yes, thinking forward on how to get more free stuff without working...

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3 hours ago, happyaussie said:

 Teachers wearing military style uniforms doesn't help.  

I was knocking a teacher off and twice a week she had to wear her uniform, in the morning when she was getting ready I couldn't resist it just had to bend her over, uniform and all send he on her way 

Edited by ChipButty
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The problem is the outdated headmasters and headmistrisses who force their archaic ideologies all the way down the chain of command been working as a teacher here for almost 20 years and the problem is not the kids but the admin who bend all the teachers to their whims. If the teachers can't be free thinkers how does anyone expect the kids to be?


Shameful system in this country and it really needs to be purged top down...

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On 9/25/2020 at 5:39 AM, seajae said:

they realy need to start being original, everything they do is coppied from US movies, the 3 finger salute meant something in the movie, here its just another childish response because they lack the ability to think for themselves. Protesting is their right but copying movies  to do it is not the answer, time for them to use their own ideas and maybe people will take more notice especially when they have genuine protests

Never mind where the symbol is coming from. Important is what it deserve and the cultural idea in background.

A symbol is something to unit people on it. It can not come from all of them, but only from one of them. And sure, nevermind who is this one, the symbol has a life by himself, his life exist because people recognize their fight on this symbol.

To be original is something we should don't care at all also. Art concern is also not to be original (this is adds concern and modern commercial mind thinking to "be original"), but to speak about the society. To be original is absolutely not a proof of anything good, it is just a child concern to find his own identity, it is not a problem for adult to think about that as long as you understand that the idea is to be free with a law who can make this freedom not a western violent story, but delimited by human social practices for the best of us.

Now, let's talk about instruction versus education.

Education is to transmit a cultural think. It is not bad, but it should not be the only one thing to transmit.

Instruction is something to transmit knowledge. It is always good to transmit it, but never if only specific. Because a intelligent apes stay a apes. Instruction request for human's peace to be generalist and not only technical.


Let's talk about the quality of education in Thailand:

This one was perfect and is still better than on any other country. I never see a country where traditions and culture is so well respected by majority. And i find there cultural thinking (Buddhist for the most) absolutely fine for human's relations in peace. I'm from France and i tell you that i would like for us the same respect of cultural knowledge.


Let's talk about the quality of instruction:

In Thailand, it is close to ground level. Instruction for English is terribly bad (baddest than in my country, who is already not so good).

Knowledge in sciences physics and mathematics are terribly bad, comparatively to my own country, Thailand science level is terribly low, from little school to high school.

Knowledge for geographic and history is same, terribly bad.

Philosophy, economy... same, very low level.

It is not an opinion or a mind view of my spirit, it is a fact you can search in the world classification of study levels by country. Thailand is at the end of the list of classification (not the last one, but not far to be the last one).

And this problem, you can see the result everywhere around when you just open your eyes with your own knowledge of sciences and what ever... electric infrastructures, building technologies and applications of building technical standard (close to no knowledge at all), computer knowledge close to nothing (even if there is some young people learn alone online when they understand English and are, sure able to learn a lot, but... by their own). Talk about geography with anyone, and see their level is close to USA population level: zero. Talk about politic in the world or history... same: zero. Talk about philosophy, nothing ! Only Buddhist philosophy is something they know a little bit (not so much in fact...), but talk about theology... nothing, zero.

Well, we then absolutely don't care about which symbol, it should have one, nevermind where he is coming from. The idea is to grow up to something comparatively to other countries in the world.

If you love Thailand, then first you love Thai people and idea of democracy with a King. It is their story and they had good King save them from slavery on there own history time. There is many good countries with a King and a democracy, as Belgium is, as England is and so many more with best example in north of Europe with Norway country also some little countries as Monaco has a very good social system and justice with democratic tasks (but there is not to much citizen, maybe this should help).

I think, they can do it, and they can do it with a symbol from a movie (if this is your only one problem in front of the full reality, then it is not a problem... next !).

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1 hour ago, LazySlipper said:

The problem is the outdated headmasters and headmistrisses who force their archaic ideologies all the way down the chain of command been working as a teacher here for almost 20 years and the problem is not the kids but the admin who bend all the teachers to their whims. If the teachers can't be free thinkers how does anyone expect the kids to be?


Shameful system in this country and it really needs to be purged top down...

i think that the word "purged" is a problem for peace. "Purge" is something who always go for massive crimes without any justice idea, and many tragedy statement with, next, fascism evolution.

Which kind of leadership use "purge" in the human story time ? Let me tell you:


_In Indonesia in , the Mafiosi, funded by the CIA purged what they thinking to be "communists", they kill and raped million of people, include babies. It was the most terrify criminal human tragedy in the world (more than Nazi in Europe did) who has been never judge. they take the power of Indonesia on next step (the one in place are from them).

_In Cambodia, Red Khmer communist kill million of people and tortures same, families, child, everybody.

_In North Korea, again actually, if you do or said something unpleasant, all your family can be "purged", and the leader purged his own family to access the power without any restriction.

_In Europe, the Nazi start to purge Jewels, then homosexual, black people, anyone they don't like in fact, they started by a kind of "national socialist" idea from a charismatic leadership man in a terrible German situation with no job, no money... the danger always start from a point (most of them is a population with no money who try to survive).

_ In South America, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, there were fascist's nationalist dictatorships who killed dissident population by thousand, some of them, because of "communist" suspected or because they are not happy with the dictator, was send from fly to the ocean, bodies was found on the sea border on close countries...


And there is many more story where you can speak about "purge", some of them very closer in time (as in north of Europe with Croatia and Serbia war, or in Myanmar with tragedy of muslim Rohingas killed by fake nationalist Buddhists, or Congo/Rwanda with Utou and Tutsi civil war).


So please, care about words you employ. Do not purge no one please (even if a dictator). Just let people express there mind thinking of their own destiny and clever to go together and build their own country intelligently, there own laws, there own democracy the way their culture push them to do the best as they can. And priest it to be in peace as it is possible. Do not forget the best example of the human story to deliver themselves from old England kingdom oppression in India (the country were Buddhism idea was born) by sit down in peace and do nothing, absolutely nothing more but sit. Excellent !

Edited by jerolamo
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On 9/26/2020 at 6:39 AM, DrTuner said:

Courtesy of Phibun, the military dictator that surrendered to the Japanese within hours in WW2.




The irony...

Not so ironic i think. There is always two sides of each coin, two side of each medal.

The courageous people does the courageous history of a country, and their own national Athem is very nice. To be unit in peace and to be ready to defend ourselves together is a nice destiny, isn't it ?


Also, human's been are, for most of us, is gregarious by instinct. Our organization, for thousands of human life, generations by generations, was possible due to hierarchy conscience and practice, like ants, like bees, like monkeys. It is not something i think it is good or not, but it is something exist from long time. Evolution should happen, but if possible and not in one day. You can not ask impossible tasks to anyone else.

You will see that some people are able by themselves to take decisions and think about other (not only about themselves) and some other take decision without care other, some other to never take a decision, some other to just sleep all day, and this is not due to education (i thank it was, but no more, i see there is some of them who has no luck to be as they are... i think really it is no luck for them as it is a kind of handicap).

At this time of human history, all the leader was dictators (even in Greek area). Some of them better for population than some other... some of them to respect there own enemy some other not at all. Japan army was not the one to be an example of human respect, not for there own, and sure not for their enemies. They do change now.

We should be able to measure with precision instead of mix things without think about the situation and context at each time the humanity history was.

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2 hours ago, jerolamo said:

i think that the word "purged" is a problem for peace. "Purge" is something who always go for massive crimes without any justice idea, and many tragedy statement with, next, fascism evolution.

Which kind of leadership use "purge" in the human story time ? Let me tell you:

  1. 1.
    rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling.
remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.
  1. 1.
    an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people.
    a laxative.
    I get what your saying ... in order to be politically correct...
    That said I'll go with the rid definition of the verb and especially the one about 'laxative'...
    But I do question whether these people would give up their power in a peaceful way.... I worked with quite a few of these people in power and the way it works in schools here is that if you are only a teacher and a farang at that.... you have no right to talk to the high and mighty in the school food chain. so seeing how these people see themselves as gods I am not sure that peace will work.
    I did not initially use the word purge with violence in mind nor did I look it up in the dictionary to be sure I was being PC ... for me I was simply using it in a way that meant the same as purging a sewer line... metaphor intended.
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