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Moving to Thailand from UK

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13 minutes ago, treetops said:

Don't rely on any business to keep you going.  If it's successful the Thais will just copy it and undercut you.

And if OP is active in this small business some jealous neighbor will report him and he'll be arrested and fined. 

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18 hours ago, ID2020 said:

seeing as the NHS is useless in the UK and doesn't offer any care to anyone.

please, tell us more about this. practically everyone i know has had surgery through the NHS. I've been cared for personally very well each and every time I've used them. I'm sure some people have had a bad experience, but I dont think that reflects the NHS as a whole. 

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OP you can not legally buy land here as a non Thai. So you would be buying land for your GF. 


If you split up / divorced, you will loose it.


You are even paying for the land that belongs to her 'Uncle' so of course the family is being kind and nice to you.


The land is in the jungle? If so are you even aware it probably does not have legally registered documents? Most of the land in the jungles or on mountains has no legal security and at best it's only able to be used as farmland...not for a house or business. I suggest you research about land title deeds and shnote markers etc. 


You know you can not legally work here in your small business right unless you employ a set amount of full time Thai staff and meet strict financial requirements. 


How is your mother going to like living in the middle of a jungle with her bad hips and recovering from her operation...how far is it from the hospital?


Finally the face it is virtually impossible to get into Thailand now due to the virus restrictions. 




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"My only concern is selling up and buying property in Thailand only to be refused entry at some point in the future or even asked to leave due to whatever reasons, a coup or something else..."


Only invest here what you are able to lose without getting into financial problems.

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Lots of very sensible comments here. I would also add that maybe your GF loves you to pieces but if things turn sour as they so often do, you have no legal comeback. It is best to spend your money after you are married then legally half your joint assets will belong to you. Also I would advise you keep an address in the UK. Such things are useful for banking and investments to say nothing of having a bolt hole if needed.

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23 hours ago, ID2020 said:

I'm 38 years old currently living in London, I am planning on marrying my Thai fiance and was considering selling up and moving to Thailand and taking my mother with me (she wants to come) plus the medical availability in BKK is obviously top notch, she needs a hip replacement so we thought we would get it all done in Thailand seeing as the NHS is useless in the UK and doesn't offer any care to anyone.

ID2020....When you are allowed to enter the country....where are you thinking of living ? what are you thinking of working at.

Its difficult when people come on here for advice, but they don't give any details---you may be a highly skilled person -- or not. Have you spent time in Thailand or meet your G/F in the UK?

As suggested---leave Mum at home to look after that end, have a year here, then decide.


After taking a love potion, I (We) left London in the mid 60s to go to her small town in Kiwi "Tokoroa" to chop down trees. The reality didn't quite meet my expectations---and it wasn't a happy ending.


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i see your getting many replies and they seem along the same lines,my experience is a little different as i have lived and worked in many countries korea hk singapore australia the middle east and parts of europe.i bought a condo here 10 yrs ago whilst living and working in hk.IMO theres many other places where you can get a fair deal,u dont here,simple as that,youve no rights,if i left i cant return now,even though i have a long term visa and own property!!!work ?as others state u wont get a decent job on local economy not unless hired from home.your always treated differently,yep its called racism its common all over the world and it isnt the same in the real world as in PCUK where its taught that its something whites do to blacks.dont sell your assets in UK something u can always fall back on and rent out too,dont buy here unless its a condo and put it in your name or mums before you marry a local.im not being nasty but the laws different here,in her name the next day she can legally put u out on the street in a minute.nothing u can do about it so....im sure she a nice person but we are living in the real world.id suggest southern europe perhaps another part of asia- singapore.what do you do?your a young person so many possibilities.hk but its screwed now.as for medical its expensive the techniques/procedures are always some yrs behind europe/usa,its expensive if your mums older youll need ins,not cheap.presently we have a pseudo fascist bunch of retards running the show so they wont let u in anyway.keep your powder dry.dont jump in a hole you cant get out of,dont sell up and go to a place u dont know cant get a decent job,are legally discriminated against and cant own the land you live on,presently u cant even live on it if your overseas.what does that tell you?

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Wow, some really conflicting advice going around, predominantly based around nightmare stories, we want to grow old together, I won;t be able to do that in any other country, the UK is about to become your worst nightmare to be honest... its not wort staying here unless you want to become a digital prisoner ???? 

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Don't sell everything! Maybe you could downsize. Sell your home and get a smaller, cheaper flat instead..just in case. This way you could easily buy or build a home in Thailand and have a rental income from the UK. Also a place to fall back on if needed especially since you're planning to bring your Mum along. Visa is a constant headache here even if you married and it will be more difficult for your mother...Don't buy land for agriculture use only if you need some for your house. Land is very expensive in Thailand and if used for agriculture (rice, etc) returns will be very small unless you have some magical crop. Which province/city do you plan to move in Thailand?

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Don’t do it ! Have an escape plan. I done the sold up thing and moved to Thailand and it drives me insane after 10 years with all their stupid rules for visa renewals , company papers , getting people to do things correct the first time . I have spent tens of millions in the country buying property etc but now am in the uk and required again to jump through a million hoops to return and need pay for two weeks quarantine despite having a home ! 
While I like the food , the country , the people I cannot stand the clowns that run the place and make up the rules ! Each new one is as useless as the previous and I never actually see them doing anything of great change or benefit to the people , only benefit those with money in the upper classes .


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Thanks for the advice Bigz, I'm looking to go Pratchuap, I think your idea is sound to be fair!

I want a homestead so we can become self sufficient, I know there are going to be many problems ahead and becoming self sufficient is key to surviving the depression we are falling into.

I plan to make it so even if we only earned a small income we could still survive!!

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I really liked your posts.

Some guys on the Forum had horrible experiences with their girlfriends, and try to warn you.  Obviously you should not go blind into the adventure, but from what you wrote it is clear that you have found your True One.

For every horror story there is also a wonderful story.

Indeed, if you have good intuitive sense and feel genuinely uplifted by the relationship with your Thai girlfriend, everything will turn out alright.

So. namaste for you!

Note: I am fairly well versed in thai Immgration matters, so if you have questions about which Visa to apply for (once the borders are open again) or any other Visa-related matters, you can simply PM me.

Glad to be of help for someone wanting to live the dream with his Thai Angel (having done it myself and best decision of my life).



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57 minutes ago, ID2020 said:



Thank you to the rest of you for being very helpful, I think my heart wants to go because I know her family would take care of us and life in the UK is becoming unbearable.  Don't get me wrong I hear all of you and all of your worries and concerns.

The NHS is leaving people to die in the UK, on purpose it seems, I have been let down and screwed by the NHS too so it's not like I look to them for security or support either, if I continued trusting their level of professionalism and care I would be dead by now.  


The old world is being dismantled/destroyed and a new world is being born in its place. Not a nice one either, those who do not have land to feed themselves will starve, OR, take an mRNA vaccine and have additional instructions inserted into their DNA which will work in harmony with the AI systems that will basically run the global electronic cashless control grid. We will be monitored 24/7 and those who dissent or complain will disappear. It is literally Orwells 1984 on steroids.


The only way out of it or to avoid it at least would seemingly be move to a third world county where the infrastructure is years behind and live out our last few years being self sufficient and away from city centers.


BY 2025, half of the world population is said to have been decimated. I have done my research, I suggest everyone investigate Davos/World Economic Forum's great reset. The man made bio weapon known as covid19 was developed and released on purpose in order to deliver ID2020 in accordance with Lockstep2010, Agenda21 and Agenda2030. Everything is going according to plan.


What this means is, unelected people have been deciding our future for a very long time, i.e. the past decade had already been pre planned just like the next decade has, therefore Covid19 under Event201 was a pre planned operation. We are in deep trouble here guys. A Technological scientifically created dictatorship is rising from the ashes of the old world and the entire surveillance system is controlled by.... "Skynet". Yes there are armies of drones and robot/cyborg police/army on the way. DARPA and their total information awareness program coupled with full spectrum dominance will keep all of us electronically tagged cattle in order. Anyone who steps outside of their allocated geofence will be fined and imprisoned. 

You could say our worst nightmare is on its way and like HG Wells said back in 1939 (because this plan has been in motion for centuries now) "Countless people... will hate the new world order... and will die protesting against it".


I know this may sound absolutely ridiculous to those who have not been reading or studying the subject, to those who have no understanding of the world we live in and what occurs behind the scenes etc. Covid IS a man made weapon, the Chinese have already confirmed this, multiple sources have confirmed this, its just the mainstream corporate controlled media not reporting this because it does not fit the narrative, we are being lied to on an organised global scale. I guarantee you, people are not risking their lives desperately trying to share this information for nothing. 

I just want to go live somewhere I can be fully self sufficient and not ever have to beg the government for handouts... thats all. 

If you don't beleive what I have written then you should be investigating the above because not only your life, but the life of your loved ones hangs in the balance, these people have already told us they want mass depopulation and a worldwide population of no more than 500 million. They are not messing about and are deadly serious, just like me sharing this warning. We must act before it's too late.

Dr Carrie Madej - youtube NOW your life depends on it.
Lockstep2010 - rockefeller paper on locking down all countries in unison based on plandemic. 
Event201 - hosted by bill gates in October 2019 regarding the plandemic we are living through, it was pre planned pre scripted. 
ID2020 - the mark of the beast being deployed globally. Without it no one can leave their home, work, buy or sell.
Agenda21 - Agenda for the 21st century, orchestrated planned and governed by unelected billionaires - who said these people decide our future?
Agenda2030 - the agenda to be realised by 2030. Meaning the next decade has already been planned and agreed on without your knowledge, awareness or consent!!!

You must investigate their internal documents otherwise your opinion is warrantless. 


This is their openly stated plans, only people devoid of knowledge and information will ignore this and deem it nonsense. 

I did want to settle in Thailand with her anyway but the above is just giving me more reason to do so.

There is no where you can go in the UK to become self sufficient without being bullied or robbed. In Thailand you can defend yourself with arms. In the UK you must kneel before those with arms, i.e. the government. Thai people will never surrender to anything less than freedom. Just look at the kids fighting the monarchy. The kids are wising up. I think I would feel safer in the jungle knowing I can feed my family...



Wow. A little too long to read it all. Thailand is not a third world country anymore by the way...if you think you can be self efficient and left alone in the jungle here with no strings attached you're up for a surprise. 

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16 minutes ago, ID2020 said:

"if you think you can be self efficient and left alone in the jungle here with no strings attached you're up for a surprise. "

Why is that ??

Prachuap Kiri Khan province is not the jungle.  It is a fairly touristic destination, HuaHIn being one of the tourist hot-spots both for Thai and foreign visitors.


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1 minute ago, ID2020 said:

"if you think you can be self efficient and left alone in the jungle here with no strings attached you're up for a surprise. "

Why is that ?? 


Thailand caught up already and nearly on par with the Chinese when it comes to control. Start with the fingerprinting every time you enter/leave the country. Constant need to report(every 90 days) of your whereabouts to immigration. Even if you have an annual marriage visa extension you need a reentry permit if you leave the country for any reason even for a day. That alone is already much harsher than in the UK from where you want to escape. In a rural area everyone will know and remember the odd farang, everywhere you go curious eyes will stare upon you. Last week my wife had to take photos of me and send it to some local government official. You are watched over here more than back in Europe. It doesn't bother me but it seems that this is one of your major concern in the UK so be prepared it is worse here. Also the rich are even more careless than in Europe when it comes to exploiting the poor. Don't fall the Buddha stuff although it's good in it's core the temples are only money making machines nothing else. Here everything is about status and money.

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2 hours ago, ID2020 said:



Thank you to the rest of you for being very helpful, I think my heart wants to go because I know her family would take care of us and life in the UK is becoming unbearable.  Don't get me wrong I hear all of you and all of your worries and concerns.

The NHS is leaving people to die in the UK, on purpose it seems, I have been let down and screwed by the NHS too so it's not like I look to them for security or support either, if I continued trusting their level of professionalism and care I would be dead by now.  


The old world is being dismantled/destroyed and a new world is being born in its place. Not a nice one either, those who do not have land to feed themselves will starve, OR, take an mRNA vaccine and have additional instructions inserted into their DNA which will work in harmony with the AI systems that will basically run the global electronic cashless control grid. We will be monitored 24/7 and those who dissent or complain will disappear. It is literally Orwells 1984 on steroids.


The only way out of it or to avoid it at least would seemingly be move to a third world county where the infrastructure is years behind and live out our last few years being self sufficient and away from city centers.


BY 2025, half of the world population is said to have been decimated. I have done my research, I suggest everyone investigate Davos/World Economic Forum's great reset. The man made bio weapon known as covid19 was developed and released on purpose in order to deliver ID2020 in accordance with Lockstep2010, Agenda21 and Agenda2030. Everything is going according to plan.


What this means is, unelected people have been deciding our future for a very long time, i.e. the past decade had already been pre planned just like the next decade has, therefore Covid19 under Event201 was a pre planned operation. We are in deep trouble here guys. A Technological scientifically created dictatorship is rising from the ashes of the old world and the entire surveillance system is controlled by.... "Skynet". Yes there are armies of drones and robot/cyborg police/army on the way. DARPA and their total information awareness program coupled with full spectrum dominance will keep all of us electronically tagged cattle in order. Anyone who steps outside of their allocated geofence will be fined and imprisoned. 

You could say our worst nightmare is on its way and like HG Wells said back in 1939 (because this plan has been in motion for centuries now) "Countless people... will hate the new world order... and will die protesting against it".


I know this may sound absolutely ridiculous to those who have not been reading or studying the subject, to those who have no understanding of the world we live in and what occurs behind the scenes etc. Covid IS a man made weapon, the Chinese have already confirmed this, multiple sources have confirmed this, its just the mainstream corporate controlled media not reporting this because it does not fit the narrative, we are being lied to on an organised global scale. I guarantee you, people are not risking their lives desperately trying to share this information for nothing. 

I just want to go live somewhere I can be fully self sufficient and not ever have to beg the government for handouts... thats all. 

If you don't beleive what I have written then you should be investigating the above because not only your life, but the life of your loved ones hangs in the balance, these people have already told us they want mass depopulation and a worldwide population of no more than 500 million. They are not messing about and are deadly serious, just like me sharing this warning. We must act before it's too late.

Dr Carrie Madej - youtube NOW your life depends on it.
Lockstep2010 - rockefeller paper on locking down all countries in unison based on plandemic. 
Event201 - hosted by bill gates in October 2019 regarding the plandemic we are living through, it was pre planned pre scripted. 
ID2020 - the mark of the beast being deployed globally. Without it no one can leave their home, work, buy or sell.
Agenda21 - Agenda for the 21st century, orchestrated planned and governed by unelected billionaires - who said these people decide our future?
Agenda2030 - the agenda to be realised by 2030. Meaning the next decade has already been planned and agreed on without your knowledge, awareness or consent!!!

You must investigate their internal documents otherwise your opinion is warrantless. 


This is their openly stated plans, only people devoid of knowledge and information will ignore this and deem it nonsense. 

I did want to settle in Thailand with her anyway but the above is just giving me more reason to do so.

There is no where you can go in the UK to become self sufficient without being bullied or robbed. In Thailand you can defend yourself with arms. In the UK you must kneel before those with arms, i.e. the government. Thai people will never surrender to anything less than freedom. Just look at the kids fighting the monarchy. The kids are wising up. I think I would feel safer in the jungle knowing I can feed my family...



The guy thinks the pandemic was planned, Bill Gates was in on it, and that nano tracking will be in the vaccine. And people are suggesting he do research on Thailand.


What makes anyone think he's capable of drawing a reasonable conclusion from research?

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If you read the documents I have clearly pointed out for you, or listen to the Dr I have pointed you to you would conclude the same. You remind me of people who think they know more than say a Mechanic about engines or Rocket Scientists about rockets. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to belittle someone trying to save your life. 

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Hi Elkski, 

Thank you kindly for your input. May I ask why you need so many millions of dollars to survive?

The land is going to cost around £25k the house a maximum of £50k to become self sufficient another £25k a decent second hand car, £10-15k. Not bad really, then we will be self sufficient, I'm not planning on having children either. It's just me, my gf, my mum until she departs and her family... I don't plan on returning to the UK and plan to die in Thailand leaving her with my stuff if she out lives me which she will. Her parents only have land, its her aunties and uncles who have the cash. My mums sister is a millionaire, you think she has ever helped her or us?? LOL I don;t expect her rich aunties to help us financially i dont expect anyone too. I do however expect to pay commission for ll the help I receive when im there, thats standard practice and a respectful gesture given they will be saving me a lot of money paying thai prices and not farang prices.  

Am I missing something??


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20 hours ago, ID2020 said:

Hi darrendsd, I am grateful and thankful for all advice and understand why everyone says what you say, but what about all the genuine people out there? There has been plenty of people who have made the move and it has worked out for them, in the case that my GF is genuine and that her family are too, whats the worst that could happen??

That you'll lose all back home, your gf, and a lot of your self-esteem, and you want to take your mother to a country you don't really know?


You were on a few holidays, which is different from living here. 


  Perhaps you haven't yet understood that Thai women can play the fantastic wife, do all for you, but not for free.


 Are you planning to run a business in Prachuap? Forget it; some too many people have failed to do that.


 Leave mom at home, do not sell all, try to live with your gf in a rented place, and see how it is after a few months.


 Don't be a fool. I think I know what I'm talking about. 


Do not buy land from her uncle.

BTW, how do you know if she isn't married here?


Because you believe her? Love makes blind and dumb. 



Edited by teacherclaire
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