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Israeli Holds Elephant Hostage


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The whole bizarre incident sounds like a great scene for a movie.

I must be a bleeding heart, but the way I see it, nobody including the beast really got hurt badly, so deporting and life blacklisting the guy and forcing him to pay all damages would be good enough. Thai jails I hear are really bad, so sending anyone there can be kind of a death sentence. Too severe even for that mishuga.

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Saw this on tv, it was actually quite amusing. Him walking around withe the elephant having a smoke and the meat cleaver in one hand.

question. ..How can you hold an elephant thats 5x your size hostage with a meat cleaver? Cops were probably more worried that the elephant would stomp him.

Well, he was an Israeli. Maybe the cops had a hard time telling which one was the elephant.

(Big nose? nudge, nudge, wink, wink?)

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