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The virus is here to stay!


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This is a very interesting article written by well-respected scientists:


These guys show that the major genetic risk factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neanderthals.  Check the map in the article. Thailand has very few people with this gene. 

Edited by androokery
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3 minutes ago, connda said:

Say "Covid-19" and a large majority of the fearful lose control of their bladders.
Say "Thai road fatalities" and every grins and shrugs.



Yes exactly, the vast majority of people who contract Covid recover.  Not true with traffic fatalities who even if they are not dead have devastating injuries.   A life is a life no matter how it is lost.  Somehow the world and Thailand in particular are willing to kill their countries way of life and economy over Covid but show a total indifference to lives lost from traffic accidents.  We know that a significant percentage of the accidents have drugs and/or alcohol involved.  If the same effort to curb those was implemented as the measures to stop Covid it would save far far far more lives.  Even HIV.  Thailand is the 9th highest in the world.  No quarantines, no testing of people coming into the country.  Those who scoff say oh well you can protect yourself.  Oh really, when the man or woman contracts it from someone and then comes home to the spouse that person can "protect: themselves.  How about the unborn child.  As mentioned each one of us faces a far far greater risk of death or serious injury venturing out on Thailands roads each day yet we do it knowing that risk. 

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IMO the suggestion that Thailand is waiting to become a late victim to covid on a massive scale seems to lack plausibility.

Given Thailand was the first country outside of China to report detection of  C-19 and that Thailand was a major destination for  Chinese tourists most of whom transited  through Wuhan and that now Thailand has neighbors that have ongoing incidences of  infection it is more likely that Thailand has already had a prolonged  but milder strain pass through a significant percentage of general population.

Many people even here on TVF including  myself  have accounts of suffering an illness with symptoms that were "unusual " flu like at the beginning of the year or earlier than the official identification and warnings of a novel virus.

Perhaps even China had a quiet epidemic before this virus mutated sufficiently  to become a more serious strain which then led to cause  for identification as something more than  had been assumed to be influenza and that variant spread out into the wider massive population of China?

Whether it  be prudence or paranoia Thailand's authorities have aligned themselves with the vast  majority of  countries in  applying mitigation procedures seemingly with great success in that sense while  also suffering the social-economic impact.

Touting Sweden as an example of a better alternative is  quite incorrect because although eventually some lesser measures of mitigation were imposed Sweden has also suffered economically and provided a significantly higher death toll than it's  neighbors. As of this month Sweden is  following an economic pattern very  similar to it's regional neighbors.

It is unlikely that any significant loosening of international restrictions will happen until at least one vaccine becomes widely available even if as an effective placebo against the current paranoia.

Conjecture involving any of the  conspiracy stories is irrelevant to the reality of now.


of mitigation



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54 minutes ago, connda said:

And interestingly enough the UK has been caught juking the statistics.  The UK and US have such high "Covid deaths" due to the manner in which the define a Covid death.  Lies, da*m lies, and statistics as they say.

Interesting in that an ex Pfizer chief presents evidence of how many of the tests done are simply wrong.


Of the PCR test, the prevalent COVID test used around the world, the authors write:

"more than half of the positives are likely to be false, potentially all of them."


"In Boston this month, a lab suspended doing coronavirus testing after 400 false positives were discovered."


"In August, the government of Sweden discovered 3700 false COVID positives from test kits made by China's BGI Genomics. The kits were approved in March by the FDA for use in the US."



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In the same article as referenced above, the author mentions two recent "flus" that have a double and triple ifr rate as compared to this current coronavirus.


"In 1957, a pandemic hit, the H2N2 Asian Flu with a .7% Infection Fatality Rate, which killed as many people per capita in the US as the COVID has claimed now. There was never a single mention of it in the news at the time, never mind the extraordinary upheaval that we see now. In 1968 the Hong Kong Flu hit the US (.5% IFR,) taking 100,000 people when the US had a markedly lower population. Not single alarm was raised, not a single store closed nor even a network news story. The following summer the largest gathering in US history took place, Woodstock.

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44 minutes ago, androokery said:

This is a very interesting article written by well-respected scientists:


These guys show that the major genetic risk factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neanderthals.  Check the map in the article. Thailand has very few people with this gene. 

Yes, they say that the low frequency of these genes may be explained by prior culling, possibly through other corona viruses.


"It is also possible that the haplotype has decreased in frequency in East Asia due to negative selection, perhaps from corona viruses or other pathogens. In any event, the COVID-19 risk haplotype on chromosome 3 is similar to some other Neanderthal and Denisovan genetic variants that have reached high frequencies in certain populations14,26–28, but it is now under negative selection due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic"



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The following is a quote from the WHO website's annual report section and titled A World at Risk by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.It makes fascinating reading.


"The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen."




Remember when the US vice president said "we are in the middle of a live exercise"?


Edited by FarFlungFalang
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1 hour ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Given Thailand was the first country outside of China to report detection of  C-19 and that Thailand was a major destination for  Chinese tourists most of whom transited  through Wuhan and that now Thailand has neighbors that have ongoing incidences of  infection it is more likely that Thailand has already had a prolonged  but milder strain pass through a significant percentage of general population.

There were 3600  viral pneumonia deaths of unknown origin in Thailand this year until the reporting of these figures ceased earlier in the year so maybe the strain wasn't so mild.I do agree that it has already passed through Thailand largely undetected. 

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29 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

There were 3600  viral pneumonia deaths of unknown origin in Thailand this year until the reporting of these figures ceased earlier in the year so maybe the strain wasn't so mild.I do agree that it has already passed through Thailand largely undetected. 

Have you got a source for the information on Viral Pneumonia death earlier on in the year. 

It was initially published on the department of public health website, but the data has since been removed. 


I too believe the virus has passed through Thailand largely undetected earlier on in the year (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb) and the reported elevated cases of Viral Pnumonia were in fact Covid-19 which were undetected. 


Thailand had 12 Million Chinese tourists in 2019 and the first case of Covid-19 outside of China confirmed on 13th January. 


The CDC announced that 94% of Covid-19 deaths included comorbidity. In Thailand its possible that with the high incidence of comorbidity the primary cause of death was recorded and the ‘respiratory symptoms’ (later known to be Covid-19) was counted as a contributing morbidity factor. 


There is also the possibility that through selection East Asians have evolved and are naturally less susceptible to Covid-19. This paper posted by ‘androokery’ in this thread explains how and why this could be possible and links the genetic risk factors back through evolution to Neanderthal man of different regions.




Globally - without a vaccine which is 95% effective I can’t see how we can get rid of the virus, its here to stay or the issue may already have passed and with increased testing we are recoding elevated numbers of ‘false positives’ (explanation below).



A paper published in the Lancet titled "False-positive COVID-19 results: hidden problems and costs” (still awaiting peer review) outlines "The current rate of operational false-positive swab tests in the UK is unknown; preliminary estimates show it could be somewhere between 0·8% and 4·0%. This rate could translate into a significant proportion of false-positive results daily due to the current low prevalence of the virus in the UK population


Thus: of 198,402 Covid-19 RT PCR carried out on 29th September, between 1587 and 7936 results could be a false positive. 

There were 7143 new Covid-19 cases reported on 29th September - statistically they could have all been false positives.


The UK and many other countries of the world who have significantly ramped up testeing on those without symptoms could be testing themselves / ourselves into unnecessary panic. 




Edited by richard_smith237
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The tests are allegedly inaccurate, suffice to say if 250 people have been tested positive, it is highly likely that only 20 people are infected, now do the math worldwide.


Death is invisible, when it comes it comes, either a fatal heart attack in bed, a chronic condition catching up with us, a car hitting us, etc etc etc.


Fear controls the masses, the vaccines being pushed is only for the monetary gains of big pharma and a few under their spell, and we all know vaccines aren't the magic bullet, they are not 100% guaranteed to work, in fact manufacturers in some countries are not legally liable if they have adverse effects on us, so jab away if your up for it.


For me, I am living my life, and when death arrives, well, it will arrive, be it a heart attack again or Covid or whatever, there never was a number in age stamped on my forehead when I was born saying; for example 70, so that I knew my end date, so living in fear is not the way to go, life is for once people, so live it, fear not because death will come knocking on all of our doors, it's the part we all fear, for with death, there is no longer life, sadly.


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6 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

It is also possible that the haplotype has decreased in frequency in East Asia due to negative selection, perhaps from corona viruses or other pathogens. In any event, the COVID-19 risk haplotype on chromosome 3 is similar to some other Neanderthal and Denisovan genetic variants that have reached high frequencies in certain populations14,26–28, but it is now under negative selection due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

I can see how there could have been negative selection pressure on a haplotype that in the more distant past made younger people susceptible to far more lethal coronaviruses than the current SARS-2. However, since the overwhelming proportion of SARS-2 fatalities are of people long past breeding age, there’s surely very little negative selection pressure now.

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Have you got a source for the information on Viral Pneumonia death earlier on in the year. 

It was initially published on the department of public health website, but the data has since been removed. 

No I don't have any sources for the info,but this latest vid from Dr John Campbell is interesting as it explores the role Som Tum (Vitamin D) plays in the immune response to the corona virus,and we all laughed at the Som Tum jokes.It's one of his better vids with less of the fear overtones usually present.



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